Warm Welcome

jeff one086's Avatar
hi elena

<type your favorite sarcastic comment here>

Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 01-08-2010, 04:48 PM
Welcome to your new home Elena!
Aww, thanks Bubba. Its good to see you here too.

Now, I think its time to shake things up a bit. Maybe change the curtains, some different carpet, new bed. Where to start.
Omahan's Avatar
I just got back from dinner. It has warmed up to +2 but I am sooooo cold. Elena Can I warm my hands ... oh, I better not say here.
sasnaK's Avatar
Eleeeeena! .......Eleeeeeena!.......I'm Back!

I went out for dinner tonight and I swear, I could not feel my feet by the time I drove home. I JUST thawed out and am toasty warm. So, c'mere and I'll let you put your hands.........umm, I can't say, I'm too shy.

Sasnak.......YAY you made it!! And you got my name right woohoo