How to plant the idea of providing in a girls head?


Fancy, "Leaving money" might piss her off big-time, too.
Interesting. Your original post asked for advice from the ladies.

A rough tally shows the ladies are almost uniformly against you trying to shoe-horn her into the business. While the guys tend to think it's OK.

I think the ladies' view is more valid. They walk in the shoes where you want your "friend" to go, and have he benefit of hindsight.
I am going to be a troublemaker and drop a massive turd in the punchbowl here.

Yes or no, Okiecocker: Are you currently balling this chick?
Okiecocker's Avatar
Eh, "currently" is a relative term. It has happens from time to time, but there's baggage so I keep my distance and don't let more develop.

And I think I'm gonna go w/ the girls advice, which they seem to be so adamant about. I'll leave it be and if she finds it on her own, so be it.
Jake2.1's Avatar
Besides, she doesn't have to be an escort to help her financially if you so desire.

It sounds like you are interested in her best interests.

Or give her a gift so that she can do what my SO does with mine. Sells them on Ebay.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
And I think I'm gonna go w/ the girls advice, which they seem to be so adamant about. I'll leave it be and if she finds it on her own, so be it. Originally Posted by Okiecocker
I don't believe you. And I'll tell you why. You're too interested in this to let it go. Just earlier today, you mentioned getting her drunk, or having another man proposition her, etc.

You haven't changed your mind ... you're placating "us" by saying that you're going to "go with the girl's advice, which they seem to be so adamant about".

I would still ask that you leave this "game" that you're conjuring up of steering her in a certain direction, mentoring, helping out, etc., etc. and go in a different direction.

Remember, "mentoring" and "helping" in this field of work is pandering , which if nothing else is a felony. It's bad enough to take on the chances that we do being escorts. You don't wish to risk a woman getting REALLY pissed at you (or God knows what else) and then what happens? I have a general feeling that you're a young guy and you might not know.

I know that I'm sounding harsher than most but I DO know of what I speak. Just some friendly advice. But as Ben Franklin said about advice, "Wise men don't need it and fools won't heed it".

Good luck,
Okiecocker's Avatar
No Elizabeth, I mentioned ME getting drunk, so I could play it off on that if the subject backfired! Now yes I did mention that we would prob. be drinking together.... but you'll notice that I concentrated on me, so your taking it out of context. And the context here is very important.

Your first post, I overlooked your general tone and concentrated on the content and point you were trying to get you are entitled to your opinion and I welcomed all points of view. Especially you providers, as yours were the main opinions I was after.

But your last post....
The fact is, you ladies made valid points and I listened with an open mind. It wasn't the advice I was looking for, BUT it had an effect on me. Now, you don't know me, you've never seen me, but you come here attacking me (and yes I perceive that above statement as a personal attack). You have no reason to take what I stated above with a grain of salt. By doing so, and stating it publicly you attacked my integrity. Which in this hobby, is something we ALL rely on. When in reality all I did, was ask the best way to expose someone who needed extra cash to a possible source. I was never going to be a customer of hers, but just that light bulb in her head. If she liked the idea great, if not, great for her. This same scenario has happened many times on here and ASPD. I can remember 3 seperate times on there, at least once with mods from this very board, who did the same thing for friends of theirs. Usually the girls are only brought up in our private rooms, for select trusted members... but the scenario is the same.

As for being a "young guy"... I'm in my 30's... so I guess young for some hobbyists! I do not know where you became offended though. But I find your opinion here very hypocritical! I find it funny that it's ok for you but not for some other girl that happens to be a young attractive girl. That's how I perceive your take on this. The other girls approached this the right way and made valid arguments and good points to why they thought I should avoid it. In no way did they attack me, and there was never any reason to attack me.

The points made in this thread were taken, mulled over, and I had decided to listen to you all. I stated the matter, and for some reason you attack me over the deal. I wanted to address your attack specifically as it is not right! Personally I hope the guys reading this thread, see your hypocrisy and avoid you as a provider due to it. Not because of your opinion, but b/c of your attack on my integrity which was unwarranted.

Blah, this is not how I wanted this to be steered. It started out so well. So I'll leave it alone after this, and hopefully it'll be locked as it's purpose has been served! Now should you choose to rip me for whatever reason, my PM box is totally empty for you to fill up with rants!

To the rest of you ladies.... I truly appreciate your thoughts and considerations on this matter. As they helped more than you know!
This same scenario has happened many times on here and ASPD. I can remember 3 seperate times on there, at least once with mods from this very board, who did the same thing for friends of theirs. Usually the girls are only brought up in our private rooms, for select trusted members... but the scenario is the same. Originally Posted by Okiecocker
Visions of chinese immigrants in shipping containers. South Americans smuggled into sweat shops. Former east bloc girls locked into brothels.
Okiecocker's Avatar
LOL... sooooo no what I meant there babee
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
LOL... sooooo no what I meant there babee Originally Posted by Okiecocker

First, I did tell you that I sounded harsher then the others in my retort. That is in my nature and I do apologize if I bristled your hairs a little. My writing style can be abrupt and I do have a reputation of rubbing some people the wrong way.

As far as being a hypocrite, you're absolutely correct. I certain ways, I am.

But what I said has nothing to do with the fact that your friend is a gorgeous woman and I'm an exceptionally average and overweight escort. Your friend, if she were to go into this business, wouldn't be ANY type of competition for me nor me to her. We would attract different markets, probably, but that really wasn't my point.

Listen, I'm just going to tell you what I've experienced. I didn't wish to "bleed" all over this subject and you were a good guy to ask for opinions but I have had SO MANY ladies and friends of friends ask me to help them get into the business or ... more frequently, to try to (in different ways) suggest this to them. Not ALL that often, I can count on one hand that it's happened but it has.

And it has always rubbed me the wrong way.

There are just a handful of women that I've known that can handle this business. I'm not even sure on bad days that I do such a good job of it. For a very young woman, a gorgeous woman, to start doing this without an education and without viable options later in life is just sad.

If she is strapped for money, heck, she's a waitress. She can get tips on a daily basis. I did waitressing back in the day. It's easy money and one can live on it.

I'm just thinking of "ifs", which is why you were asking for opinions. Before Christmas a literal stranger called me. She had seen my ads and they DO look a little different from the norm and she wanted to meet me and pick my brain. And the reason why she wanted in this business? She had a degree but had been laid off. She needed money NOW and this was what she was going to do. But, this is the rub, she didn't wish to do it.

I told her no. I also told her what I've told others, if you have specific questions to ask me, once you're taken your first steps, I will answer any question you have. I told her some temp options and a few other ideas that I had.

Again, I don't know you and I don't know her. You asked for some opinions and I shot from the hip. She's young. Young women in this business get a taste for big money and then they spend it, they get used to a lavish lifestyle and well, often life gets ugly. That's all that I'm saying.

I sincerely didn't mean to vilify (not sure if I spelled that right) your character. I just didn't really think that you were actually throwing the idea way. That's all.

Not sure if I can say anything else at this point. Probably shouldn't have said anything to begin with. For whatever reason, young women possibly being pushed in this direction because they're broke and need a quick fix just GETS to me.

I hope that you understand.

Okiecocker's Avatar
See, now that's much more the response that gets you places!


I do understand where your coming from. And like I said it's done and a non-issue.