Serbian shooter kills 10

Precious_b's Avatar
Speak plainly for you think (not feel) that crime is DROPPING in New York City? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Already a thread on that (which I have mentioned) and have answered there.

The obtuseness of many threads practically eliminates the odds of a plain answer.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So, you can't do it. Good to know.
Precious_b's Avatar
Answered on your other thread. Sad to know that you can't keep track of all your other threads about the topic. But you did say that you had a visit involving your toe. Guess you kept kicking it in alot of doors and got pushed back

At least Serbia immediately came to the right action.

Here in the good 'ol USofA, they FINALLY made a decision to charge the guardian of the kid who shot the teacher. No jail time for the kid either.