***Website, Can Anyone Help Me On This Subjuect??**

cyborg's Avatar
My websites kinda kick the shit out of everyone else's. Bragging? Possibly. Factual statement? Unquestionably.

So yeah, I can help if you need it. I don't do basic broad websites, and templates are cheap and trashy.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Feisty Kat I love your site but its boring.. Just simple I need something a little more ump!! Originally Posted by MissMelissa
Whoever you use, make sure they register your site and domain in your name or your business name not theirs. I've been involved in web stuff since the dark ages (can anyone say Linux 0.99 and Mosaic?) and this used to be the MO of many "web designers" so they could milk fees for updates and such. Web sites and software to run them is much more sophisticated now and freely available as is info on how to use it, but getting someone good and professional is still a good route.

Make sure they give you instructions on how to make changes in text, pics and videos and you need to practice so you know it cold. It is important to keep a site up to date and with changing or added content so it stays high in the search rankings as well. I see areas for blog posts on many providers sites, but only 1 in 100 actually do regular blog posts. You need to keep the site fresh for maximum impact and appeal. Also, your website can automatically update your Twitter feed and other sites so it doesn't require so much work if this is set up right. Good luck.
There are thousand of people here who can help you with that
Kim thank you.. No the rare escort they owe me over 2000 so I took my stuff down because they just will not send me my money I been sending out request and I get nothing back.

Thanks guy's and ladies for everyone help on this... I think I have 2 people in mind that I want to work with I am weighing out my option now....