Partisan Bias Test

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
For the most part I believe you are correct, but:

Punishment Phase in Texas

In Texas, the judge is the default choice to decide the sentence. However, a defendant has a right to have a jury decide the sentence. The punishment phase is similar to guilt-innocence in that both sides make opening and closing statements and put on witnesses.
If you applaud 50% of this column but are offended by the other 50%, then you are part of the problem. Originally Posted by lustylad
I am offended by neither "50%" of this column, and fully agree! It's sad to see the delusional ramblings of some on both sides of the divide.

While I do agree that both extremes are nuts... the real problem is debt and deficits. That all started back in 1980 Originally Posted by WTF
And I fully agree with WTF here, too! Since this thread is titled "Partisan Bias Test," it's nice to see that he deep-sixed the rabid partisan zealotry that so suffused the Reagan-hatred thread that went off the rails.

Yes, 1980 was a pretty bad year, and the deep recession necessitated by Volcker's need to raise interest levels to painful levels pushed the unemployment rate to about 10.8% by the time it was done ravaging the nation. It was at the time the worst recession since the Great Depression. Recessions of this severity always create deficits, and those created by the steep, double-dip 1980-82 recession, along with the need to combat it, were costly indeed.

Of course, Jimmy could have avoided the worst if he had made the tough decisions earlier in his term and tapped Volcker in 1978 instead of the disastrous G. William Miller, who poured gasoline on the inflation fire instead of reaching for a fire extinguisher. A much milder recession would then have ensued, since inflation would not have spiraled so steeply out of control if confronted 18 months earlier.

Although I had never thought about it this way, maybe we all owe a debt of gratitude to the late Bill Miller. After all, he did more than any other individual (save for the Georgia peanut farmer himself!) to get Jimmy's ass thrown out of office.

What a great day it is! Our friend WTF has finally shown true objectivity and bipartisanship, and it's the first day of meteorological fall (and raining all over Texas after a severe summer drought and bad wildfire season).

Wonders never cease. God bless America!
HedonistForever's Avatar
All this talk about prosecuting Trump. I don't hear anyone talking about the same for Comrade Joe, Hunter, or Hillary and Bill. Originally Posted by buzzlghtyr401

With the exception of HF who has called for the impeachment of Biden, Garland and Wray
I thought we did that in 2020?

The problem seems to be ,imho ,is that one party or one man will not accept election results unless he wins.

Al Gore could have poisoned the system back in 2000 but let the Courts run their course and ultimately did the right thing.

While I do agree that both extremes are nuts... the real problem is debt and deficits. That all started back in 1980 Originally Posted by WTF
Yes, it might have started back in 1980.

That is when the Country decided to actually take to the offense in the Cold War and bring down the USSR and the daily fear of nuclear holocaust by the best means we had……..spend them into oblivion.

It took the American People, The Congress, and President Reagan to get it done, but we did it.

Was it worth it? For those that had to grow up in the ‘50’s ‘60’s, and ‘70’s,, yes.

For later generations, probably not.

But they did not have to live it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2022, 10:47 AM
Trump signed the bill which made his exact behavior a felony with up to 5 years in jail. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That is so God damn funny it hurts!

I love the video of him on the campaign trail vowing to criminalize the very thing he is accused of doing.

That silly sob and his enablers....some are starting to turn though. That is why he is amping up his call to arms on Truth Social....he wants his followers to start attacking before the wave becomes Nixon like.

Though he is no Walter Cronkite...was Steve Doocy be remembered as the bell cow?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-01-2022, 11:03 AM
Yes, it might have started back in 1980.

That is when the Country decided to actually take to the offense in the Cold War and bring down the USSR and the daily fear of nuclear holocaust by the best means we had……..spend them into oblivion.

It took the American People, The Congress, and President Reagan to get it done, but we did it.

Was it worth it? For those that had to grow up in the ‘50’s ‘60’s, and ‘70’s,, yes.

For later generations, probably not.

But they did not have to live it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Carter appointed Volcker and armed the Taliban but the biggest reason for the fall of the USSR was the steep decline in the price of oil. That came about because of our increased arming of the Saudi's.....which could be argued led to 9/11.

So like and presidential term you can project out the good and the bad.

I've always maintained I liked Reagan...I've just hated the economic imbeciles he created!
  • Tiny
  • 09-01-2022, 12:44 PM
And I fully agree with WTF here, too! Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
Yes, I think all our efforts were worthwhile. LL was the bad cop, I was the good cop, and you kept switching sides, but it worked out in the end!

I think WTF has finally realized that Carter was the villain, not Reagan. One thing we haven't discussed -- Carter played a big hand in the 1980 Windfall Profits Tax and in price controls on natural gas, both of which stunted domestic production. When those were done away with in the Reagan administration, and advances like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling came to pass, the stage was for WTF's midstream companies to realize substantial profits. And for WTF to realize substantial dividends.

What I'm trying to say, I think we cured him of his Stockholm Syndrome!!!
That is so God damn funny it hurts!

I love the video of him on the campaign trail vowing to criminalize the very thing he is accused of doing.

That silly sob and his enablers....some are starting to turn though. That is why he is amping up his call to arms on Truth Social....he wants his followers to start attacking before the wave becomes Nixon like.

Though he is no Walter Cronkite...was Steve Doocy be remembered as the bell cow? Originally Posted by WTF
Doocey is like the trial balloon. Testing to see if people stop watching the show by speaking a little truth. Ainsley is just too stupid for words so she can be ignored. Kilmeade is there to retain Trumpy viewership. We will see where they head soon enough. Murdoch is likely tired of Trump.
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  • WTF
  • 09-01-2022, 03:02 PM

. It was at the time the worst recession since the Great Depression. Recessions of this severity always create deficits, and those created by the steep, double-dip 1980-82 recession, along with the need to combat it, were costly indeed

! Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
Indeed it was but the sad sad thing was that the deficits and debt continued on an unsustainable trajectory even after the business cycle turned around. Hmmmmmmmmm

Reagan zealots are similar to those Scientology hucksters. They can not admit that under Reagan was when in good times , they never continued with Keynesian theory.
It was always "Lower taxes"...never raise them back up.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.

And I fully agree with WTF here, too! ....


! Originally Posted by Texas Contrarian
You probably should have left it at that!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-02-2022, 08:15 AM
I'm political bias to debt and deficits!


Before 1980 we used to have bumps in debt during recessions and wars...but we paid those down. Since 1980...only when we've had split government and the mostly with a Democrat in the WH and GOP led House.

So I'm biased in that direction.

But my hat is off to lustylad for posting a fairly good article.