Jay Sekulow - attorney, or crook ?

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The entire legal system is crooked. Judges, DA and lawyers are all buddies and out to fuck all of us. Originally Posted by bigbadbill969
To the extent that all professions are conspiracies against the individual that is true. As it ever was.
VitaMan's Avatar
Just review the reports his charity has filed
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Provide a linck to them if you have the knowledge of their location on the "internet".
It really isn't that hard.
VitaMan's Avatar
Charity is Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism (CASE)
Board members: 4 only from Sekulow family
raises money by telemarketing and mail campaigns

Constitutional Litigation and Advocacy Group
law firm co owned by Jay Sekulow
paid 25 mm by CASE

Regency Productions
production firm owned by Jay Sekulow
paid 11.3 mm by CASE

company run by wife of brother of Jay Sekulow
paid 6.2 mm by CASE

company run by wife of Jay Sekulow
given 240 k loan by CASE for purchase of a house
loan later forgiven, property remortgaged and now owned by Sekulows

Just the tip of the iceberg
VitaMan's Avatar
Just one of your fellow Christians, asking for some of your hard earned money, so we
can pay for the lease on our private jet, pay our mortgages.......like Jimmy Swaggert, Tammy Baker,
Robert Tillson, and....

VitaMan's Avatar
Tax documents show more than $886,000 of those donations from CASE and its related groups was paid out over 12 years in his role as director to Logan Sekulow, Jay's son, who first fulfilled the position when he was only 18 and had no experience other than an internship at Nickelodeon, according to the Daily Beast.
VitaMan's Avatar
Hope I have helped you to start realizing a few things.

Newsflash: those are periodicals, not refutable allegations; your naming them is no more than evasiveness. Be specific if you aspire to being taken seriously. Otherwise you're nothing more than a Sistine Chapel wannabe. You seem to be doing a fine monkey-see, monkey-do job there.

You make accusations of serious crimes, and the perpetrators need to be held to account if they are true...your flippancy adds nothing to serious discussion.
Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak