No, teenagers are NOT doing this, and in fact anyone who's ever used/handled a tampon would realize that a soaked tampon can't be inserted anywhere. This is just another stupid story made up by stupid adults like the "LSD temporary tattoos" myth which has been going around since the '60s. This one in particular was made up by a stupid cop in Arizona who wanted to get on TV, and spread by badge-licking reporters who imagine that a stupid cop in Arizona somehow knows what kids all over the country are doing (via his super psychic cop powers, no doubt).
Read this: and this:
and, for good measure, this: in the future, y'all, do try to be more skeptical of nonsense spread by the media/cop coalition, the same folks who brought you the Satanic Panic, 10,000 gypsy hookers following sporting events, "the average sex worker is 13" and other such idiotic myths.
Originally Posted by AngelOK
I'm inclined to agree, mainly because I tried freshen up once by putting cologne on the head of my penis. The resulting sensation could only be described by, "Holy fuck! Why did I do that? BUUUURRRRRRNNN!" My guess is that most solvents would burn like this if injected directly into the bloody stream (i.e., through the head of the penis or the vaj).
In short, I would think this would be to painful to actually do. If anyone cares to try to prove me wrong, feel free.