Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did Heidi get any beans spilled on her?

I voted for cruz in the primary

after last night I thought to myself I'd vote against him in any next primary, for the senate or president or for dog catcher

brit hume has made many negative comments about ted cruz down through the years and he made the comment after last nights speech that theres the reason no one in the senate likes cruz and as much as I like cruz's bulldoggish never give up on principle im beginning to see the light

this election is much too important to be petulant
gfejunkie's Avatar
Did Heidi get any beans spilled on her? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The audience was not overly fond of her, no.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Cruz is an ungrateful, classless bastard. After tonight, he has no chance of ever being President. What a fucking crybaby. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think he may have committed political suicide. And I'm good with that. I have never been a fan. Originally Posted by R.M.
I'm not a Cruz fan by any means (I actually think a Cruz Presidency would be worse than a Trump Presidency), but I worry about 2020. Certainly, we're still years away from it, but Cruz is obviously already starting to reinforce his brand and gather his voter base around him in preparation for it.

He's already well known to be the most hated man in DC and a person who only acts for himself (obviously not a team player). Endorsing Trump wouldn't have changed any of that, so I can understand where he came to his decision.

On the other hand, what I haven't seen many people bring up is that he was all up Trump's butt during the debates about not signing onto the pledge to endorse the eventual candidate... and now he's going back on his word to follow the pledge. Again, I don't think this will hurt him at all with his supporters (he just spins it as he's "following his conscience"), but I thought the lack of seeing this point brought up is interesting.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-21-2016, 09:44 AM
I am a fan of Rand Paul and I hope to see more of him around in 2018 and 2020.
From what I have read he is supporting Trump.
Cruz was almost as big an asshole as Patrick was at the Presidents town hall.

These fuckers didn't get elected in my neighborhood.

And they sure don't speak for me.

But Cruz got all up in Drumpf's face and the faces of all Trumpites.

And, when he got finished making excuses for his wife's scandalous "speech" last night (OK, that's probably not such a big deal but hey goddammit we are fucking with the other guys here so cut me a fucking break), Drumpf had to Tweet after him, which means that for once this week, he wasn't playing Pokemon on his cellphone. HAHAHA. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
" These fuckers sure didn't get elected in my neighborhood. And they sure don't speak for me. " Well, assup piggy mamboolah, we all KNOW that YOU and YOUR gay friends will always vote for the lying liberlas so no news there. And odummer didn't get elected in MY neighborhood and DAMN SURE doesn't speak for me, not when he's calling ISIS the JV team or saying " If you like your healthcare plan / Doctor, you can keep it / him " or " The sweetest sound is the call to prayer in the morning " or allowing Al Sharptongue to continue to dodge his tax liability and meets with him in the Half-White House to formulate race-baiting strategies or meets with the blackliesmatter folks to further their cop killing agenda " Pigs in a blanket, fry'em " !! FU LIB !
BigLouie's Avatar
Men like Ted Cruz, if you call them liars and insult their wives, will stab you right in the front at the right time in front of the nation
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think Cruz is finished.. he fancies himself the 2020 candidate, but his Senate seat is not secure.. Sons of Bitches don't get elected President.. LBJ did, but he defeated the worst Republican candidate ever, Goldwater.

Cruz is petulant, arrogant, and full of himself, i.e., shit.

he is (or fancies himself as) the straightforward candidate.. if he was truly honest, he would have said "I will not vote for Donald, because he called me "lyin' Ted throughout the Primary season, and suggested my Dad was in on a plot to kill JFK".

I could understand that.. say it, then talk about your vision for the Party.. but like was said earlier in the thread, Cruz should have originally cast himself as the "other outsider", and offered himself as a choice in that respect.. but the truth is Cruz never was an outsider. unless you define outsider as an insider, who takes his toys and goes home, when the game is not in his favor.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I would not endorse him either without a full public apology for attacking his wife and his father.
Trump was wrong and should man up and take care of this now.
Tonight's speech would be a great time and place for that.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I would not endorse him either without a full public apology for attacking his wife and his father.
Trump was wrong and should man up and take care of this now.
Tonight's speech would be a great time and place for that. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
agree.. I don't see it happening, but what a pivotal moment in election history that would be.. I hope Trump's writers are ironing out the specific language right now.

the Democrats would have to tear up their speeches for next week, and start from scratch.
LexusLover's Avatar
I voted for Dewhurst.

Trump's derogatory comments about the other Republican Presidential candidates during the primary campaign were uncalled for and are coming back to haunt him. Cruz. Fiorina. Jeb Bush. Rubio. You reap what you sow. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The Republican candidates and the Democrats with the media's help trashed Trump in a relentless effort to assure he did not prevail in the Primaries.

Anybody who attempts to dismiss it or deny it is either tone deaf or a liar.
LexusLover's Avatar
Duplicate post.
I would not endorse him either without a full public apology for attacking his wife and his father.
Trump was wrong and should man up and take care of this now.
Tonight's speech would be a great time and place for that. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
cruz's pac tried to trash melania first, if bringing up old model poses is trashing, but the comments attached tried to.

of course cruz disclaimed all prior knowledge

cruz, in his speech last night, implored his listeners to cast out anger for love, but he gets to cling to his anger

Fishpie's Avatar
Anyone getting butthurt about comments made about Cruz's wife and father is petty as fuck. You act like this has never happened in the history of the world much less politics. For a man who preaches how much he believes in the Constitution and what it stands for he couldn't even stand by the little ole pledge he made to endorse the party nominee. Trump knew Cruz was a sore loser and let him pull that trigger on political suicide in front of the nation.
LexusLover's Avatar
If she took off a few pounds, it might work in the tub:

.. unless you like em a little beefy ...or a little more suds.