Raise Your Hand if You Think Trump is President Again in August

Levianon17's Avatar
People keep talking about Trump because he refuses to SHUT THE HELL UP!

If he's going to stay invested in republican politics people can continue to comment on how much of a douche bag he really is. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
He's not talking to you and he doesn't pay your bills so who cares. You should be more critical of Biden he's an incompetent idiot and he's running the country and doing a shit job at that.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I thought that Trump got re-elected last year...once you toss out the fakes. Maybe, it's because you guys can't let it go which this thread is evidence of. I mean really, if you guys were really secure you'd stand by and let the audits continue with a smile on your smug faces...but you don't.

Qanon equals unicorn sighting. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Audits? You consider Arizona an audit? Get real.

We are secure, even knowing that audit will find votes for Trump. Your team is insecure, rushing anti-voter laws through 20 States, or so, you know Republicans lose everytime voters turn out. Restrictions is your Trump card.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
H I M won.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Qanon has to be one of the nuttiest groups ever assembled, certainly since the Nazis. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Could you please explain to us how Qanon is comparable to the Nazis?
Could you please explain to us how Qanon is comparable to the Nazis? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I don't think 1/6 was quite a Beer Hall Putsch, but everything liberals don't like is "literally worse than hitler"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not everything.
Grace Preston's Avatar

Fucking liberals would fuck up a wet dream if it had an economy to it Originally Posted by Gotyour6

Now wait a sec... we were told repeatedly how great the economy was under Trump because the market was soaring. We've gained almost 3500 points since election day.... does the stock market only matter when your preferred candidate is in office?
bambino's Avatar
Maybe sooner.
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2021, 06:11 AM
Now wait a sec... we were told repeatedly how great the economy was under Trump because the market was soaring. We've gained almost 3500 points since election day.... does the stock market only matter when your preferred candidate is in office? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Where else are you going to put your money when inflation is 4% and interest rates are "0"? Bitcoin? Stocks in Zimbabwe and Venezuela went to the moon when hyperinflation set in and interest rates lagged behind. The people fared poorly. Not that we're anywhere close to that, or that will happen here, but same principle.

In 2019, before COVID set it, unemployment was around 50 year lows and median household income increased more than it had during the entirety of the Bush and Obama administrations. I don't give the credit primarily to Trump, although the corporate tax cuts and deregulation he and Congress engineered helped.
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2021, 07:37 AM
Question, This is coming from a tweet by Maggie Haberman, the NYT reporter. If true and verified, that Trump’s saying he’ll be president come August, you’d think the New York Times would make it front page news. But at least so far they’re not reporting on it. Why is that?
Because they know, like near everything he, Powell and that other idiot lawyer say, that what’s being said is so ridiculously stupid. What’s to report. Trump said more dumb shit. Not worth paper space at this point.

Now the fact that huge numbers of stupid trump supporters believe it would be newsworthy were we not aware that Trump supporters are the stupidest Americans ever
Gotyour6's Avatar
Now wait a sec... we were told repeatedly how great the economy was under Trump because the market was soaring. We've gained almost 3500 points since election day.... does the stock market only matter when your preferred candidate is in office? Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Inflation is a thing.
You pour more money in to something and it will look great till they run out of other people's money but retarded fucks look at it as free money.
I would try to explain it but liberals don't want to learn.
txdot-guy's Avatar
He's not talking to you and he doesn't pay your bills so who cares. You should be more critical of Biden he's an incompetent idiot and he's running the country and doing a shit job at that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump is a politician. His website is named 45office.com in reference to his presidency. He's commented on Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney and the audits in Arizona. He continues to raise money for both himself and the Republican Party.

If Trump doesn't want to be in politics he can simply go away. Until then I have the absolute right to comment on his both his behavior and his policies. If you don't like what I have to say then put me on ignore.
Levianon17's Avatar
Trump is a politician. His website is named 45office.com in reference to his presidency. He's commented on Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney and the audits in Arizona. He continues to raise money for both himself and the Republican Party.

If Trump doesn't want to be in politics he can simply go away. Until then I have the absolute right to comment on his both his behavior and his policies. If you don't like what I have to say then put me on ignore. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Trump is not a Politician. Trump did one thing no Politician would ever do and that is expose the corruption within Politics. He had to infiltrate the Political arena in order to do that. Foolish people hated him for that, wise people appreciated him.
bambino's Avatar
JUNE 2, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

Remain in Mexico, also known as MPP (Migrant Protection Protocols), was not only a historic foreign policy triumph but one of the most successful border security programs anyone has ever put into effect anywhere. Along with our Central America Safe Third agreements, asylum reforms, and expedited removal procedures we drove border numbers to record lows and we ENDED the horrendous practice known as Catch-and-Release.

No American President had ever done more to defend the border and safeguard the whole immigration system.

The Biden Administration inherited the most secure border in history, and they turned it into the greatest border disaster in history. Our border is now run by cartels, criminals, and coyotes. Illegal immigrants, gang members, and lethal drugs are pouring across like never before. Not only are illegal immigrants being caught and released, they are being put up in hotels at taxpayer expense.

Our country is being destroyed before our very eyes.

The Biden Administration’s disastrous decision to formally end the Remain in Mexico policy is proof that their objective is to eliminate the U.S. border entirely and flood the country with so many illegal aliens that every community is overwhelmed.

Joe Biden is the first American President who doesn’t want America to be a nation at all.
