Malware Threat in the Blond_Lilly ad

I emailed my tech support and they disagree with you. In fact, here is the email:

"There are no links to cause a malware alert on your website, trust me, the members must have instaled on their computers a Firewall or software that is detecting that your website is adult and as a precaution labels all adult sites a threat. This is due to the many porn websites that do use malware, and the viruses that attach themselves to porn in order to spread. Our company has no financial gain in attacking your visitors.
Thank you !


And the 200 people who view my site everyday haven't reported any problems. I'd think that if there were something going on then my pc would for sure be the first one to suffer, and it's definitely just fine. I did a malware scan a couple of days ago. Looks like you're the only one complaining, yet you haven't reported that any of this has caused you any actual problems. Neither has anybody else. So I'm really unclear as to how you would want me to proceed.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I emailed my tech support and they disagree with you. In fact, here is the email:

"There are no links to cause a malware alert on your website, trust me, the members must have instaled on their computers a Firewall or software that is detecting that your website is adult and as a precaution labels all adult sites a threat. This is due to the many porn websites that do use malware, and the viruses that attach themselves to porn in order to spread. Our company has no financial gain in attacking your visitors.
Thank you !
Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Your tech support is not listening.

The problem is with the IP address, not necessarily your own web site. There are more than 100 web sites at IP address Any of the web sites hosted on that IP could be the problem. If any of the web sites hosted at that IP address had malware, this could have caused the IP address to be flagged. Web sites hosted at that address have banner ads. These banner ads are hosted at other sites, for instance, adsverse. Adsverse or other sites could have linked to a web site that was infected. Some of the banner ads could have had malware at some time that caused this IP to be flagged. The malware at these other sites could have been, for instance, a flash animation. The problem may have happened at some time in the past and may be fixed now.

Or the malwarebytes warning could be a "false positive."

Unfortunately, there may not be anything your web host can do.
GneissGuy's Avatar
In the interest of full disclosure, I should add:

There's no evidence niceguy4u2010's PC was ever attacked, only that Malwarebytes put the IP of the web server that serves the web pages of Lily and 100 other people hosted something bad at some time.

i.e. Malwarebytes has marked xyzwebserving as bad, not m as bad.

It's a bit like saying "There are lots of ripoff bitches advertising on Cr**gslist," vs. saying "Typhoid Mary (who advertises on Cr**gslist) is a ripoff bitch."