Hillary Clinton is kicking major Republican @ss in the latest general election polls

LexusLover's Avatar
BTW, my recollection is that this time in 2007 America was Trending Hillary... Originally Posted by gnadfly
Your recollection is good. Back then she hadn't opened her mouth much either.



"Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally"
Your recollection is good. Back then she hadn't opened her mouth much either.



"Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally" Originally Posted by LexusLover
We're good now. There are no more historical type candidacy's to challenge Hillary's as a woman especially now that Obama won two elections. Once Hillary wins as a woman the next historic leap will be Julian Castro the Hispanic mayor winning the presidency.

In democratic polling Hillary is beating the democratic field by 60+ points. The Democratic establishment is now ready for her nomination. We felt bad that Obama came in and stole her thunder but it was the right thing for the country to do from an historical perspective.
LexusLover's Avatar
We're good now. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Race, gender, race based selection process. Screw qualifications. Right?
She has to win the nomination first.

As i recall the last time out, a skinny black guy came out of nowhere and creamed her in the primaries. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Well that's just it. I always figured America would end up electing a Black President. Remember when Jesse Jackson ran for president. The reason he wasn't nominated is because America already knew to much about him and most of it was negative. He was unable to capture enough media support and bullshit his way into the white house. That's basically how Obama won. No one knew much about him America had no experiences with this guy. The media gave him unlimited support and he was able to bullshit his way across the finishing line. Same thing holds true with a Female president we will have one, one day. Probably not Hilary Clinton though. America has had way to many negative experiences with her going way back, even during the years her husband was Governor of Arkansas. The illusion that she would make a formidable president is just that an illusion.

When she ran in the NY Senate election she promised NYS 250000 jobs in her term. When she left we were 10000 jobs in the red ! Billy C decided that she wasn't a good fuck so he
to go elsewhere for his nookie !
LexusLover's Avatar
Billy C decided that she wasn't a good fuck so he to go elsewhere for his nookie ! Originally Posted by DoubleNikels

He knew back then. Half-mast eyelids, light shades, and a fake smile.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So let's see.

This isn't one poll. It's the average of a number of them, including your beloved Faux News.

So what are you dipshits squealing about?

It's an aggregate POLL.

And, if the election was held today, it indicates that you simpering assholes would be squealing for another eight years after President Obama's term ends.

But we don't need to check with Quinnipiac or Fox to realize that, no matter who wins, you braying asses will be braying, do we boys?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's basically how Obama won. No one knew much about him America had no experiences with this guy. The media gave him unlimited support and he was able to bullshit his way across the finishing line.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Not quite true. We were entering a recession and most people held Bush responsible. Then the Republicans put up McCain, who by himself was barely tolerable among voters, and paired with Sarah Palin. Obama didn't really have to bullshit too much to beat that opposition.
Not quite true. We were entering a recession and most people held Bush responsible. Then the Republicans put up McCain, who by himself was barely tolerable among voters, and paired with Sarah Palin. Obama didn't really have to bullshit too much to beat that opposition. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If Clinton was to be the first female president she would have won then. You would be surprised how much preparation went into getting the unknown into the White House.

Zanzi.. weren't you and the other Hillary Shills all going on and on in 2006 how Hillary "had it locked up" and was "guaranteed" the Dem Nod for 2008?

What happened? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
No I was just waiting for the black super hero to come through.

Que the butthurt brigade.
Race, gender, race based selection process. Screw qualifications. Right? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Obama has a law degree from an Ivy league institution. Taught constitutional law, served on several board of directorships, worked for a law firm, did some community organizing (like the Koch brothers backed community organizing tea party movement) , served in the Illinois State senate for 7 yrs, served in the US senate for 2 yrs and then beat every republican candidate yall threw at him. From a war vet and beauty queen to a mega rich business man and young budget Hawk in Paul Ryan. I would say he won fair in sqaure on the STRENGTH of his QUALIFICATIONS.

end of story my friend
So let's see.

This isn't one poll. It's the average of a number of them, including your beloved Faux News.

So what are you dipshits squealing about?

It's an aggregate POLL.

And, if the election was held today, it indicates that you simpering assholes would be squealing for another eight years after President Obama's term ends.

But we don't need to check with Quinnipiac or Fox to realize that, no matter who wins, you braying asses will be braying, do we boys? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I purposely led with the Faux news poll didnt want to hear any conspiracy theories

I think they need to read their own poll and then jump on the Hillary Express.
Obama has a law degree from an Ivy league institution. Taught constitutional law, served on several board of directorships, worked for a law firm, did some community organizing (like the Koch brothers backed community organizing tea party movement) , served in the Illinois State senate for 7 yrs, served in the US senate for 2 yrs and then beat every republican candidate yall threw at him. From a war vet and beauty queen to a mega rich business man and young budget Hawk in Paul Ryan. I would say he won fair in sqaure on the STRENGTH of his QUALIFICATIONS.

end of story my friend Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Barack and Michelle both surrendered their Law License. Explain that story.

RedLeg505's Avatar
Taught constitutional law
end of story my friend Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
is THAT why Obama holds the RECORD for the most 9-0 rulings against him in the least amount of time? Because he TAUGHT constitutional law?


As for the "beat every republican candidate yall threw at him"... Oh, you mean like "Shrub" beat every Democrat candidate yall threw at HIM?

And please.. don't start with the "Supreme court elected Bush in 2000".. Unless you want to claim Clinton who won with less than 50% of the popular vote wasn't valid either?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama did not teach Constitutional law. He was a part time lecturer and taught an elective on the 14th Amendment. That's a huge difference from teaching ConLaw. Bonus question: What major bills did Obama sponsor and pass while in the Illinois Senate? If you know, please answer "present".