Indy’s dead for good?

Hematoma's Avatar
. Although I'd question why the providers cannot read the full review...cause then the clients can say whatever they want...and how the hell do any of you know if it's true or not? So you make decisions based on a story that was written to benefit the readers to boast the reviewer's ego? Originally Posted by Gabrielle
Yes, you cannot refute the info like you could on Indys....and that's good thing!
The review system used here is the primary reason that guys have flocked here and left (the now defunct) Indys. Reviews are written to benefit the hobbyist (consumer). Here we can write honest reviews without the recoil and venom (ala Indys) from the providers they are written about. For example, if a provider is 30lbs heavier than her pics then that's relevant info that other hobbyists need to know before making a booking decision. On Indys, you would get swarmed for saying anything short of a Penthouse letter about a provider and you had better say she has a "perfect body" (even if she weighed 250) otherwise the whole "gang" would jump on you. That's why guys left. The only reviews that eventually were being written there were by the white knights and wimps.

Here, there is none of that. Just as one would join Glassdoor for honest reviews, on a product or company, you get those here. If the hobbyist/consumer is spending money then we want to know what kind of "product" we can expect. Nothing wrong with that. That's why guys are happier (and much cooler imho) here.

For the record, there is no "ego stroking" on reviews here. Far from it. Good providers usually get good reviews here. The shitty ones get the shitty reviews. Nothing more.
Gabrielle's Avatar
For the record, there is no "ego stroking" on reviews here. Far from it. Good providers usually get good reviews here. The shitty ones get the shitty reviews. Nothing more. Originally Posted by Hematoma
Well yeah, except that one time I had a guy write a poor review on me. He described an entire session.

The reality of what happened was he walked in and said our pleasantries and made our way to the bedroom.

He grabbed me by my neck and threw me on the bed. I kicked him to get off the bed and kicked him the fuck out. He never even had a chance to take off as much as his shoes, yet he wrote a review based on completely fictitious events.

When I sent pics of what happened, the bruises around my neck, they refused to pull the review.

So...if y'all wanna believe the stories exaggerated by folks who feel the need to impress other men, then by all means do so. But please stop spreading the lie that reviews are accurate accounts of folks you are hiring for a service. They are people, not products. Reviews are not accurate.

ALSO, reviews are evidence.
bambino's Avatar
Well yeah, except that one time I had a guy write a poor review on me. He described an entire session.

The reality of what happened was he walked in and said our pleasantries and made our way to the bedroom.

He grabbed me by my neck and threw me on the bed. I kicked him to get off the bed and kicked him the fuck out. He never even had a chance to take off as much as his shoes, yet he wrote a review based on completely fictitious events.

When I sent pics of what happened, the bruises around my neck, they refused to pull the review.

So...if y'all wanna believe the stories exaggerated by folks who feel the need to impress other men, then by all means do so. But please stop spreading the lie that reviews are accurate accounts of folks you are hiring for a service. They are people, not products. Reviews are not accurate.

ALSO, reviews are evidence. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
If reviews are fake and not accurate, how can they be used as evidence?
berryberry's Avatar
So...if y'all wanna believe the stories exaggerated by folks who feel the need to impress other men, then by all means do so. But please stop spreading the lie that reviews are accurate accounts of folks you are hiring for a service. They are people, not products. Reviews are not accurate.
Originally Posted by Gabrielle
LOL. As Hematoma noted, the reviews here are typically good and factual. And when something in a review seems suspicious, guys here have no problem calling out the person who wrote the review. Hell there are a couple of current reviews where guys have done that.
relaxedman's Avatar
Twitter is pretty cool. And I suppose y'all wanna read highly exaggerated this place isn't so bad, for the review aspect. Although I'd question why the providers cannot read the full review...cause then the clients can say whatever they want...and how the hell do any of you know if it's true or not? So you make decisions based on a story that was written to benefit the readers to boast the reviewer's ego? But anyways...

Twitter is pretty cool.....
Originally Posted by Gabrielle
White knights will always tell you what is in the review and as mentioned by another, the reviews here are good typically. The source is of course always considered. Twitter being "pretty cool" is totally a matter of opinion. My opinion is that Twitter sucks balls.

Well yeah, except that one time I had a guy write a poor review on me. He described an entire session.

The reality of what happened was he walked in and said our pleasantries and made our way to the bedroom.

He grabbed me by my neck and threw me on the bed. I kicked him to get off the bed and kicked him the fuck out. He never even had a chance to take off as much as his shoes, yet he wrote a review based on completely fictitious events.

When I sent pics of what happened, the bruises around my neck, they refused to pull the review.

So...if y'all wanna believe the stories exaggerated by folks who feel the need to impress other men, then by all means do so. But please stop spreading the lie that reviews are accurate accounts of folks you are hiring for a service. They are people, not products. Reviews are not accurate.

ALSO, reviews are evidence. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
As I said above, the source is considered and every guy knows that one bad review with multiple other good reviews is probably the result of someone being dick hurt and lashing out. A good provider need not worry about the one dick hurt guy. If a provider has many reviews and there is a trend of good, or bad, then a guy knows what to expect. If a provider has only a couple of reviews and they are by trustworthy guys, us guys know what to expect. I think you can see my point.

By the way, using one example to prove a point is called proof by example or more commonly known as inappropriate generalization and is a logical fallacy. For every single example of an improper review you can give me I can probably give you 20 examples of a proper review.

In addition, as mentioned by another, if the evidence is corrupt as you say, then how is it you are calling it evidence.

Bottom line is, guys use the reviews and they work for us. I have been hobbying for quite some time and the reviews here are good. The reviews on TOS were dressed up ass kissing reviews intended to flatter the provider in my opinion. I quit using them a while back and I drifted away from TOS partially for that reason.
blkstocking's Avatar
review system on aspd, ter, and big doggie also seemed to work well... jus sayin...
dj8rocks's Avatar
Lets not have another train wreck.

Back to the original topic of Indy's being dead.
bambino's Avatar
Indy’s is currently dead.
Folks will always find a way to get a hold of their friends in this community. We've already seen this happening.
The death knoll of one site isn't going to affect things that greatly as the smart folks were already on multiple platforms.
bambino's Avatar
Folks will always find a way to get a hold of their friends in this community. We've already seen this happening.
The death knoll of one site isn't going to affect things that greatly as the smart folks were already on multiple platforms. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
“Smart folks”?
berryberry's Avatar
as the smart folks were already on multiple platforms. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
We here at ECCIE were way ahead of the curve
Depurefymii's Avatar
Yeah, Indys is dead until another vouch system is in place.
“Smart folks”? Originally Posted by bambino
Yes, and as much as it pains me I have to include you in that remark.
Yeah, Indys is dead until another vouch system is in place. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
Every vouch system that was in place was a waste of time and the review process was an even bigger joke. To be honest I'm not sure what is missing with Indys gone. Would be nice to have a single place the ladies can advertise but they are all advertising somewhere.
There were a subset of providers who, regardless of whether or not it was a good idea, treated a green-vouched indys guy as a green light. That no longer exists. Outside of that? People will self-sort. I think the winner (from a network-effects standpoint) ends up being whomever has the post-FOSTA balls to run something forum-ish with an explicit board which says "ads." or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Where Indys will suffer is it doesn't have that (I believe this is by design).