Man orders prostitute and daughter arrives

Oh goodness. I might as well. So one time I had a very nice gentleman contact me on P411 for an appointment. He had great references and they all said tons of positive things about him so I figured why not. Well we had the usual 2 call system and when he got to the door I looked thru the peephole and it was my uncle. I didn't answer the door or anything just stood there almost frozen. He knocked a few times and walked off. Blew up my phone telling me how bad I was for blowing him off once he was all the way there. I finally messaged him and just let him know the reason I did not answer was because I looked and saw it was a family member. He now knows it was me and we have never discussed it.
well,........ I hope he at least gave her the cancellation fee!
A Showcase could have resolved this problem.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Oh goodness. I might as well. So one time I had a very nice gentleman contact me on P411 for an appointment. He had great references and they all said tons of positive things about him so I figured why not. Well we had the usual 2 call system and when he got to the door I looked thru the peephole and it was my uncle. I didn't answer the door or anything just stood there almost frozen. He knocked a few times and walked off. Blew up my phone telling me how bad I was for blowing him off once he was all the way there. I finally messaged him and just let him know the reason I did not answer was because I looked and saw it was a family member. He now knows it was me and we have never discussed it. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
Wow Tanner!
A showcase only resolves this problem if you show your face. The funny thing is my aunt totally knows what I do. I stopped in for some taco soup the other day and she was like "You're not like walking the streets now are you?" She is so unaware of this realm.
See, just like I said Tanner. If dude used the damn peephole we wouldn't be having this conversation. Now I gotta know is he your blood uncle or an uncle through marriage? Yeah I know its gross but if I don't ask another perv here will.
Uncle through marriage but ewwww. Either way that is not for me.
Uncle through marriage but ewwww. Either way that is not for me. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
I know fuckin nasty. I just wanted to screw with you.
DallasRain's Avatar
wow!thats something i would never want to
Tanner that is crazy awkward. I'm assuming your aunt doesn't know her husband hobbies. Just, blahh. I don't think I know what I would do in that situation.

Sidenote:// I love you sig. Billy Joel is a favorite of mine.
London Rayne's Avatar
I did all my brother's friends in high school...does that count? I didn't charge them either..damn!
Never had a friend of my daughters but was in a small city in Louisiana and set up appt with provider and got to door and she opened it and she looked very familar and got to talking and turned out she was part time nurse worked the same hospital as my daughter.
Knew i had seen her before !!
we sat and talked about situation and decided both of us had lot to loose if either said anything.
She wanted and needed the cash so we went thru with the appt.
She is still an active provider now but i decided 1 time was enough...way too close of a call for me to do it again.
DallasRain's Avatar
wow tanner--thats a weird one!

I was in Alabama on tour & may have screwed my 3rd cousin!

I saw a young client and discovered afterwards that he had the same last name as my moms maiden name.....and my mom has alot of relatives in that town! ..he even kind of looked like my brother and he talked like my other brother! i do not know for sure,but geeeeez if it was,he was so damn HOT!
While traveling a few years back I made arrangements through the hotel bell boy for a lady. I went down the hall to get ice and when I returned there was a lady whom I had worked with on occasions when in that city. She casually said that she was calling on a friend and I said I had accidently gotten off on the wrong floor. I just did not feel comfortable screwing a coworker - don't play to close to the flag pole.

Finally made it under DR, WOW!
I looked thru the peephole and it was my uncle. Originally Posted by TabooTanner
I was in Alabama on tour & may have screwed my 3rd cousin! Originally Posted by DallasRain
RLMFAO! Thanks ladies for your honestly.

I'm sure I will run into something sooner or later. I've only had 2 situations where I have recognized a provider and I don't think either time they recognized me. I had a session once with a mom from an opposing baseball team. And I also had a session with a lady I recognized as a cashier Wal-Mart. I said nothing to either about recognizing them....

Dallas's story makes me think about how I discovered in High School I was dating my 5th cousin. Neither of us knew, then my Grandmother told me how she and my girlfriends Grandfather were kin.... freaked me out and I split up with the girl and never got any from her. Looking back on it, I probably should have.

Dallas, don't wory about it. If the Queen of England can marry a 3rd cousin, you should be able to fuck your 3rd cousin .......... or at least in Alabama you can.