Make sure desantos doesnt represent the Republicans in 2024

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who is Moochelle Obama?

And if Trump doesn't run, y'all will be stuck with yet another right winger who panders to the extreme branch of the party. The same ones who support and condone the Big Lie, Jan 6 and the destruction of accessible and safe health care for women... 55% of the voting population.

If Trump does run, any candidate put forth by the Dems will win with the same resounding result as 2020.

Can you say President Newsome?

How about President Booker?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
HF, why are you rambling on about the far left? The topic is DeSantis. He is far right. The topic is not far left candidates because that is completely irrelevant because that has already been proven how the majority of this country feels about them or maybe I missed something, and Sanders or Warren is our current president.
  • Tiny
  • 08-07-2022, 02:05 PM
Attachment 879578

Total slime ball. Cant wait for his skeletons to come out! In a year or so he will be irrelevant! Ask yourselves why is the party pushing so hard for this guy? Remember dole? romney? mccain? Think for yourselves folks! Originally Posted by winn dixie
I don't know much about DeSantis. LustyLad says he's done a good job in Florida, and I suspect, policy wise, for the issues that matter, he'd do a good job as president. But he is so damn divisive. He goes out of his way to pick fights. I'd much prefer one of the Republican governors who lead Democratic states, like Larry Hogan or Charlie Baker, as I believe they'd have a better chance of winning a general election. And they've done a good job of running their states. Same with, say, a Tim Scott and Nikki Haley ticket. That ticket would beat just about anyone the Democrats would run against them.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Larry Hogan would be a no--

Charlie Baker-- maybe

Tim Scott/ Nikki Haley--- ehhh.. Possible, but he may be better served with a different person in the 2 slot.

As far as the Dems go-- I could easily see Liz Cheney flipping sides and that may very well be in the works.

As far as DeSantis goes-- I have to agree with WD-- would be a bad move. Of course, I feel the same about Trump-- not due to any TDS, but because we just don't need another man pushing 80 in the White House, I don't care who they are.
  • Tiny
  • 08-07-2022, 02:31 PM
Larry Hogan would be a no-- Originally Posted by Grace Preston
"No" in terms of him making a good President? Or "no", you believe he'd be a weak candidate in the primaries and general election?

One I didn't mention is Glenn Youngkin, Republican governor of Virginia, because he doesn't have much of a track record. But I think he'd make a strong candidate if he had the support from donors.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hogan has major health issues if I remember right? And the person he backed to take his spot lost in the primaries .
I have always liked Nikki Haley and Tim Scott is a good choice too.
  • Tiny
  • 08-07-2022, 03:01 PM
Hogan has major health issues if I remember right? And the person he backed to take his spot lost in the primaries .
I have always liked Nikki Haley and Tim Scott is a good choice too. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Sounds like you and probably Grace are more knowledgeable about him than I am. I've seen him on some of the Sunday shows, and if you can believe what he says, he's done a good job governing Maryland. He would appeal in a general election to independents and to Democrats looking for an alternative to a progressive. He's not the most photogenic person around though.
Grace Preston's Avatar
"No" in terms of him making a good President? Or "no", you believe he'd be a weak candidate in the primaries and general election?

One I didn't mention is Glenn Youngkin, Republican governor of Virginia, because he doesn't have much of a track record. But I think he'd make a strong candidate if he had the support from donors. Originally Posted by Tiny

Both as far as Hogan goes. In terms of running for office, Baltimore is a HUGE albatross for any Governor of Maryland to have-- not to mention there are some minor-ish scandals in terms of how funds were appropriated for some projects in a way that would be considered favorable to his own interests. Plus.. he's fairly moderate, which may be a struggle in terms of the current tide of the party.... in terms of holding the office-- he's already had some major health scares.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Sounds like you and probably Grace are more knowledgeable about him than I am. I've seen him on some of the Sunday shows, and if you can believe what he says, he's done a good job governing Maryland. He would appeal in a general election to independents and to Democrats looking for an alternative to a progressive. He's not the most photogenic person around though. Originally Posted by Tiny

I lived in Maryland briefly and have several friends there on both sides of the political fence. Neither side cares for him... lol.
  • Tiny
  • 08-07-2022, 03:11 PM
Fair enough. Larry Hogan then is off my short list, if I somehow develop superpowers so I can influence who the Republican nominee will be in 2024.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
When did Desantis become “far right”? Democrats have gone so far off a left wing cliff that they consider anyone right of Pol Pot to be out of the “mainstream”.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Who is Moochelle Obama? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Barack’s husband.
HedonistForever's Avatar
HF, why are you rambling on about the far left? The topic is DeSantis. He is far right. The topic is not far left candidates because that is completely irrelevant because that has already been proven how the majority of this country feels about them or maybe I missed something, and Sanders or Warren is our current president. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Because you can't have a discussion on DeSantis's possibilities without discussing who the Democrats will nominate. Far Left candidates are completely irrelevant? And we know how the country feels about the far Left? O.K., Yes we do, which is why DeSantis, no matter what you label him as, will beat a far Left candidate.

That doesn't seem to be that hard to understand, but then......

And yes, you have missed something. This Democrat party is being controlled by the far left and as you say, the country doesn't much care for that.

Whether DeSantis wins or loses ( if he even runs ) will depend on the Democratic nominee and if it is Harris, Democrats lose.

If the Democrat powers that be strip Harris of her "rightful place", there will be hell to pay in the Democrat party especially if they nominate a White male. The Black females will stay home.

And I can't see how any Democrat can win without the majority of Hispanics and that isn't looking good for Democrats.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Because you can't have a discussion on DeSantis's possibilities without discussing who the Democrats will nominate. Far Left candidates are completely irrelevant? And we know how the country feels about the far Left? O.K., Yes we do, which is why DeSantis, no matter what you label him as, will beat a far Left candidate.

That doesn't seem to be that hard to understand, but then......

And yes, you have missed something. This Democrat party is being controlled by the far left and as you say, the country doesn't much care for that.

Whether DeSantis wins or loses ( if he even runs ) will depend on the Democratic nominee and if it is Harris, Democrats lose.

If the Democrat powers that be strip Harris of her "rightful place", there will be hell to pay in the Democrat party especially if they nominate a White male. The Black females will stay home.

And I can't see how any Democrat can win without the majority of Hispanics and that isn't looking good for Democrats. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

From a strategy perspective-- I almost expect half of the Dem ticket... to be Hispanic (not even kidding). Couldn't tell you the "who".. because I really haven't been watching too closely (I have too much on my plate right now to dive in too deep). But... from a strategy standpoint.....

I don't see Harris anywhere on the ticket. I just don't. Of course, I also don't see Michelle on the ticket either-- as she has said more than once that she doesn't want it.

I honestly think the best bet for Republicans, regardless of Dem candidate.. would be Tim Scott. Seems to have the least baggage out of the "top contenders". That could all shift before 2024 of course, but... I think as of now, he'd be an excellent choice.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If the Democrat powers that be strip Harris of her "rightful place", there will be hell to pay in the Democrat party especially if they nominate a White male. The Black females will stay home.. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Unless he’s gay. A man’s whiteness can be forgiven if he’s a bone smoker.