"Scared to Death" Speech

bambino's Avatar
Who is this man below???

I don’t know.

But I know who he is not.

He is not Joey “I Have Hairy Legs” Biden.

He is not my President.

He is not your President.

He is FAKE.

Lin ��❤️����
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America!
bambino's Avatar
If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia!
bambino's Avatar
Disappointed that Trump supporters choose to ignore the many laws and violations to his oath of office as the FORMER POTUS. My personal observations of those that support Trump are they are the very ones his policies hurt the most and they're too stupid and ignorant to see that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn’t take long for a good old fashioned meltdown.

I believe Biden was indeed devisive in his speech, but the gloves are off. The Trumpist election deniers have been treated like rational citizens for too long. America must continue to unite to reject the lunacy and lunatics.

I don’t know where bambino fantasized fantasized Biden threatening the use of military force, unless he considers participating in the next round of MAGA violence, but that’s simply a lie he pulled out of his, errr, hat.

But it gives real insight into what Trump and his minions have in store next.

They don’t understand logic or reason. They want violence.
  • Tiny
  • 09-02-2022, 07:28 AM
I saw a clip of Biden’s speech. He said Republicans want to deprive Americans of the right to privacy, contraception and to marry who they love. What happened to Biden, the candidate in the general election who was supposed to unite America?

A little off topic, but I’m seeing advertisements on television where Democratic PAC’s say Republicans will end social security, Medicare and veterans benefits in the next five years if elected in sufficient numbers.

If we’re going to be stuck with a nutty president and a divisive ruling political machine no matter what, maybe Trump and the MAGA Republicans are the better choice. They’re more entertaining, and they have some basic common sense when it comes to the economy. The downside is that Trump puts himself before American Democracy. And that’s a big deal. I wish he’d just get out of politics.
bambino's Avatar
Who benefits from optics like this?

Certainly not Biden and the Deep State.

Which means we have two options here:

A) Biden’s Deep State handlers picked the worst candidate possible to accomplish their agenda, and they just so happen to botch EVERYTHING they do.

B) White Hats are in complete control, this is all a show, part of a global psyop to wake up the deep sleeping normies to the dark realities of corruption at the highest levels, while “organically” destroying the Deep State.

(It's B)

bambino's Avatar
�� Thanks for the new voters, Joe‼️

How many times last night did Joe mention inflation, crime, the border crisis, record inflation, food shortages, education etc?


BUT… the walking corpse did mention MAGA about 15 times. ����
winn dixie's Avatar
joeys just showed the dems hand. Division hate fear mongering lies corruption deep state. If Trump would have made a speech like that dems would be exploding over they cheerios this morning. Along with rachel maddow level conspiracy theories.
I saw a clip of Biden’s speech. He said Republicans want to deprive Americans of the right to privacy, contraception and to marry who they love. What happened to Biden, the candidate in the general election who was supposed to unite America?

A little off topic, but I’m seeing advertisements on television where Democratic PAC’s say Republicans will end social security, Medicare and veterans benefits in the next five years if elected in sufficient numbers.

If we’re going to be stuck with a nutty president and a divisive ruling political machine no matter what, maybe Trump and the MAGA Republicans are the better choice. They’re more entertaining, and they have some basic common sense when it comes to the economy. The downside is that Trump puts himself before American Democracy. And that’s a big deal. I wish he’d just get out of politics. Originally Posted by Tiny
He's not really interested in that. Biden is nothing but a dam fraud. Instead of trying to speak words to inspire he talks smack about a possible political opponent and those that may support him. Then he taunts conservatives stating they need more than a gun to over throw the Government. Biden is a total idiot, he's going to end up getting people killed.
I saw a clip of Biden’s speech. He said Republicans want to deprive Americans of the right to privacy, contraception and to marry who they love. What happened to Biden, the candidate in the general election who was supposed to unite America?

A little off topic, but I’m seeing advertisements on television where Democratic PAC’s say Republicans will end social security, Medicare and veterans benefits in the next five years if elected in sufficient numbers.

If we’re going to be stuck with a nutty president and a divisive ruling political machine no matter what, maybe Trump and the MAGA Republicans are the better choice. They’re more entertaining, and they have some basic common sense when it comes to the economy. The downside is that Trump puts himself before American Democracy. And that’s a big deal. I wish he’d just get out of politics. Originally Posted by Tiny
What would you suggest he say to people that

Keep lying about the 2020 election

Pass laws that make abortion illegal with minimal exceptions if any

Want the Supreme Court to revisit access to contraception

Attack the US Capitol in an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power

Threaten violence when the lose any election

Gimme some uniting words Tiny.
You guys need to get over yourselves and Diaper Don, he is going to jail so his face will match his suit. What Joe said last night was all true and my hat is off to him, Great Job. 👍
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Fear mongering? Really?

The horrors mentioned in the President’s speech are REAL!

We’ve seen them play out over the past 6 years. In real time. And the continued assault on Americans continue now as more and more venom spews forth from the Jordans, Gaetzs, Cruzs and Grahams of the world. The continued incitement to violence. The endless conspiracy theories. And the fact that millions of Americans have been conditioned to believe that the DOJ, DHS, FBI, IRS and CDC are the enemies of the people. Not to mentioned the media.

Roe v Wade was the last straw

It ain’t propaganda when it’s real. You swallowed it.

You should thank POTUS for sticking a much needed finger down your throats.