Can you be busted after the fact?

London Rayne's Avatar
I am assuming they recorded the License Plate from the area he was playing, then traced him back to his own home. It's not that hard to do. If a provider is dumb enough to see people in her own house, all it takes is one person who knows someone to have her house watched. This most always gets thrown out of court, but the guy is still front page news and his family now knows...the damage is done. How does he explain being parked in the driveway of a known escort whose ads give her away?
I can see that happening, maybe, but what about the life insurance salesman that parks in her driveway, has no idea that she's an known escort and is just there to get signatures on the policy? I seriously doubt that LE is going to come back and try to arrest every driver of every car they ever see in the driveway. It doesn't work that way. There has to be some additional piece of information for them to hang their hat on.
I kinda doubt the cops park outside a lady's house and record the plates of everyone.... that would be a waste of tax payer money..

However, a neighborhood watch group... THEY might do that and turn the list into the cops.

what I would do if I was gonna see a lady at her house is drive by the place to get a visual of who and what is out...