
dirty dog's Avatar
There are no "queen bees", only sign posts pointing out the stupidity of the net.

You rate your own billboad on the highway of stupidity. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Whatever dushebag, the fact is this was started by a certain female who felt the need to mention this in the spiderhole, where she riled up you drones to do the work for her. You bill board is up with lights.
dirty dog's Avatar
just shine the Asshole with balls Signal in the sky and I'll come running Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Somehow I already knew this about you.
Exactly..............so they were all completely justified in their disgust with the thread that started this whole debacle.

Fucks for bucks indeed! Originally Posted by SillyGirl
SG, you DO get it, which is why I've come to respect you. But there is also the point that seems to escape many is that just because you want to say something, doesn't always mean you should say it or need to say it.

And this really is the last post I have to say about this. I'd rather get back to talking about the most creative 69 position we can come up. Cause, yanno, this IS fucks for bucks....
dearhunter's Avatar
Whatever dushebag, the fact is this was started by a certain female who felt the need to mention this in the spiderhole, where she riled up you drones to do the work for her. You bill board is up with lights. Originally Posted by dirty dog
.......and how do you know what you thinck you know concerning the activities in the Spider Hole?
pyramider's Avatar
Fritz is reporting to his master.
dirty dog's Avatar
.......and how do you know what you thinck you know concerning the activities in the Spider Hole? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I know what I know.
dirty dog's Avatar
Fritz is reporting to his master. Originally Posted by pyramider
He may be speaking to St. Christopher, I dont know about that.
cliffbeefcake's Avatar
Calm down, lakecat; they aren't trolls and don't ever shout at me again, got it? Originally Posted by scorpio31
...says the guy posting in comic sans
dearhunter's Avatar
I know what I know. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Just so we are clear, acknowledging that you know information from a private forum that you are not supposed to on this board can get you a vacation......you might want to rethinck your chest pounding since I am the one who could be sending you a friendly PM.

I can understand your confusion on this rule in light of fritz's disclosure of Spider Hole information......it may be that I need to rethinck my initial assessment that fritz simply made a mistake in a moment of WK emotion.

If fritz were to get a vacation, would that teach you a lesson about keeping your fucking mouth shut in open forum concerning the Spider Hole.......I'm just asking.
Wakeup's Avatar
Kids...playing with matches...in a pool of gasoline...

Have fun...
QUIT FEEDING THE TROLLS!!!!! Originally Posted by lakecat

Lakecat, please accept my apology for being rude; it was an unfortunate misstep on my part aand I regret it, somewhat.

Dirty Dog, these guys are not trolls, in my opinion. They helped rid this local community of an unqualified moderator who thought he was the new sherriff in town, bringing in his own rules, but in the end was nothing more than the "clueless newbie" he proclaimmed himself to be, and a creepy one at that.

The job of our visitors is not complete unlelss you, me and others take up the challenge of having fritz removed. Fritz violated the first and most important rule of this sub-culture/lifestyle/hobby; he broke a confidence and shared proviedged information, presumably a with a hooktard, who in turn shared it with another hobbyist and maybe more in an effort to recruit more sympathizers and heros.

Fritz can no longer be trusted. He is a danger not only to himself, but also to you, me and the rest of this community. It seems dearhunter has it within his power to send fritz on a vacation and in my opinion, 90 days for shooting off his mouth inappropriately as he did, isn't long enough for my taste.

Those are my opinions and I'm as entitled to them as you are of yours.

Have a good day!
dirty dog's Avatar
Just so we are clear, acknowledging that you know information from a private forum that you are not supposed to on this board can get you a vacation......you might want to rethinck your chest pounding since I am the one who could be sending you a friendly PM.

I can understand your confusion on this rule in light of fritz's disclosure of Spider Hole information......it may be that I need to rethinck my initial assessment that fritz simply made a mistake in a moment of WK emotion.

If fritz were to get a vacation, would that teach you a lesson about keeping your fucking mouth shut in open forum concerning the Spider Hole.......I'm just asking. Originally Posted by dearhunter
It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure things out boss, first you have to understand I dont like Fritz nor do I communicate with him so if you want to whack him thats perfectly fine with me but when it comes to me you can leave him out of the equation. I know its unusual for anyone outside of Texas to be able to put the square block in the square hole but hey what can I say. Now isnt your heavy handed reaction exactly what you espose to be railing against in the actions of the moderators here. Do what you got to do boss.
dirty dog's Avatar
Kids...playing with matches...in a pool of gasoline...

Have fun... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
boardman's Avatar
Wow, entire threADs are disappearing again. Maybe this ain't over.
lakecat's Avatar
Just so we are clear, acknowledging that you know information from a private forum that you are not supposed to on this board can get you a vacation......you might want to rethinck your chest pounding since I am the one who could be sending you a friendly PM.

I can understand your confusion on this rule in light of fritz's disclosure of Spider Hole information......it may be that I need to rethinck my initial assessment that fritz simply made a mistake in a moment of WK emotion.

If fritz were to get a vacation, would that teach you a lesson about keeping your fucking mouth shut in open forum concerning the Spider Hole.......I'm just asking. Originally Posted by dearhunter
You must be one of the Grand Poobahs Mr. Deerhunter, welcome to KC. We’re honored you’ve taken time out of your busy day to help us solve our problems out here in the Heartland.
Yikes, using the nuclear option on DD and Fritz. Taking out the last of the resistance is a good strategy though, scorched earth has always worked.
With all due respect, I think you can appreciate that a few of us were a little stunned and surprised to wake up one day and find all of these new names in our small community telling us our mods were stifling free speech, closing threads and causing all kinds of havoc. Our knee jerk reaction, rightly or wrongly, was to defend one of our own and it’s been ugly ever since.
I know a lot of us are shaking our heads asking, how did this happen? As best as I can piece together, an unidentified person from KC informed your super secret society (the Spider Hole, where you can insult and demean each other without any restrictions as I understand it, sounds like a fun way to spend your time) that there was trouble in River City. A posse was quickly formed to come to KC to clean up the town. One mod has disappeared and another will apparently get a “vacation”, so your work is nearly done, KC is now safe to….find pussy again? (we can only hope that this hooker board can return to talking about hookers) We’ve been warned Kids...playing with matches...in a pool of gasoline...” that resistance is futile and can actually be dangerous. I think the rebellion has pretty much been crushed at this point. Now you have to clean up these leaks in the Spider Hole (I feel your pain, we have the same problem in the Men’s Lounge).
So the bottom line is, you all are the good guys and have been the whole time!!! Why didn’t you tell us that in the beginning and this could have been much easier?
Was the post that started this whole fiasco inappropriate, absolutely. Was Elum a bad mod? Can Fritz be trusted to be a mod going forward? I don’t know, I don’t have enough information to have an opinion at this point. I was thinking of giving him a chance to learn the ropes, silly me. Scorpio, you may know more than me about the situation, but we in KC could have decided whether he should have stayed or left. But who in the hell thought it was a good idea to solve their issues this way??? Whoever it is, you’re a very small person. Be man (or woman) enough to work it out among ourselves, bringing in outside muscle only exacerbated the situation, created a lot of animosity and disrespected our community.
Ok, I’m laying my keyboard down, my hands are in the air, I’m stepping away, I’m………going to try to find some pussy and get laid today. Screw this bull shit.
DD and Fritz, enjoy your vacations. Sounds like Colombia could be a good place to go.