Co worker advice?

Amen. It get's complex and ugly pretty fast when the shit hits the fan depending on the status of the participants. Might be ok to start something like that on your last week there.

Guess if you're an adrenaline junky or the CEO and can go to work everyday with the I'm good with whatever happens today attitude, go for it. May be you will God forbid end up married to your coworker.Happens all the time as mentioned. Good luck. Lol.

ps Also depends on how big the company is. Small shops bad. Google, IBM, Exxon, Goldman good. etc
TexTushHog's Avatar
Speaking only about the legal angles, the first question is, what is your position in the company and what is hers. If you are an owner, stockholder or shareholder, or high level executive and she is not also on the same level as you are, it's a very bad idea. If you are both lower on the totem pole, does your company have a policy against dating? If not, so much the better. If so, look carefully at it and see if it prohibits this relationship. It may or it may not. If there is no policy, and you are both on relatively the same level, and not too far apart in age, it's not risk free, but it's probably very low risk unless you do something dumb.

First rule of not doing something dumb is, if she says "No," that's it. Don't push it. Second rule is don't do something on the company's time that you wouldn't tell your grandmother about. After hours, have at it, though avoiding a hit and run is excellent advice. If you're going to fuck a gal over, you probably shouldn't. And for the love of God, don't do that to a co-worker. Just bad form and dumb in more ways that you can shake a stick at.

One final thing to consider, how good is your job. If it's a McJob that you can replace in a week or so with a job that's just as good, you can take more risk. If getting fired would be a life altering event and you might never recover from, it's always best to err on the side of caution, no matter how safe you think you are.

Now, on a more practical level, ask her if she wants to go out for pizza and then go fuck afterwards. If she says, "No!," ask her "What's wrong? You don't like pizza?!"

Seriously, follow policy, just be generally respectful, don't date folks way above or especially below your level, and use common sense. You'll probably be fine.
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Your answer is simple
Workplace Sexual Harassment

This could end up ugly.
Even if she want to suck you dry because she likes you.
What happens when you let her and then let her know it was only a Bj you was interested in
playerplano's Avatar
Ha ha one of the female executives I know says " If he is good looking it's not sexual harassment! " damn but politically correct = no balls .
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 07-18-2015, 08:19 AM
Seems like it is someone you have to interact with on a regular basis for your job; that being the case just say no.

If she was just someone in the office and wouldn't impact your job (or you hers), then I would say have fun...but what it sounds like, that is not the case.
bored@home's Avatar
Ha ha one of the female executives I know says " If he is good looking it's not sexual harassment! " damn but politically correct = no balls . Originally Posted by playerplano
Ha ha one of the female executives I know says " If he is good looking it's not sexual harassment! " damn but politically correct = no balls . Originally Posted by playerplano
It's jest but a study I read some years ago bears this out. And if you're a regularly reader of Heartiste you know the truth of it. The better looking/more confident a guy is the less it's sexual harassment (aka sexual attention by the WRONG male).

Second rule is don't do something on the company's time that you wouldn't tell your grandmother about. After hours, have at it, though avoiding a hit and run is excellent advice. If you're going to fuck a gal over, you probably shouldn't. And for the love of God, don't do that to a co-worker. Just bad form and dumb in more ways that you can shake a stick at. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Excellent advice TTH, BUT some companies codes of conducts also cover employees after hours. A lot of folks aren't aware of this and hell I was vaguely aware of it but I've gotten a look at my company's policy and basically anything involving sex, violence, drugs (but not rock&roll) you get tagged with OFF the clock can get you terminated EVEN if it doesn't affect your job performance or time on the job. F'n fascists.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Most of these guys live in fear. Personally, I doubt most of them are speaking from personal experience. They're probably basing their opinions from what they've seen or heard from the news, or "someone" it happened to. I've dated women in my company for more than 10 years without incident. If you keep your time at work professional, you'll be fine. People that have issues are usually the ones that don't know how to talk to women, don't know how to take control of a relationship and set boundaries, or are immature.
Hercules's Avatar
Personal experience speaking so be weary of the bleeding heart romantics club. First job out of college. Didn't know better, didn't care. Started dating a gal in the company. Got very serious. Within 4 months had to have a "lunch meeting" with our supervisors (I.e. the warning) After 6 months I had to find a new job due to conflict of interests (she worked there longer and had seniority so I volunteered to leave).

If you think the pussy is worth your job and you can easily find a new one then go for it. Else tread lightly.
Sexomatic82's Avatar
I want to tell you not to make you money where you get your funny! But who the hell cares enjoy yourself, be yourself and come right out with it. If she is humanoid or born on Planet Earth she was born with instinct, she knows what going on before you even tell her. Bang her make it last and count. Stroke like she loves the "D" and she will! lick it and straight tell her before your stipulations and reasons. If she can't agree with this ditch her get out your feelings and broom her because it is not safe anyway with a loose crazy bitch running around with info to take money and dreams from you when she bitter and unhappy and want someone to be on the fucking island with her. But I think I want to suggest to you not to do it! I know it's great to have a fuck buddy at work and I know how pretty she is but NOOOO! Don't do it! Some women will be mean women and snitch just because the dick was different from last night than it was from two days ago.

So Don't do it!!! Keep it professional at the job or grow some balls and go in her office and tell her you're tired of flirting and want something nasty and dirty at the work place! Let Rock!
pyramider's Avatar
Do her!!! What could possibly go wrong ...