SweetElizabeth's Avatar
The other section being???
offshoredrilling's Avatar
"Other Reviews". For the review that just does not fit anywhere. I will let you read all of mine in there if you want.

near the bottom
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
ohhh TY. That was a blonde moment - I think. With Chloe, I try hard not to guess about w h a t she may be talking about!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Its to bad the board has a bad time with female being a hobbyist. But I understand the overload at being both. ERRRRRR rats
  • Chloe
  • 03-06-2011, 12:09 AM
LIz thanks for the info about "hovering over" to see how many people have voted! I did not know about that so I decided that there could be just one person with one way of being rating things and that was my idea for this thread! To find out IF there was that way and an idea as to who generally rates.

The review comment was to a recent appointment I was told from the client would be reviewed in the "OTHER" thread. I wasn't the hobbyiest in this case OSD but thanks for knowing me well enough to know my exploits and to do's!!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Ether way, I hope to see a review. Other needs more reviews.
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
You are welcome! I am looking forward to reading your review!
