Anybody notice.......

How the lefties here continue to bash Trump but have nothing. Not one has started a thread about candidates they support to beat Trump, and most importantly, how and why. Maybe because they know it’s a lost cause!


BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
So based on the OP, we have a thread meant to spark discussion of the actual candidates of the lefties and not discuss Trump, but is immediately re-directed to a thread about Trump.

Oh how he lives in their heads.
bambino's Avatar
So based on the OP, we have a thread meant to spark discussion of the actual candidates of the lefties and not discuss Trump, but is immediately re-directed to a thread about Trump.

Oh how he lives in their heads. Originally Posted by eccielover
Exactly. They got nothing. But Speedy has his polls!!!!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
40+ percent approval after the media drubbing Trump has taken plus a witch hunt...I would think anyone else to be polling 20 % or less.
As for the polls, here's the dirty secret, we have no more than a generic democrat candidate and generic candidates always poll higher that the real thing. People tend to imagine that they are being asked to choose between a known (Trump) and the perfect opposition candidate. Wait till they are asked to cast their vote for some nitwit that six months ago was considered a joke to them. With 20+ democrats seeking the nomination there is something for everyone. You may think Biden is stable but what if you have to vote for Warren?
As for Trump's initial announcement, I was not a supporter. I did not know if this was a sales tactic for something or a publicity stunt. After he made some policy statements did I think Trump might be serious did I move him up to my third choice. Showing no fear of JEB or Hillary moved him up to number two. After a couple of debates and the personal touch I personally saw on the campaign trail moved him to the top spot.
When it came to the general and Hillary, there was absolutely no choice. Trump in 2016. Jim Webb would have the best choice for democrats but the dems fucked up and nominated (or she stole) the serpent.
bambino's Avatar
40+ percent approval after the media drubbing Trump has taken plus a witch hunt...I would think anyone else to be polling 20 % or less.
As for the polls, here's the dirty secret, we have no more than a generic democrat candidate and generic candidates always poll higher that the real thing. People tend to imagine that they are being asked to choose between a known (Trump) and the perfect opposition candidate. Wait till they are asked to cast their vote for some nitwit that six months ago was considered a joke to them. With 20+ democrats seeking the nomination there is something for everyone. You may think Biden is stable but what if you have to vote for Warren?
As for Trump's initial announcement, I was not a supporter. I did not know if this was a sales tactic for something or a publicity stunt. After he made some policy statements did I think Trump might be serious did I move him up to my third choice. Showing no fear of JEB or Hillary moved him up to number two. After a couple of debates and the personal touch I personally saw on the campaign trail moved him to the top spot.
When it came to the general and Hillary, there was absolutely no choice. Trump in 2016. Jim Webb would have the best choice for democrats but the dems fucked up and nominated (or she stole) the serpent. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I said many times in 2016 that I could consider Webb, but he saw what a sham the process was. He bailed quickly.
adav8s28's Avatar
He was aware about those states in 2016. And he worked his ass off in those states. Hillary put her faith in the POLLS and did nothing. Originally Posted by bambino
Hillary campaigned a lot in North Carolina and Florida. Hillary did not campaign in Penn, Michigan or Wisconsin. These are three blue states that voted for Obama twice. Losing those three states cost her 40 plus electoral college votes and the election. Uncle Joe or whoever the democratic nominee is has a very good chance to flip those three states back to blue and knock out Trump.
rexdutchman's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
so, its anybody but Trump!

Got it!
so, its anybody but Trump!

Got it! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Exactly, they still can't bring a rational discussion of any of their candidates. It simply devolves into Trump vs the Dems and as you say anybody but Trump.

I've been watching the coverage of the SC Dem presidential crap today and there have been almost no policy or substance discussions all day as each candidate speaks. Warren and Klobechar(sp?) have probably had the most substance in their discussion at least per the "coverage" I'm seeing.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He was aware about those states in 2016. And he worked his ass off in those states. Hillary put her faith in the POLLS and did nothing. You see Speedy, sometimes there no substitute for good old fashioned hustle. Here’s a few more facts. Trumps campaign will be far more organized than his first. He has the full support of the Republican Party. Hillary had the Clinton and Obama machine Behind her. Along with the MSM. She outspent Trump 2/1. All the polls had her in a landslide. And she still lost!!!!!!! Here’s another fact Speedy, Trump raised 24.8 million in 24hrs after is official Florida announcement. That’s a fucking record. There’s a lot of enthusiasm with Trump. Money talks and bullshit polls walk. I’ll offer you the same bet that I offered YR and Iva Biggen. I’ll take Trump over the Democrats field. Loser leaves the forum for 3 months. Good luck! Originally Posted by bambino
No one had Clinton winning in a landslide. The RealClearPolitics summary of polls showed Clinton winning the popular vote by an average of 3.3%. She won by 2.1%. They had Clinton with 203 electoral votes, Trump with 164. 171 toss-ups. Obviously Trump took the lion's share of the toss-up states.

All I'm saying is there are reasons why Trump may not be reelected. And there are reasons why he may be reelected. You have already determined that his reelection is a foregone conclusion. Just like I'm sure you thought that Republicans would maintain control of the House in the 2018 midterms. Seems like sometimes both of us are right and sometimes both of us are wrong.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
40+ percent approval after the media drubbing Trump has taken plus a witch hunt...I would think anyone else to be polling 20 % or less.
As for the polls, here's the dirty secret, we have no more than a generic democrat candidate and generic candidates always poll higher that the real thing. People tend to imagine that they are being asked to choose between a known (Trump) and the perfect opposition candidate. Wait till they are asked to cast their vote for some nitwit that six months ago was considered a joke to them. With 20+ democrats seeking the nomination there is something for everyone. You may think Biden is stable but what if you have to vote for Warren?
As for Trump's initial announcement, I was not a supporter. I did not know if this was a sales tactic for something or a publicity stunt. After he made some policy statements did I think Trump might be serious did I move him up to my third choice. Showing no fear of JEB or Hillary moved him up to number two. After a couple of debates and the personal touch I personally saw on the campaign trail moved him to the top spot.
When it came to the general and Hillary, there was absolutely no choice. Trump in 2016. Jim Webb would have the best choice for democrats but the dems fucked up and nominated (or she stole) the serpent. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Actually the polls recently done by Quinnipiac, Fox News, and the internal Republican poll matched each of the major Democratic contenders against Trump. Not a "generic" candidate. To be honest I'm somewhat skeptical of a poll that has Biden beating Trump by 4%, outside the margin of error, in the state of Texas. Trump won Texas by 9% in 2016 and I think the Democratic candidate will be closer than that, probably in the 5% or less range, but extremely doubtful the Democratic candidate will carry the state.

As for approval ratings. Let's see if Trump gets a bump now that the supposed "witch hunt" is over. In my opinion, I don't think Trump supporters understand the deep down dislike of Trump that exists in the minds of many voters. The same deep down dislike that existed for Hillary Clinton.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Hillary campaigned a lot in North Carolina and Florida. Hillary did not campaign in Penn, Michigan or Wisconsin. These are three blue states that voted for Obama twice. Losing those three states cost her 40 plus electoral college votes and the election. Uncle Joe or whoever the democratic nominee is has a very good chance to flip those three states back to blue and knock out Trump. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Which is what I've been saying all along and Trump supporters choose not to address. Trump made so much money after his Orlando speech. The crowds at Trump's rallies are huge. Trump has had so many successes.

And how has that impacted the voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin? I don't know. Neither do Trump supporters on this forum because they have failed to answer the rather simple question as to why Trump will win those states again in 2020.
Hotrod511's Avatar

Trump hater's
Oh I'll bite. One simple reason he will win in those states is because the Dem's will not have a candidate that appeals to them better then Trump. Biden is not Obama.

Which is what I've been saying all along and Trump supporters choose not to address. Trump made so much money after his Orlando speech. The crowds at Trump's rallies are huge. Trump has had so many successes.

And how has that impacted the voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin? I don't know. Neither do Trump supporters on this forum because they have failed to answer the rather simple question as to why Trump will win those states again in 2020. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
WOW. I've still yet to hear anything positive about a Dem candidate other than they are not Trump. Or an effort to relitigate the 2016 Hillary/Trump election and how somehow the current crop of Dem rejects will somehow do better than Hillary. No substantive discussion, just not Trump.

Come on lefties, please address the OP and list at least one candidate and what you think their positives are and how and why they will beat Trump other than the random way too early polls.

It shouldn't be that hard unless you are so TDS delusional that you really can't get Trump and the 2016 beat down of Hillary out of your heads.
  • oeb11
  • 06-22-2019, 03:44 PM
Bunch of loons campaigning on reparations, tax hikes, free college, Soylent Green New Deal, Open borders for anyone who wants to come in and be given free income, medical care, college, etc - at the expense of taxpayer legal immigrants, Socialized medicine, Tax hikes, debt disappearance, tax hikes, downgrade the military and protection of our country, tax hikes, wealth re-distribution, more tax hikes, etc.
Yeah - goes over well with middle America.

America is becoming split between the Prog-Socialists and the middle of the road middle America voters - example is Illinois and Washington - where the in control DPST's in Chicago /Seattle are running rough-shod over the rest of the State - and folks are agitating for division of the States to get the Socialist tax hike yokes off their backs.