Booked overnight goes wrong, whats fair payback $$$$

gimme_that's Avatar
You might want to give up the overnites. It seems that you expect the lady to be a sex machine in for a 12 hour fuck fest. Originally Posted by pyramider
That is just not true. Im not trying to harm or maim anyone. Luckily for the most part I find ladies who can mostly accommodate. Its one of the reasons I enjoy hobbying because I can actually be overwhelmed. Although mainly black and spanish women (of multiple body types) and BBWs (both white and black) seem to fit the criteria for me more. They seem to cater moreso to what I expect. But I like variety too.

If it got that bad as you described I would just book double overnight sessions with two petite chicks. Id hobby far less times a year but at least I would be satisfied lol.
Okay ladies, this is why you price your overnights according to expectations. The poor lady really felt like she shorted herself. Then she didn't even get fed??

But seriously, it sounds like you picked the wrong girl. Not only did she not know what she was doing on the business end of things (which is the biggest part of the night going awry), but overnight preparation are unknown to her. It takes a full day to prepare for an overnight, no matter the activities. There is no way a lady shouldn't be prepared to work, or run out of steam on an overnight.

I have two separate rates for my four hour dates as well as my overnight appointments because of this. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a good back-blowing session as long as there are water/wine breaks in between. But I price them accordingly so that I can enjoy myself instead feeling slighted.

I can see what she was doing price-wise. Hell, she could sleep with 5 guys with MSOG all day long, or one guy. Her last worry should have been whether or not her cookie was sore. That was inevitable no matter her decision.

And there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with expecting a sex machine for 12 hours, as long as you pay fair price.
gimme_that's Avatar
Okay ladies, this is why you price your overnights according to expectations. The poor lady really felt like she shorted herself. Then she didn't even get fed?? Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
The only thing about those overnight rates ladies post is that they are sometimes highly negotiable. There have been more ladies do that than the few who are concrete with that rate.

Of course I have her perferred food (fruits and veggie trays, five hour energy shots for shock value only) and drinks. No ones starving and dehydrated in no capacity just because I dont choose to do a dinner date first or at all. In the rare cases I stepped outside my comfort zone and did a dinner date first it was because her phone demeanor was inviting and pushed for it. But they either did that free, or I booked more time. I still want 12 hours in the bedroom regardless. But a lot of ladies are strickly business when it comes to selling a dinner date and if I get that vibe I wont be with it. I usually book 9pm or not many places to go.......

But seriously, it sounds like you picked the wrong girl. Not only did she not know what she was doing on the business end of things (which is the biggest part of the night going awry), but overnight preparation are unknown to her. It takes a full day to prepare for an overnight, no matter the activities. There is no way a lady shouldn't be prepared to work, or run out of steam on an overnight. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
I agree and most times I book in advance. Even if I book same day I screen by noon and saw her that night. What I find happens moreso to often is that a lot of providers....especially on BP have admittedly never done an overnight even with rates posted; and most times I can tell by the questions they ask.

The ladies that tend to be tired or the ones that overbooked, on a driving tour, or the one the one who usually dont cater to late appointments. In any case this should not affect her performance wirh my session....thats her scenario she set up....she could have easily declined.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with a good back-blowing session as long as there are water/wine breaks in between. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

And there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with expecting a sex machine for 12 hours, as long as you pay fair price. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Cool beans.......but if I see two different rates on her website for this Ill pass, because most times it a quiet disclaimer that she cant accommodate you.
Hey...I'm one of those older ladies. It depends on the person. An over night for one person might included dinner drinking, dancing, and private time. For another it might mean, let's grab a bottle of wine and start the marathon.

No matter who it is, it's always best to meet in public first. If there is no chemistry, it's going to be a very long night for everyone.
coachstl's Avatar
If I did an overnight I'd expect it to be a GFE date, as if I'm taking my girlfriend to New York or whatever. If it's up to me we'd probably have sex for a couple hours right off the bat, then probably go to dinner, show, see some sites or whatever, then go back home and have sex again before going to sleep. If she lived in town I'd probably want more in the morning before she left. So three solid sessions. Frankly, even when I was young I didn't have the kind of stamina to do it over and over. A couple times, and then having her beside me when I wake up, would make it worth it for me. I'm actually flying a provider to meet me at a conference in a few weeks, so that's gonna be tested.
The only thing about those overnight rates ladies post is that they are sometimes highly negotiable. There have been more ladies do that than the few who are concrete with that rate.

Of course I have her perferred food (fruits and veggie trays, five hour energy shots for shock value only) and drinks. No ones starving and dehydrated in no capacity just because I dont choose to do a dinner date first or at all. In the rare cases I stepped outside my comfort zone and did a dinner date first it was because her phone demeanor was inviting and pushed for it. But they either did that free, or I booked more time. I still want 12 hours in the bedroom regardless. But a lot of ladies are strickly business when it comes to selling a dinner date and if I get that vibe I wont be with it. I usually book 9pm or not many places to go.......

I agree and most times I book in advance. Even if I book same day I screen by noon and saw her that night. What I find happens moreso to often is that a lot of providers....especially on BP have admittedly never done an overnight even with rates posted; and most times I can tell by the questions they ask.

The ladies that tend to be tired or the ones that overbooked, on a driving tour, or the one the one who usually dont cater to late appointments. In any case this should not affect her performance wirh my session....thats her scenario she set up....she could have easily declined.

Cool beans.......but if I see two different rates on her website for this Ill pass, because most times it a quiet disclaimer that she cant accommodate you. Originally Posted by gimme_that
Okay, you are something serious, first of all!

I can understand some ladies not wanting to turn down a large influx of cash for any reason, but dude, you're talking about a 12 hour period with no public time at all, with fruit trays. That's highly unusual, firstly. Knowing your stamina, I would not cut any corners with you or give you any discounts. But I'd be slapping your ass awake after I make you pass out.

Secondly, if you're not talking about seasoned providers, what did you expect? And booking by noon is not advanced notice. You're talking about ladies who aren't turning down a DOLLAR, thinking they're going to make money all day, then bump with you a couple hours and you're out for the count.

You are equally responsible for the night going wrong. It is up to you to book the type of companion that's going to make your overnights worth it. If you know the lady is inexperienced, has admitted to having a full day on the night you want to see her, it's up to you to reschedule. If you don't, you'll be posting more of these kind of threads.

As far as two separate rates are concerned, my clientele is equally split between two types of gents. My rates, especially for 4 hours, are based on how much public time we have. If you want no public time, you'll pay more. As far as the overnights are concerned, it's more about the amenities. For one price, we go to dinner, a show, and I become the show for the rest of the night. Personally, I don't expect to sleep. For those who have sleep requirements, there is a more reduced version of this night.

For the record, I have never been on an overnight where we never left the room. Four hours? Yes. Eight hours? Sure, but even then we had en suite meals. But never an overnight.
pyramider's Avatar
Hell, Tiffani most ladies cannot tolerate me longer than 15 minutes, and that includes FOREPLAY.
The right thing would be to pay her for the 2 hours you actually spent with her -whatever she regularly charges for 2 hours date. The overnight date didn't transpire, so no discount for the 2 hours would be warrented IMO. Yes providers do give discounts for multiple hour dates, but you actually have to go through with the date to get the multi hour discount. It stopped short, so I'd say pay whatever her 2 hour rate is.
Hell, Tiffani most ladies cannot tolerate me longer than 15 minutes, and that includes FOREPLAY. Originally Posted by pyramider
I'd just sit on your face for half the appointment. That would extend it a little...
bladtinzu's Avatar

If it was percentage wise that would equate to 83 dollars and hour. Roughly time wise 170 dollars.
Originally Posted by gimme_that
And that would be what she would get from me. She agreed to the overnighter thus risking reduced rates if she cannot keep up her end. Her wanting the full 2 hour rate? I'd laugh in her face. She took the risk not me. Had she been able to keep up then she would have the entire overnight rate. But she rolled the dice and came up with a craps. So $170 it would be. And if she doesn't understand why then I'd explain she took a calculated risk and lost on it.
Still Looking's Avatar
I'm still confused... are we talking minutes or hours?
pyramider's Avatar
I was talking minutes. Tiffani seems to thinck she can stretch the minutes. She has no idea what she would be up against.

Oh and gimme ... give the full two hour rate and don't be such a cheapskate. In the future, you need to do more research prior to booking overnites.
Putting myself in the hobbyists shoes, theres probably disapointment on his end. I mean, the gent was expecting an overnight fiesta, he probably cleared out his schedule with work, kids, etc. to have this overnight date, only to have the lady leave after 2 hours. But keep in mind, she did provide for 2 full hours. She did not provide for his needs overnight. Those are the facts. The original agreement and understanding was he gets a multi hour discount for booking an overnighter. She did not stay, so I would think the overnight discount would be null and void due to the fact that the overnighter didn't take place, no?
Still Looking's Avatar
If I ever happen to go to prison by chance, I do NOT want GimmeThat as my roomy!
pyramider's Avatar
Putting myself in the hobbyists shoes, theres probably disapointment on his end. I mean, the gent was expecting an overnight fiesta, he probably cleared out his schedule with work, kids, etc. to have this overnight date, only to have the lady leave after 2 hours. But keep in mind, she did provide for 2 full hours. She did not provide for his needs overnight. Those are the facts. The original agreement and understanding was he gets a multi hour discount for booking an overnighter. She did not stay, so I would think the overnight discount would be null and void due to the fact that the overnighter didn't take place, no? Originally Posted by Tatiana M.
No sympathy ... No empathy ... He did not go home with blue balls. He failed to do his research and apparently did not successfully communicate his expectations.