Circumcision is barbaric!

  • SummerBella
  • 07-30-2009, 08:19 AM
Oh lord; I am not a male so I really don't have a right to comment. But, while that video seems long and barbaric; the actual procedure that I watched during my Obgyn rotation ------------ did not last that long and honestly didn't not seem so evasive.

I think they have embellished that video by slowing it down or adding older techniques and certainly magnifying it. I have never know a different way of life…….all the men in my family and 99% of the men I have know have been circumcised and none of them would change it – and they have had their sons circumcised.

Maybe it is more of a cultural change than an actual necessity……………but this is my culture and without really understanding the possible benefits of it – I don’t have a reason to freak over it – honestly I haven’t known personally one man that has resented having it done or felt cheated because he didn’t have an option as it was done when he was too young.

Seriously, this could start an entire epic thread on religion and organizations and how we brainwash the minds of our children based on the human ideological concept of religions etc….
Well I actually like the look of my circumcised Donkey Dong, especially when it's rock hard, reminds me of a helmet. LOL but I am a sick puppy.
T.O.B.'s Avatar
Circumcised or Un-Circumcised, Make sure it is clean!!!!!! There is nothing more nasty than a un-cleaned penis. When it is NOT circumcised and Un-Clean SHAME ON YOU!!!! YUK!!!!! So whatever kind of penis you have be a gentlelmen and make sure it is clean.

My vote is circumcised but a man can't help the decision made when he is a child.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-01-2009, 08:03 PM
ok that was alittle more than I wanted to see...but yes I had my son circumcised and I dont regret it.....
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Now............for our next inane subject...

fluoridated water vs water that hasn't been fluoridated!!
guest83109's Avatar
Damn, I just discovered I am suffering post traumatic stress disorder after this thread. Yes, I have repressed feelings of the severe trauma I incurred when the foreskin was wacked away. Will I ever recover from my angst?

Hey, are any ladies available for an early morning visit so I can work through my angst?