Providers stalking other providers reviews for business

I don't see sending a quick message as negative in any way, I actually find it positive.
To me I see it as a form of networking.

Now, if someone wrote saying that someone told them to contact them. Or if someone wrote a message once a week when the other person didn't reply.. Or if there was harassment involved, that is a different story...

But a simple, "hi! I saw that you would see kimmy when she was around.. I have seen a few gents who say that I remind them of her. If you're ever in the mood to make a new friend, feel free to get in touch.. Xx" - I have never done that, but I find it totally acceptable.
its about the same as a provider contacting gents and telling them not to see a girl,, because that provider feels there is competition. Some chicks are just desperate, insecure, or need rent paid stat because they dont know how to save for that rainy day.
(re; girls saying someone else recommended them)

Luckily i can market myself in ways that gents contact me.. and i have girls recommend me to others as i do the same for them. I do contact guys if i see something funny they posted, or agree with what they posted but rather keep it in PM so evil witches dont go batshit. And if upon our non-fucking communication they should like my personality and decide to change the communication to fucking.. so be it. Ill fuck them silly and send them home in a wheelchair...
GypsyHeart's Avatar
As a bbw provider, I don't see a lot of hobbyists. And that is fine to be part of a small niche. And I have seen comments about other bbw providers by people who frequent them, yet they don't contact me. That is perfectly okay. I am not going to message them with "hey, you see so and so, why don't you give me a try?"
gimme_that's Avatar
I wouldn't mind a lady contacting me to see if I would see her.....

But everytime I saw a lady based on her contacting me first.......I saw her......some session were ok, some not good......none of them out of 6 I had except one was good enough to return and see. And two of the six I just would not recommend to anyone.
I wouldn't mind a lady contacting me to see if I would see her.....

But everytime I saw a lady based on her contacting me first.......I saw her......some session were ok, some not good......none of them out of 6 I had except one was good enough to return and see. And two of the six I just would not recommend to anyone. Originally Posted by gimme_that

you should come to tulsa.. got some here that will give u a good time. Or i can just slather slobber all over your knob, make out with it like a horny teen, DT it like a lonely sexual deprived housewife , tickle ur taint like my life depended on it and then send u home in a wheelchair... LOL

oh and to stay on topic so.. well u know... i personally love the flirt via PM... but i dont ask for an appt nor do i say someone recommended. Im not about chasing someone. If they wanna see me.. they can pursue it
`flip's Avatar
  • `flip
  • 02-13-2014, 04:32 PM
you should come to tulsa.. got some here that will give u a good time. Or i can just slather slobber all over your knob, make out with it like a horny teen, DT it like a lonely sexual deprived housewife , tickle ur taint like my life depended on it and then send u home in a wheelchair... LOL Originally Posted by Devon Derriere

If you're ever in the Vegas area feel free to randomly send me a PM. lol
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
On a serious note, I don't do that kind of shit, flip. Don't even insinuate that I would or I wouldn't have posted the question after hearing about this. I think it's tacky and I am a lot more professional than that. If I have to go stalk reviews and send unsolicited emails to gents I have never met, then there is a problem.

The retired provider is... away. I don't think she's giving out hobbyist names of who to contact to another provider while she's away. I'm talking away as in... "you don't talk about hobbyists and who to give your old clients to" kind of "away".

I just think it's wrong and I wanted to see what others thought. Maybe this is the norm. I'd never heard of it happening til recently. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Really, the guys that write reviews would be considered very dependable people, that wouldn't be a time waster. Also If a guy didn't want to be contacted he wouldn't of written a review in the first place.
I have had providers message me suggesting that if I am ever in their area to give them a call and I didn't mind it at all.I don't think they were prompted by any of my reviews to contact me, or if they were they didn't mention it .One reason it didn't bother me about being contacted is they are providers that I want to see at some point anyway!!
GypsyHeart's Avatar
It is a 50/50 margin looks like. Some guys would see it as unsolicited contact, others welcome it. As Devon stated, she will recommend ladies as will I and I will also pm a gent on a post that I find interesting. If the convo turns to something more wet and spine tingling and toe curling, so be it. I think I am going to bring this topic to our local board and encourage the other ladies to do the same. It is a good topic.
awl4knot's Avatar
Really, the guys that write reviews would be considered very dependable people, that wouldn't be a time waster. Also If a guy didn't want to be contacted he wouldn't of written a review in the first place. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
how does it follow that writing a review is an open invitation to be contacted? it may make a guy a more desirable client because a good review may be written but at least for this reviewing monger I am not looking for unsolicited contacts.

I can remember two such PM's, the last one a few days ago. I responded to the first but the last one I ignored.
I get u solicited email all the time. I almost always respond. If it some how offends me, I press delete. No biggie.

A few times I've email someone here when I had a question or comment or compliment. The guys have answered 100% of the time. The ladies, about 75%. No one has seemed offended.

I like getting notes from people. My guy friends would probably be flattered to have a lady notice him. I mean, I doubt many ladies PM guys who seem like asses.

Of course, a provider shouldn't lie and say a retired provider suggested her. But that's just common sense, no?
Very interesting that hobbyists would not mind being solicited without permission. Hmm. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Escorts shouldn't be bothering hobbyists.I wait for hobbyists call me for business.Watch out for cock blockers in business.
pyramider's Avatar
The funny thing, the ladies do not contact me. I thinck they are intimidated by my 1.3" of dangling death.
Really? You think it's clever? As a hobbyist, you wouldn't feel weird that your review was stalked by some provider who then contacted you and advertised her services to you, unsolicited? Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Watch out for cock blockers in the business.
Unfortunately the nature of this business can be rather unscrupulous at times... But it's eat or be eaten and when the choice is putting food on your table or being thought of as morally unjust on a hooker board.... I'm sure most people would rather take the shot in the dark By sending the than go hungry or broke.

I haven't done it, but it really doesn't seem like such a bad idea to me. Especially if the retired provider was similar in build and characteristics. The new provider isn't taking any money out of the retired ladies pockets. Definitely not the worst way to garner new business. Just my opinion though.