You strike me a most critical woman, LR.
Do you think you would make a good sugar baby? I doubt it.
You have too many sharp edges and your negative attitude does not endear you to new customers or old ones, for that matter unless they like to be verbally abused.
. . . My personal advice is that you really should try to at least fake being a sweet girl and attract more customers.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Honey, thanks but my customer base is doing just fine lol. If you can't appreciate my raw sense of humor and brutal HONESTY, I am sorry but I am not here to appeal to you. If I talked and treated my clients that way, I doubt they would continue to see me...common sense please. Just because I tell it like it is on a HOOKER BOARD and some men get all butt hurt, is really not my problem lol.
Let's put your theory to the test shall we? Go back and look at my posting history in April when I joined...look how many reviews I had. Not many at all. Now look at it now and the reviews that go with it...nuff said. It was not until I started being so "rough around the edges" as you say, that I had business from I am afraid your theory is washed up. If I did not appeal to "old friends" why do I have multiple reviews from the SAME men? Thancks.
Seems that
not all men are that uber sensitive and need their azz kissed to have a good time. If you take what people say on a hooker board that seriously, I am not the one with the problem love.
I would venture to guess that the men who do see me, are actually in touch with reality and don't assume the things I say here are to be taken out of context or brought into our time. I am very down to earth, funny as all get out, and my friends and I have a great time...yes, I said "friends" because with the exception of maybe 5, every guy I have met I consider a friend whom I keep in touch with. We do meet and greets all over the world, so it's obvious I am just as fun off the clock as in the sack.
To stay ON TOPIC, no I would not make a good SB because I am not a freaking idiot! Why would I trade 6-10k a month in only 8-10 days of work, to have some needy nut job wanting me to be at his beck and call for pennies? Ah, check mate. Sorry, I do have a brain and I did pass economics.
What I said about those sites is the freaking truth!
It's wanna be pimps and fake SDs looking for some dumb girl to fk him non-stop for very little money. She would do better being a hooker but a SB is actually convinced that fkin for money does not make her a what....A HOOKER!
If I wanted a guy around all the time, I would stop providing and get married again. A true SD has money and lots of it! The women I know in these types of relationships are set UP big time. He leases them a car, home, she gets shopping money and not to WalMart lol, trips around the world etc. Any less than that, is not a freaking's a broke BF!