Cost of Earthquake

Bear in mind that a lot of what you are hearing in the media is being mouthed by people with an anti-nuke agenda.
atlcomedy's Avatar
The ships are a different issue. Not a lot of countries have a fleet of carriers that can help out in that situation. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I got no problem with putting in all the humanitarian aid we can muster over there as fast as we can send.

Once the crisis over and it's time for economic rebuilding . . . well . . . this isn't very Buddhist of me . . . but fuck 'em. Maybe karma is a bitch.

Mazo. Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
agreed. agreed.

sent all the humanitarian or logistical support that we can uniquely provide...and to borrow what seems to be new popular acronym on it "OTC"

beyond that....the Japanese can fund their own rebuilding...

BTW anyone know what they gave us after Katrina or the BP Spill or any other disaster???
atlcomedy's Avatar
Bear in mind that a lot of what you are hearing in the media is being mouthed by people with an anti-nuke agenda. Originally Posted by pjorourke

this will sound harsh to some, but the worst tragedy from this incident is it will set back nukes as a viable alternative energy source (& solve a lot of problems) by decades
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  • 03-20-2011, 05:19 AM
And amazingly stoic. I have not yet seen one scene of looting or someone bitching at the Prime Minister for not doing more. What a pleasant contrast to New Orleans. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Yeah, i'm quite sure you've got your finger on the pulse of the Japanese media.

And even if the looting that is occurring is limited in this case, just how do you loot a TV that's destroyed by water?
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Doove, other than white-knighting for china doll & bottom boying for Obama, just wondering what you think...
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  • Doove
  • 03-20-2011, 07:29 AM
Doove, other than white-knighting for china doll & bottom boying for Obama, just wondering what you think... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Just what, exactly, does my last comment have to do with either China Doll or Barack Obama?

Edit: And, Mr Perfect, just what is your definition of white knighting?
atlcomedy's Avatar
I'm simply asking Doove, after you get past kissing ass...what is your point...if the count is right China Doll will still do whatever it is that makes you happy....
I have not yet seen one scene of looting ... Originally Posted by pjorourke
Huh? There has been looting.. however there is not as much to loot since whole towns were leveled and washed away. I was watching scenes of looting by Japanese on MSNBC the other night on the Ed Show.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
I think an interesting idea would be for Japan to attempt to recover some of their costs for the designers and installers of the reactors. Obviously there were serious problems with the design of the systems (assuming -- and it's a hell of an assumption, I will admit -- that they were being operated correctly). But it seems that they has a single point mode of failure in that a plant power outage would shut down the cooling system. No matter from what source, it is foreseeable that any number of things could cause a plant power outage. That should be designed around. It's a fundamental flaw, not something you patch up by installing generators.

The potential defendants, as I understand it would be GE, Hitachi, EBASCO (now Raytheon Engineers and Constructors). Construction was by Kajima.

If indeed faulty design played a major role, I think the designers should be on the hook for some of the damage. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That's a pretty arrogant thing to say, considering no one in this day and age could have expected an earthquake of that magnetude, nor could they have predicted the outcome. We do no have control over the natural forces of this celestial body.

The builders are not the forerunner to all of the problems. As I have become more aware of some of the issues, i.e., spent fuel rods lying in pools of water around the reactors, we find that the "melt downs" are not the full issue. The japanese are responsable for waste also, which is a very large part of the problem.
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  • Doove
  • 03-20-2011, 08:13 AM
I'm simply asking Doove, Originally Posted by atlcomedy
You weren't asking anything. You were accusing, which is fine if you can back it up. Please do. I'll even help......

after you get past kissing ass...what is your point...if the count is right China Doll will still do whatever it is that makes you happy....
Bears repeating:

That is class. You are on a tour and you won't accept a date because you weren't at your best. Many a gal will take the call & show up at 30%.

Your sig line, "Never make someone that considers you an option a priority," is very appropriate to this discussion (I think on both sides). Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Simply point out how i've been any more of a China Doll ass-kisser than this.
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  • 03-20-2011, 08:18 AM
. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Hi Marshall.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Hi Marshall. Originally Posted by Doove
uh whatever, you are a forking moron to believe that...
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  • Doove
  • 03-20-2011, 08:25 AM
uh whatever, you are a forking moron to believe that... Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
You act as if it would be an insult.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
You act as if it would be an insult. Originally Posted by Doove
The insult is in the insinuation that I am anyone other than myself. You on the other hand, sound like the bleating sheep who ape the cookie cutter lib/msnbc crowd. Some days it's hard to distinguish all of you libs on the board.
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  • Doove
  • 03-20-2011, 08:37 AM
You on the other hand, sound like the bleating sheep who ape the cookie cutter lib/msnbc crowd. Some days it's hard to distinguish all of you libs on the board. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
Sounds an awful lot like someone we all know and love....who ain't DFW5Traveler.