he did nothing wrong to begin with, tiger go get more ladies, JR
Originally Posted by jrewing03
As for his sponsors, maybe he should switch to Magnum Condoms and Nike. He can play the hell out of golf, that doesn't make him a saint or super human and his life is noone's business but his own. For this to make headline news day after day, week after week, makes Americans look as shallow and stupid as we are reputed to be.
Originally Posted by Dharma
I fully agree with JR and Dharma here..
If at all he owes an apology to anyone, it is only to his wife and no one else. Why in world does he have to make a apology to the public..
Is it some kind of modern version of biblical lynching..?
I would say Tiger is a fool to get into that mess of committed relationship, least of all marriage. If you think the chick is hot do her all you want.. but why marry her..?
It is like getting into a contract where you are just allowed to drink from that one well, while you have to pay out of your nose to maintain and protect it as well..
while there are a hundred other wells around you with different flavours.. that you can drink from with no strings attached..