Pay attention to reality; the Governor of Wisconsin is having a problem with "public unions" and not unions in general. Nothing that has been proposed would affect private unions.Wisconsin is not in a vacuum. There are other bills in other states. The whole "only public unions" is a Fox/ Koch brothers falsehood to push their microwave legislation through. Let's hear all of those lie spitting talking heads say how much they love private unions. ...awful quiet, huh?
One other point; the Governor wants the people in the union to have the right to vote on their participation in the union. So do you support the right of the people to be free or the right of the union to coerce participation? Originally Posted by john_galt
The whole "right to work" voting thing is an old union busting ploy. They tip their cards by trotting that tired old talking point out. Unions are just small American businesses. Why do you hate small businesses so much, Galt? Or do you just hate Americans?
You do realized that you live in a union? You know..."in order to form a more perfect union"...that thing. A parallel would be to have each state negotiate with the federal government, one on one. Or 49 to 1, really. In that kind of world Kansas (the worker) could be forced to do anything the federal government (management) wants. Alone they'd have no bargaining leverage. Is that what you want? Why do you despise state's rights and love the federal government, Galt?