TexTushHog's Avatar
You'd think any patriotic American with more sense than the average goose would be more upset at actions by troops that undermine the core mission of winning the hearts and minds of the Afghan people with boneheaded acts Ike desecrating a corpse. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that one act such as this can undo ten thousand acts of kindness. For good or for I'll, we're not there to kill members of the opposition. We're there to bost he prospects of the Karzai government and to do things that will cause the Afghan people to look at us in a more favorable light. Any killing is purely ancillary to protecting the incumbent government.
Fuck "winning their hearts and minds " how about winning their fears and respect. We aren't there to colonize, only destroy the enemy and come home.

Fuck the costly nation building crap.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If our mission is to protect the Karzai government, then we need to get out ASAP. That's not our business, and Karzai doesn't like us anyway. He just wants our money, then he will be as bad a despot as they usually get over there. No wonder our troops are acting crazy. They are watching their friends die for a stupid mission we should never have been involved in.
Of course there is a responsiblity by senior military to correct wrong doings; but that doesn't necessarily mean "going public".

And for the record; not playing to the press isn't the same as sweeping it "under the rug" as you wrongly contend.

Again, think before you post Old Timer.

btw, the White House agrees with me!

No wrong conclusion. If something serious is done wrong by the troops it is the responsibility of the seniors to correct it..... But you think they should be pushed under the rug again? Wrong, when they are of this magnitude they need to be disinfected with openness and sunlight. .... Originally Posted by Old-T
And let's not forget the facts on the ground.....

The American soldiers were posing with their Afghan comrades in the picture...and the mangled corposes were of Afghan insurgent bombers who self destructed and mangled their own bodies, killing innocents in the process.

For the lefties on this site to lable these American volunteers "savages" or "barbarians" is disgusting.
bipolar_cboy's Avatar
I am sort of in the middle here but a good discussion. YOu don't go to war in a shit hole like Afganistan and do one, two, three, four, even 5 tours of duty and see what these guys see and do what these guys do and not get pretty warped. Many of these soldiers will take years to recover from all this savagery. I know Vietnam vets who are still not over it. Its not a movie...war is a fucking horror most can never comprehend.

At the same time you cannot defeat what you hate by becoming like them. You can also expect the people that live there to be pretty horrified by it and for some of them to actually join the enemy or support them based on what they saw. Most of the population are just goat herds that want to stay alive. This sort of thing adds to the membership of the Taliban and embarrassed a military that tries very hard to take the high road. That helps nothing and no one.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-19-2012, 02:25 PM
You'd think any patriotic American with more sense than the average goose would be more upset at actions by troops that undermine the core mission of winning the hearts and minds of the Afghan people with boneheaded acts Ike desecrating a corpse. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that one act such as this can undo ten thousand acts of kindness. For good or for I'll, we're not there to kill members of the opposition. We're there to bost he prospects of the Karzai government and to do things that will cause the Afghan people to look at us in a more favorable light. Any killing is purely ancillary to protecting the incumbent government. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

there ya go.

whirlie, as usual is totally clueless
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-19-2012, 05:18 PM
Of course there is a responsiblity by senior military to correct wrong doings; but that doesn't necessarily mean "going public".

And for the record; not playing to the press isn't the same as sweeping it "under the rug" as you wrongly contend.

Again, think before you post Old Timer. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
OK, who put it out in public to begin with?

Sadly you seem to consider "playing to the press" any comment or position you don't agree with.

Personally, whether the WH agrees or not doesn't sway me on right or wrong--I do not equate politics or any party with being evil or infalible. In this case they too are wrong.
If you care; here is the background on how the story got leaked 2 years after..................the LA Times, in it's desperate attempt to boost 5.55 it is summed up !

And the military brass high stepped it for PC.

OK, who put it out in public to begin with?

Sadly you seem to consider "playing to the press" any comment or position you don't agree with.

Personally, whether the WH agrees or not doesn't sway me on right or wrong--I do not equate politics or any party with being evil or infalible. In this case they too are wrong. Originally Posted by Old-T
In a root cause analysis, the problem goes all the way to the top.
It is Obama's fault, he is in charge. he is the one that plans everything from seal team raids to pissing on bodies.
Except for burning the Holy Kuran and he is still pissed about that. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

Remove head from ass and look around.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The idea that there is any possibility of winning the hearts and minds of the tribes in Afghanistan is Polly Anna at best.
They do not want us there. When we leave it will revert to exactly what it was before we were there. this idea of changing them is ludicrous.
the reason to be there was to capture or kill OBL and wipe out the terrorist bases. Why are we pouring more and more of borrowed money down that shit hole.
Hell OBl wasnt even there he was hiding in plain sight in Pakistan with the assistance of the Pakistani government who we give billions of dollars top.
What a bunch of fucktards with no sense at all.

But, but T2D they have nukes and we need to keep them from using them against our friends in in tech support, uh I mean India.

We needed to get the fuck out a long time ago. Daily carpet bombing until they produced his body would have shortened the time and expense.
Way past time to get out. It broke the Soviet Union and it will break us too.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Fuck "winning their hearts and minds " how about winning their fears and respect. We aren't there to colonize, only destroy the enemy and come home.

Fuck the costly nation building crap. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And what "enemy" would that be? The government of Adghanistan is theotetically our ally. And if you're not fighting a soverign nation, you're just doing donestic law enforcement for the locals.

If you think that we're doing anything other than attempting to prop up a semi-friendly government that we hope (probably vainly) will keep a more unfriendly giver meant from powers I want some of the drugs you're taking. That's why we ought to get the hell out of there right now. It is not a military mission. It is a political mission, and one that our military has shown itself to be very ill equipped for.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-21-2012, 04:30 AM
All the things we have been doing for the last 15 years or so have been far more police actions than military actions.

And for either party to complain that it's "the other party's fault" is so hypocritical as to be disgusting. I do not believe in isolationism, but we have gone so far overboard it is absurd. We went into Afghanistan with little thought (if any) about what we wanted to accomplish or how we would get out. The we let Karl Rove/Dick Chaney's egos along with C. Rice's delusions bout how other societies will love our form of democracy distract us from Afghanistan and wander into Iraq for no valid reason.

In this area we can learn a lot from China (and no, before some of the less logical posters here over react this is not an endorsement of any other aspects of Chinese government).