Harassment by Admin

Instead of multi-posting why don't you try composing your thoughts and then write it down on a piece of paper then type it here in one post . I realize maybe you can only hold one individual thought at a time but it keeps the thread organized and cleaner .
dj8rocks's Avatar
No member here, including staff and admins are above the law. Everyone here is expected to know and follow the Guidelines. Staff and admins ensure those guidelines are followed. The threats and disrespect toward others needs to stop.
dj8rocks's Avatar

This is recommended reading for all
Lust at first Sight's Avatar
Guys, this is a website for Poon. If you are focus on petty emails, maybe your priorities are in the wrong place. At the end of the day, emails are just words (even if it is mean/harassing). The only actions that matter are the ones behind closed door with a hot provider (and what she does with your sticks and stones
Guys, this is a website for Poon. If you are focus on petty emails, maybe your priorities are in the wrong place. At the end of the day, emails are just words (even if it is mean/harassing). The only actions that matter are the ones behind closed door with a hot provider (and what she does with your sticks and stones Originally Posted by Lust at first Sight
You are right , the only action I want is with a hot provider and that's about to happen . Y'all have a great day !
gman44's Avatar
No one here is above the law

Whenever you are being harrassed by a mod, Email websupport@eccie.net and they will be happy to look into it for you
gman44's Avatar
DickEmDown......Admins and mods are nothing more than keyboard cowboy cowards hiding behind their pc's. Harassment is harassment, doesn't matter who you are. Want to argue with me? Why don't you come meet me in person and we'll talk about it. If you refuse to meet ne in person, you are proving to the world how much of a coward you are Originally Posted by hard12nite
Admins and mods are not just here to enforce the guidelines, we are also here to help and if you don't like us then that's your right an you're entitled to you opinion. But remember, the key word here is help as in we are here to help
hard12nite's Avatar
Feel like a big man, gman? Writing your bullshit warnings. Time for me to go write some reports on ripoff report. I see you're not man enough to face me one on one. Fucking bitch boy coward. Go FUCK YOURSELF
Hummmm, DeD addressed you quite nicely in my opinion. Honestly, while the mods are sort of “all over the place,” I’ve found the Admins to be fair minded and helpful. That said, they deal with a lot of technical issues and can’t be everywhere at once.

Xoxo and thank you for your service.
hard12nite's Avatar
Whatever. I will be writing reviews about eccie on ripoff report and any other complaint forum I can find. FUCK WITH ME. PAY THE PRICE.
CryptKicker's Avatar
It would be strongly suggested that folks dial it back a little and discuss whatever matters in a civil and respectful manner. There is no need for insults and the like. Points will be issued if you can't manage to do that.
  • adminkiller
  • 09-13-2018, 06:46 PM
Remember, you are not hurting the person you banned. the guys are the ones with the money. I'm sure he'll just take his money somewhere else.
winn dixie's Avatar
Wonder what SL would say and add to this? hahahahahaha