How about a DON'T LIKE button?

London Rayne's Avatar
Like the Mods don't have lives as well as the responsibility to look over things on the boards?.... You expect them have the time to respond to you banging the RTM key?

I would imagine they look at it and decide if your complaint has merit and act or don't act.....

I've seen the results of using the RTM but can't remember ever getting a response....

Be "mature" enough to not hide behind the RTM Button and Don't like button concept.... Participate..... Share your views... defend the points you make if debated on them..... Originally Posted by Whispers

Cmon Whispers, you know that's not a fair suggestion lol. Us actually saying what's on our mind around here? Now how would that look?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
From where I stand, both of you, Whispers and London, have valid points.

There seems to be two primary and opposing camps on the board.

On one side, there is the very vociferous camp that jumps with loud indignation at the slightest offense or even just imagined misdeed. This is the vocal minority, but maybe it's not so minor anymore.

The other camp are the quiet and timid ones who rarely post and would rather quietly push a button to voice their opposition without anyone knowing who they are to avoid the angry flames that would surely follow.

Personally, I think there is a middle way.

A way where people conduct themselves like responsible adults who consider their words carefully before they post them and correct those who need correction more along the lines of a teacher who gently corrects a student with wisdom and less like the way a prison guard savagely corrects a prisoner with a baton.

Why is that so hard?

. . . Why can't we all get along?

London Rayne's Avatar
Thank you! Geez! Every single person I have ever had an argument with here, I would gladly buy a drink for in the realy real world. Why do some people just have to keep pegging away. Life is too short. Lighten the hell up!
Whispers's Avatar
Cmon Whispers, you know that's not a fair suggestion lol. Us actually saying what's on our mind around here? Now how would that look? Originally Posted by London Rayne
hmm... Like adults?

Then again... If give the whiners buttons that don't really do anything..... Maybe they will pound away on their buttons rather than whining?
lil_michelle's Avatar
I always said there should be a "Stupid" button. I am still waiting. Originally Posted by London Rayne

LOL.. Funny, I vote for that one
London Rayne's Avatar
hmm... Like adults?

Then again... If give the whiners buttons that don't really do anything..... Maybe they will pound away on their buttons rather than whining? Originally Posted by Whispers's going to be one or the other ha ha. Either listen to us gripe here, or give us a stupid button.
Whispers's Avatar
Look what I found!


I've reported you and it's Facebook so you KNOW your in trouble now!
London Rayne's Avatar
Crap! I knew social media would get my butt one day.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Crap! I knew social media would get my butt one day. Originally Posted by London Rayne
No worries, I rather pleasure you into submission than Behead you
Mariah Moore's Avatar
In some ways I agree with the "Don't Like" button because it would be a great way to be a little under the radar and say that you don't like what's going on but then on the other hand I don't agree because there is already alot of conflict on here between providers and providers, hobbiest and hobbiest and even provider hobbiest so if there was such a button I think some people would just push it because of who wrote the thread not on what the thread says.. Just my .02
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Personally I would rather someone say "don't like" under my post than to tell me "just go back and bury my head in the sand" If some are going to be THAT rude, then maybe a few DON'T LIKES under the post might not hurt.

And just for the record, I have been around this type of board for 10 years, I'm not rude or offensive to others over that time. I D.E.W. not casually hit the RMT button, no, sir it takes ALOT for me to hit that button.

Now I will say I'm sorry IF I'M WRONG about it being deleted, however if there is no action for months and the behavior continues, then something is wrong there. And I stand by my comment that the mods usually get back to me, in fact SIXX I think you have gotten back to me months ago over something.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Personally I would rather someone say "don't like" under my post than to tell me "just go back and bury my head in the sand" If some are going to be THAT rude, then maybe a few DON'T LIKES under the post might not hurt. Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
Dagny D.E.W. I'm not saying you would do this, but read Mariah Moore's post closely and that's basically how many other will use this button you want. I haven't been on the boards as long as you say you have been, but in my short period I've been on I've run across many that would abuse this button as Mariah as stated & they will do it just because they are very hardheaded & set in they ways, and even when you try to educate them to what the real truth is (including facts to back it up they will still hit that button anonymously just because they can (and have their following do the same) which will make anyone giving good info to appear bad!!!
Whispers's Avatar
Now I will say I'm sorry IF I'M WRONG about it being deleted, however if there is no action for months and the behavior continues, then something is wrong there. Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
If it is a behavior continuing for "months" I would bet the problem is YOUR perception of it being an issue.

ECCIE is run by adults FOR adults and although there are still a few MODs around that feel the need to enforce what THEY believe is socially acceptable, at the end of the day, when the ones that really matter get involved, the forums and membership are given a lot of leeway and left alone.

Based on what SOME tend to believe MODS would be doing I think arguments could be made for them to delete ads/posts that include deceptive practices/lies...

It's amazing that you ladies believe that dishonesty and deception should be tolerated but heaven forbid someone mention something about it..... Oh No... It's rude to question a lady about it or point it out.....
London Rayne's Avatar
Dagny D.E.W. I'm not saying you would do this. I haven't been on the boards as long as you say you have been, but in my short period I've been on I've run across many that would abuse this button as Mariah as stated & they will do it just because they are very hardheaded & set in they ways, and even when you try to educate them to what the real truth is (including facts to back it up they will still hit that button anonymously just because they can (and have their following do the same) which will make anyone giving good info to appear bad!!! Originally Posted by Rcoop361
Yea but wouldn't it be funny as all get out if you saw like 98 "stupids" under a post?

And don't you boys say it....already know what you're thinking about my posts lol.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Yea but wouldn't it be funny as all get out if you saw like 98 "stupids" under a post?

And don't you boys say it....already know what you're thinking about my posts lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yes that would be funny
As for your post it seems I have to quote you to respond, being each time you post I have to work just to get past that FINE VIEW of your Avatar to see your actual post, that's my thinking on your posts, LOL