Pimps, if I may use that word, also supported making prostitution illegal.
Independent providers might love the fact of legal for less money verses the headache. Agencies only the other had will most likely fight tooth and nail to keep there profits up and it illegal.
Originally Posted by MyKindaParty
Only partially right. Pimps (if i may use the word) profit highly from the legality of the buz in europe since it is almost impossible (except for switzerland) to make REALLY much money without workin in brothels, studios , massage parlours, since the advertising is so expensive and made for studio owners rather than for independents.
I`d stop short of saying that agency owner profit from the buz being illegal, because they are the ones facing the most charges if caught (MiamiCompanions and those super high agencies once were in NYC-elite or how they were called). so it all has pros and cons.
As far to value and rates:
its the people participating in the buz that harm themselves the most. In europe prices drop constantly because the eastern europeans make the market dull with offering anything for a much lower rate. It happens here too. Its much less easy to control here, because how do you tell a provider (who is not allowed selling sex for money) that CIM and ANAL is not included for 300 an hour??
Its a way of marketing and business. Not a way of legality. Years before the internet market was there was no possibility of any escort being available for less than 600 an hour. Now - the ones that want 600 an hour are hardly worth it and the ones that don`t are the ones that earlier charged more. The issues of legality aare important as in how tax money is to be handled or when it comes to safety for the providers - not so much on how expensive the value is because its illegal.
Even drugs are the least expensive where they are the most illegal. It does not change facts. Being illegal does not make the value increase , since the value decreases everyday by being down valued by too many dilletants in this hobby :-) sorry sorry sorry just my five cents.
Those dilletants include women offering EVERYTHING (and no condom sex) for no money, women dating clients for free (or to get a job in their office ) and many different lack of standards.
In europe there are at least certain standards as in what to charge for what kind of business.
If you dont keep them up you have problems of unfair competition. Here you dont.
So - its not that easy.