What is popper play ?

chicagoboy's Avatar
Amyl Nitrate boosts blood pressure ... Originally Posted by CoonAssinLa
Don't you mean decreases?
Amyl nitrite, not nitrate.

Learn your chemistry.
  • Tarl
  • 10-11-2016, 10:37 PM
Rush and most of the smoke shop brands are isobutyl nitrite ((CH3)2CH-CH2-O-NO) or Alkyl nitrite, those are the ones that cause headaches and kill brains cells by the thousands.

True poppers are Amyl Nitrite and are usually only available by prescription.
Amyl Nitrate can lower blood pressure and should never be used as poppers in conjunction with Viagra or any Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Med.
Rush and most of the smoke shop brands are isobutyl nitrite ((CH3)2CH-CH2-O-NO) or Alkyl nitrite, those are the ones that cause headaches and kill brains cells by the thousands.

True poppers are Amyl Nitrite and are usually only available by prescription.
Amyl Nitrate can lower blood pressure and should never be used as poppers in conjunction with Viagra or any Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Med. Originally Posted by Tarl
Good advice.Yes it causes headaches,
Love the "True Poppers" reference for underground club drugs.
Anyway, wiki here is your friend

Poppers are an inhalant that many subs find has the desired effect for sessions. It's a stimulant. Done of the more well known Dommes utilize it in a forced intox type of way. My Domme,Mistress Cyber uses this and forced Viagra taking on me when we session. It enhances the play.
pmdelites's Avatar
"Poppers are an aphrodisiac and *inhibition relaxer*. "
as stated above, they are a chemical that affects your blood pressure and your brain. I'm not sure, but i think Amyl was made illegal here in texas, so Butyl became the popper of choice (or the other way around).

regardless, i wouldnt call them aphrodisiacs and would only call them relaxers cos they lower your blood pressure (why you feel light-headed).

IF (and that's a very BIG IF) you decide to use it, check it out first in a safe enviroment so you'll know how you and/or your partner will react. they are NOT for the faint of heart.

have a deliteful time but take care!!
Kinsey Pink's Avatar
Oh I love watching men huff poppers. I'm not into forcible intoxication, but I love seeing an enthusiastic whiff off the bottle (hold one nostril closed for full effect).
So I wonder if poppers would help achieve a "prostate" or "hands-free" orgasm while using a prostate simulator or while being pegged?
Dale, go see Mistress Tracy and she will complete the task
Tori, I would love to inhale poppers for you then, 'You can have your way with me'
Monica13's Avatar
The ones manufactured in the USA are fake. I order mine from Canada where it's genuine.
They won't help you achieve orgasm. What they will do is to relax your sphincter so that your Domme can get that strapon in there after all!
Am surprised nobody has yet mentioned Sam Kinison and his bit on poppers:
crimson's Avatar
Note, they lower blood pressure, not raise it, by dilating blood vessels. Just saying since this could be a really important difference.

Amyl Nitrate. Refers to a small, usually brown bottle of solvents or the solvents themselves, which are sniffed, usually during homosexual sex by the bottom. Amyl Nitrate boosts blood pressure, relaxing the anus and making anal sex more comoftable. Also known as snappers. Originally Posted by CoonAssinLa