WombRaider = UnderConstruction

WTF is that a person on anti-psychotics? just curious??? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Libertarianism espouses the choice of the individual and individual freedom. There are different factions that have splintered off, but I hold mostly to the original view of it as a political philosophy.
I asked you nicely not to direct conversation at me directly. I don't know what your problem was with this other person, but I'm not him. If you speak to me again, I'm reporting an issue to the moderators. I won't be harassed. This is your second warning. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Which one of the band are you? and where were you during the Boston Marathon?

  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 06:07 PM
LustyIdiot is scared that UC would be whooping his ass day in, day out. Just like he used to. The chickenshit coward is pissing himself over soomething that doesn't fucking matter

Last time I checked there wasn't a rule against creating a new account if you disabled your old one. Having multiple handles, on the other hand, is "frowned upon" Lusty errr Iffy errr DSK.
lustylad's Avatar
I asked you nicely not to direct conversation at me directly. I don't know what your problem was with this other person, but I'm not him. If you speak to me again, I'm reporting an issue to the moderators. I won't be harassed. This is your second warning. Originally Posted by WombRaider

What a coincidence - you lie just like a libtard asshole named undercunt! Hey fucktard, I'm not only speaking to you, I started a whole new thread about you! All you can do is whine and run to the mods - just like undercunt! For a noob who just registered yesterday, you sure know the drill here. What's your next move - reach for the ignore button? That worked out well for you last time, didn't it sperm burper?

Bottom line - You're busted, you broke the fucking rules, you are a congenital liar, you have no cojones, and your best bet now is to come clean or slink away forever!
  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 06:13 PM
I asked you nicely not to direct conversation at me directly. I don't know what your problem was with this other person, but I'm not him. If you speak to me again, I'm reporting an issue to the moderators. I won't be harassed. This is your second warning. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Don't mind him. He is our resident retard. No one really pays any mind to what he says.
"Our resident retard..." how long have you been a resident here? Feel free to disclose your prior handles.
lustylad's Avatar
LustyIdiot is scared that UC would be whooping his ass day in, day out. Just like he used to. Originally Posted by shanm

Hahaha... you just blew the "cover" off his lie, dumbass. I'm about as scared of you and your libtarded sidekick undercunt/wombhater as I am of Baghdad Bob... Who's scared of daily whoopings again? The coward who puts people on ignore, pretends to disable his account, and keeps changing his handle!

Don't mind him. He is our resident retard. No one really pays any mind to what he says. Originally Posted by shanm
Your'e next fatass...
What a coincidence - you lie just like a libtard asshole named undercunt! Hey fucktard, I'm not only speaking to you, I started a whole new thread about you! All you can do is whine and run to the mods - just like undercunt! For a noob who just registered yesterday, you sure know the drill here. What's your next move - reach for the ignore button? That worked out well for you last time, didn't it sperm burper?

Bottom line - You're busted, you broke the fucking rules, you are a congenital liar, you have no cojones, and your best bet now is to come clean or slink away forever! Originally Posted by lustylad
I know the drill here? I've been on forums before. And I'm well acquainted with human nature. They're all the same. Why would I put you on ignore? You're the little kid who didn't get enough attention from daddy as a child. To deny you that attention now would just be cruel. I'm sorry to disappoint you but this is the only account I have. I don't know why you have a huge hard-on for this person, but you seem to have a lot of unresolved anger. You'll forgive me if I don't take your advice, seeing as how your first order of business was to mistake me for someone else and proceed to cuss me out in a manner that's befitting a sailor. Either way, go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.
lustylad's Avatar
Either way, go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here. Originally Posted by WombRaider

DAAYYUUMM! Now where did I hear that before???

Sell crazy someplace else, buddy. We're all stocked up here. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
DAAYYUUMM! Now where did I hear that before??? Originally Posted by lustylad
It's a pretty famous quote from a movie. If you google it, there's a million memes out there as well. So let me get this straight; so far you're basing your entire case that I'm someone else on two very popular sayings that have been around for years. Remind me not to have you do any detective work for me anytime soon.
lustylad's Avatar
You're busted, undercunt/wombhater! Don't make it worse with your limpdick denials. Just go away like you are supposed to do when you disable your account.

Originally Posted by lustylad

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you ever actually do any debating? Or you just like to treat newbies like shit. Mods have been notified. I understand that it's more of a free-for-all in here, but you've been asked repeatedly. You're a bully, nothing more. You know how you deal with bullies? You throat punch them once real good. They get the message. If they're especially stupid, it might take two times.
lustylad's Avatar
Do you ever actually do any debating? Or you just like to treat newbies like shit. Mods have been notified. I understand that it's more of a free-for-all in here, but you've been asked repeatedly. You're a bully, nothing more. You know how you deal with bullies? You throat punch them once real good. They get the message. If they're especially stupid, it might take two times. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Listen again, fucktard. I'm not debating you. I'm EXPOSING you. The topic of this thread is WOMBRAIDER=UNDERCONSTRUCTION. If anyone had any doubts about this equation before they opened the thread, they don't anymore. You registered yesterday, jumped immediately into the Political Forum, and already have nearly 50 posts. Who the fuck does that? You talk and act just like the dogpatch asshole who disabled his account a week ago. Give it up, dickhead.

I will continue to pound you mercilessly until you 'fess up and admit to the equation in the subject line of this thread. You are a liar, a fraud, a coward and a poseur. If you ever want to be treated as anything other than a liar, fraud, coward and poseur, then you need to come clean now!

  • shanm
  • 04-08-2015, 07:27 PM
Do you ever actually do any debating? Originally Posted by WombRaider
LustyIdiot's biggest fear is actually trying to say something "political" and then being exposed for the huge fucking DOOFUS he is. Which is why he mostly remains in the fringes, bitching and moaning at anything that hurts his petty ego. What do you want him to do? everytime he tries he fucking fails.