Ted Cruz: Kickin Ass & Takin Names!!

You riding your dildo again?

figured you for a Cruz supporter. They must be able to land a helicopter on your head! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As a general rule, people tend to gravitate to topics where they perceive themselves as having some knowledge or expertise. Additionally, it has been my experience that someone who is uncomfortable with some facet of himself will attempt to project that characteristic onto others.

Why is it then, Assup, that the overwhelming majority of your posts mention dicks, hummers, dildos, various and sundry insults, etc., while very rarely adding substance to any topic put up for discussion??

Project much...??
Munchmasterman's Avatar
That's what I'm talkin bout...sic'em, Ted!!!!


(I'm on a mobile device, so if any of my right thinking hobby buds could cut & paste the article, it would give the lazy libtards one less excuse to not read the article...) Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
I read the article.

It clearly states that Franken-cruz accused former senator and DoD nominee Chuck Hagel of accepting money from North Korea.
Without any evidence whatsoever.

He sure is your kind of guy, as well as several other poster's vision of what America should be like.

You don't need any evidence or due process to declare someone guilty of something.

Like I said, your kind of guy.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
From Senate repubs.

"Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said that some of the demands Mr. Cruz made of Mr. Hagel were “out of bounds, quite frankly.” Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, issued a public rebuke after Mr. Cruz suggested, with no evidence, that Mr. Hagel had accepted honorariums from North Korea.
“All I can say is that the appropriate way to treat Senator Hagel is to be as tough as you want to be, but don’t be disrespectful or malign his character,” Mr. McCain said in an interview."
I read the article.

It clearly states that Franken-cruz accused former senator and DoD nominee Chuck Hagel of accepting money from North Korea.
Without any evidence whatsoever.

He sure is your kind of guy, as well as several other poster's vision of what America should be like.

You don't need any evidence or due process to declare someone guilty of something.

Like I said, your kind of guy. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It "clearly states" nothing of the kind. Below is Cruz's exact quote;

“It is at a minimum relevant to know if that $200,000 that he deposited in his bank account came directly from Saudi Arabia, came directly from North Korea.”

Don't you want to know where the money came from?? Considering he was heartily endorsed by Iran, and hates Israel, I certainly do.
From Senate repubs.

"Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said that some of the demands Mr. Cruz made of Mr. Hagel were “out of bounds, quite frankly.” Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, issued a public rebuke after Mr. Cruz suggested, with no evidence, that Mr. Hagel had accepted honorariums from North Korea.
“All I can say is that the appropriate way to treat Senator Hagel is to be as tough as you want to be, but don’t be disrespectful or malign his character,” Mr. McCain said in an interview." Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Who gives a fuck what those rinos think. Cruz scares them to death, and rightfully so.
He's the new face of the alternative Republican Party. Fucking psycho right-wing bomb-thrower. The fact that Graham thinks he is too extreme gives you a flavor. Idiots like OilBrain will love him. Moderates, independents and everybody else with an IQ above room temperature will run away from his extreme positions. He's nuts.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It "clearly states" nothing of the kind. Below is Cruz's exact quote;

“It is at a minimum relevant to know if that $200,000 that he deposited in his bank account came directly from Saudi Arabia, came directly from North Korea.”

Don't you want to know where the money came from?? Considering he was heartily endorsed by Iran, and hates Israel, I certainly do. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Why not ask? Instead of hinting at some nefarious source like a coward or a coward who supports a coward, why not just ask?

We both know the answer to that.

Neither you or him would register as anything other than a small blip on the radar. By playing the baseless inuendo card you keep your avatars in the limelight just a little bit longer.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Timmy, to call LapDog Oilbrain indicates there is a brain in his flat head.

meanwhile, idiot posters on this board continue to confuse anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic accusations against Hagel.

Are you listening BLOEHARD?

In fact Nebraska Jews from both sides of the aisle have refuted those ridiculous accusations... BOTH SIDES.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
As a general rule, people tend to gravitate to topics where they perceive themselves as having some knowledge or expertise. Additionally, it has been my experience that someone who is uncomfortable with some facet of himself will attempt to project that characteristic onto others.

Why is it then, Assup, that the overwhelming majority of your posts mention dicks, hummers, dildos, various and sundry insults, etc., while very rarely adding substance to any topic put up for discussion??

Project much...?? Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Big talk for a hummer, dick, cock smoking DILDO!

Flatheaded scrotum snuggler!

Big talk for a hummer, dick, cock smoking DILDO!

Flatheaded scrotum snuggler!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I rest my case.
He's the new face of the alternative Republican Party. Fucking psycho right-wing bomb-thrower. The fact that Graham thinks he is too extreme gives you a flavor. Idiots like OilBrain will love him. Moderates, independents and everybody else with an IQ above room temperature will run away from his extreme positions. He's nuts. Originally Posted by timpage
Wrong again, actually, he's the new face of conservatism. Fuck the Republicans, all they've done is help O'Blunder and his minions get us where we are today as a country...not a good place.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You've hitched your wagon to a dick, hummer, dildo head, then...

Though maybe not in those terms (but probably terms like shit, cunt, asshole, prong), I think that most of the GOP would agree with me.

Time for the mouth breathers, er, Teapublicans to start their own party and see what they can do...
Why not ask? Instead of hinting at some nefarious source like a coward or a coward who supports a coward, why not just ask?

We both know the answer to that.

Neither you or him would register as anything other than a small blip on the radar. By playing the baseless inuendo card you keep your avatars in the limelight just a little bit longer. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Why not just provide the information and make the issue go away?? The reason is, like O'Blunder and Hillary on Benghazi, Holder on Fast & Furious, etc., they don't want the truth out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
why hasn't the birth certificate issue gone away then?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
why hasn't the birth certificate issue gone away then? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
it hasn't