Texas schools board rewrites US history

KenMonk's Avatar
I find it somewhat amusing the word play these educators are trying to use. Lets not call it the slave trade, instead "Atlantic Triangular Trade"... what kind of shit is that?

That type of educational system is the reason why this country is no long first in anything other then fat people, and I'm fat so don't take this as a slight against fat people.
bp6570's Avatar
I find it somewhat amusing the word play these educators are trying to use. Lets not call it the slave trade, instead "Atlantic Triangular Trade"... what kind of shit is that?

That type of educational system is the reason why this country is no long first in anything other then fat people, and I'm fat so don't take this as a slight against fat people. Originally Posted by KenMonk
Worked in Education for several years. Maybe one of the reasons the United States is behind, as you say, is because we don't have focus on education & the facts but instead allow interest groups to insert their agenda into education.

Schools have no business teaching anything like religon, sex education, morality or any number of things being taught. That should remain the responsibility of the family. To many "families", though, have abidcated that responsibility.
dearhunter's Avatar

Most cannot balance a check book.........pretty sad.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
The new curriculum asserts that "the right to keep and bear arms" is an important element of a democratic society. Study of Sir Isaac Newton is dropped in favour of examining scientific advances through military technology.
There is also a suggestion that the anti-communist witch-hunt by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s may have been justified.
That's not got anything to do with liberal or conservative - that's just batshit insane.

Well, I guess they'll have fun in college when they don't really understand shit they should have learned in 5th grade
boardman's Avatar
Worked in Education for several years. Maybe one of the reasons the United States is behind, as you say, is because we don't have focus on education & the facts but instead allow interest groups to insert their agenda into education.

Schools have no business teaching anything like religon, sex education, morality or any number of things being taught. That should remain the responsibility of the family. To many "families", though, have abidcated that responsibility. Originally Posted by bp6570
Agreed. Schools should be teaching the three R's and the family should take the responsibility for teaching the rest.
boardman's Avatar
That's not got anything to do with liberal or conservative - that's just batshit insane.

Well, I guess they'll have fun in college when they don't really understand shit they should have learned in 5th grade Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa

Which part? The necessity of the second amendment?
bp6570's Avatar
That's not got anything to do with liberal or conservative - that's just batshit insane.

Well, I guess they'll have fun in college when they don't really understand shit they should have learned in 5th grade Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Because the sole reason for the second amendment was to prevent the government from disarming the people. "The tree of freedom must be replenished from time to time with the blood of Patriots" and all that.

Is not not "educational" to explore alternative theories to Darwin?

And if you really believe that communists hadn't infiltrated the US, especially the government & Education, in the 1950's & beyond your are kidding your self. The commie infiltration of the Education system is one of the reason our system is so diluted & myopic. And we elected a goddam commie in 2008.
dearhunter's Avatar
now now bp.......you are sounding a bit radical
boardman's Avatar
Because the sole reason for the second amendment was to prevent the government from disarming the people. "The tree of freedom must be replenished from time to time with the blood of Patriots" and all that.

Is not not "educational" to explore alternative theories to Darwin?

And if you really believe that communists hadn't infiltrated the US, especially the government & Education, in the 1950's & beyond your are kidding your self. The commie infiltration of the Education system is one of the reason our system is so diluted & myopic. And we elected a goddam commie in 2008. Originally Posted by bp6570

If you keep talking like this we may just annex KC....West of State Line road anyway.
bp6570's Avatar
now now bp.......you are sounding a bit radical Originally Posted by dearhunter
I know... can't help it. Love my guns & my freedom!!
bp6570's Avatar
If you keep talking like this we may just annex KC....West of State Line road anyway. Originally Posted by boardman

I settle for ya making me a citizen of the Republic of Texas?
Free enterprise is the cornerstone of liberty and democracy. Period.
dearhunter's Avatar
KC is full of radicals.....ijs.
Let's change that to KC IS radical. In the most awesome way possible of course.
malwoody's Avatar
They spend copious quanitys of education dollars on football facilities..

Don't mess with Texas..