So let's talk about something controversial...

Dice man1983's Avatar
To me when a guy says he won't bang a chick that has been with a black, is because he has a baby dick. I have dated girls that have slept with black guys and it don't matter to me. I am by no means John Holmes but I seem to get a call back about 90% of the time... All the time
Prowordsmith's Avatar
Tracy - Number One - Your ass is NOT too big. Looks fine to me!
Number Two - I don't care about who you date in RW. If you agreed to spend time with me, well, that's all that matters to me!
manuatu's Avatar
It does not bother me at all. But as said I love love love that booty of yours!!!
Samcro84's Avatar
Tracy I think your problem is solved. No body cares what the idiot wrote about you. We all agree about that ass of yours.
sa2ny76's Avatar
Tracy...I have NOOOOO.....problem with your real world preference......& no one should...
LOL nice responses. I was just curious...

What's funny to me is if they think they won't get pleasure out of seeing me... I've been told my all sizes that my kitty feels great. A vagina is a muscle folks... I know how to flex it.

I have no idea what was said in private and it doesn't matter to me. Also, if I am a very open person, I will keep certain things to myself private but I've honestly dated all races. Asians, whites, blacks, hispanics, middle easterns... What I honestly look for is if you can make me laugh!!

I was having a conversation with a guy friend of mine that I've known a year or so and he told me that I'm intimidating. I've always suspected that, but he confirmed it. So if you don't have enough cojones to mess with me, then don't. I'm funny, pretty, can hold a decent convo and have some ambition. I'm a great person to know and will always treat everyone with respect until they don't treat me with any, then it's over for them.

With that said, happy hump day folks!!
flanker6's Avatar
LOL nice responses.

I'm funny, pretty, can hold a decent convo and have some ambition. I'm a great person to know and will always treat everyone with respect until they don't treat me with any, then it's over for them.

With that said, happy hump day folks!! Originally Posted by Tracy Auburn

+1 that says it all. I have always enjoyed your company very much and will continue to do so. Always a blast and dare I say you have a banging body
What's not to like about you)
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Maybe my ass is too big....
Discuss. Originally Posted by Tracy Auburn
Precious_b's Avatar
Candi Staxx's Avatar
Tracy, just my 2cents, who you choose to date in rw is your business. Don't discuss it with anyone from the hobby. Originally Posted by Novatx

No it should'nt matter, although to some it might. Even though Im the queen of over posting sometimes, even I know, some things should really be kept private and off the board,IMO.
Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 12-11-2013, 11:20 AM
Tracy, It makes no difference to me and very well shouldn't. There are beautiful people of all races. For some, there seems to be a preference, so be it .... you/they may have good reason to have a preference of race, but people shouldn't be talking about what others prefer. Evidently this person has some sort of grudge against you and your preferences for some reason, but don't you let that bother you one bit. If you didn't want to see me because I'm of Hispanic origin, then so be it ... it's your choice entirely who you see, date, screw, fuck and make love to. Just as it's my choice to choose what age, ethnicity, size, or activities. I'd hope to see you one day although I'm not of your "preferred" race. I think you can see that as a whole, most of us could care less about who you prefer to date in your RL. Hope I made some sort of sense, that kinda pisses me off!

No it should'nt matter, although to some it might. Even though Im the queen of over posting sometimes, even I know, some things should really be kept private and off the board,IMO.
Originally Posted by Candi Staxx

I'm of the mindset that it's about to be 2014, if I date a green alien, that's my prerogative.

I am very open and honest about a lot of things. None you could really trace to find me. I think that's part of my charm because at least you know I'm real.


I've dated many hispanic men. I just like a guy with a tan, sheesh. lol

I've dated many hispanic men. I just like a guy with a tan, sheesh. lol Originally Posted by Tracy Auburn
You don't have to defend your choices. Nobodies business. I am chubby Mexican guy with farmers tan. IJS

guy fawkes's Avatar
To me when a guy says he won't bang a chick that has been with a black,
Ok Archie Bunker