False review

ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 12-30-2016, 04:31 PM
RougeOne +2 .... I agree with you! .... but it's only a review done by this hobbies! (you and I have done reviews! all my reviews, including beautiful princess Slave have been awesome, with one or two exemptions on a "NO") Who is the person that added stalking?
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Well! No! Hold on a minute!, there is two sides to every story...

I don't believe that I EVER SAID that there WERE NOT two sides to every story... Now, did I? However, I am fairly good at reading between the lines... Call it a HOOKTARD'S SLUTTY INTUITION...

look at the details of "he said", "she said", and I would NOT call it stalking when you can gather all the information via your friendly inrternet via google (this lad did his homework and followed the links)..

Hmmm... YOU MAY NOT call it STALKING... but I DO... And the last time I CHECKED this is STILL AMERICA and that crazy thing called FREE SPEECH & INDEPENDENT THINKING is still allowed...even for WOMEN... but maybe, that is not something that YOU LIKE?

This young lady has a right to rebuttal.

Yes... she does... Did I ever imply that she does not?

I consider stalking when it's done physically following someone!

Luckily, the Federal Government takes a MUCH STRONGER stance on cyberstalking then YOU DO... and I am BETTING that you do not have the same level of experience with stalkers as some of us do...

I have been outed 9 times by my cyber stalkers... How many times have YOU been outed? So... I am not really concerned if you do not think that he is stalking her...

There are CERTAIN SIGNS that all stalkers display in the early stages... some people are better than others at recognizing those...

( besides, it's his review, and reviews different 180 degrees from monger to monger!).

Did I ever say that he DID NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO REVIEW??? I do not believe that I have ever said that any gentleman DID NOT have the right to post a review...

This is one of the reasons providers are not allowed to post in the reviews section, because there may be a difference of opinions. Take and accept the review for what it's worth! Originally Posted by ttmax
Ahhhh... I see... Providers are to be SEEN & FUCKED but not HEARD?!? LOL... How illuminating...
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
RougeOne +2 .... I agree with you! .... but it's only a review done by this hobbies! (you and I have done reviews! all my reviews, including beautiful princess Slave have been awesome, with one or two exemptions on a "NO") Who is the person that added stalking? Originally Posted by ttmax
I added the STALKING COMMENT... In my OPINION... any gentleman who decides to track a provider's ads in OTHER STATES AND ON OTHER SITES is STALKING HER...

But HEY... that is just MY OPINION... You combine that with the fact that he is a known barebacker and that adds to my already low opinion of him...

I believe that I am allowed to have that am I not?
But EVERYONE who posts on eccie is subject to questioning... Why is that an issue? Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
No one - and I mean NO ONE - knows this better than you, SG. You just keep right on leaving disciples in your wake. I'm one of them.
I think she should post a picture of her smile. What do you think dic Honeywell?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I think she should post a picture of her smile. What do you think dic Honeywell? Originally Posted by TXRR15
Dic will vouch for her smile. Well, if his "discount" is large enough.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
@Slave. I'm sorry, I couldn't decide which one to quote, I so loved them all. Pure poetry, Miss.
Dic will vouch for her smile. Well, if his "discount" is large enough. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks

Careful he may have to start another payment plan 😜
ttmax's Avatar
  • ttmax
  • 12-30-2016, 09:27 PM
........., and Slave is overwhelmingly correct! (OMG the power of a beautiful woman! Hobbies I am not that stupid!) Happy New Year 2017!
I added the STALKING COMMENT... In my OPINION... any gentleman who decides to track a provider's ads in OTHER STATES AND ON OTHER SITES is STALKING HER...

But HEY... that is just MY OPINION... You combine that with the fact that he is a known barebacker and that adds to my already low opinion of him...

I believe that I am allowed to have that am I not?
Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Googling a number she posted on her ad, profile or whatever is not cyber stalking. She said she never goes below $200 so in response I googled her number and a shit load of backpage ads popped up for $100 Wow I'm glad you aren't a judge you would be throwing them down left and right. Stalking?

Slaves translation= don't do research just pay up and love every moment and never write a bad review and trust everything women say here and never defend your reviews and all your reviews are wrong if the girl who you reviewed doesn't like it. GTFOH!

All I did is debunk all her claims and defended my review. If you could read the review you would know like she does why I wrote it late. Cream pies, bbjs, Lfk, and whoreing for years sucking dick after dick is no safer than Bbfs. Kissing guys after sucking dicks makes them second hand dick suckers. Stop it. No unprotected act is safer than the other. If you are scared then go to church. This hobby is not for the weak minded.

Just my opinion and no disrespect intended.
Big One's Avatar
IMHO I think the lady may be speaking the truth, too bad she didn't stick around. Hope she decides to make a return.
Spoke with bunny940 last week. She's planning on returning back to SA second week of Jan.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-31-2016, 12:37 AM
Opinions can be expressed without being rude. Keep it polite and civil, please.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I did see Miss Bunny at a social and she was absolutely beautiful. I didn't get a chance to talk to her because she was surrounded by hopeful mongers all night, as she should have been. No hate or discontent intended with this statement... Just the observation of an unbiased onlooker.

Happy New Year everyone! May your 2017 be filled with great sex, new adventures and naughty indiscretions...
Dr Grey's Avatar
TushKing, there are weak and strong minded while also those that are wreckless and retarded. Those that are weak might have the sense to use a condom while wreckless people tend to partake in things that will land you a life condition you are willing to take on. Your choice, but not smart. You would be surprised how many pms I've got for guys asking for help for shit they caught.
Listen people. The girl is beautiful as I said in the reviews. Both of them. This thread was started not because of the first good review but because the follow up was bad. I took notice and gave advice on the top part but said she was still beautiful. If you have seen her see her again and take notice. I like what I like and it may not be what you like but please don't call me names when Me or others write a truthful NO review.