Dealing With The Opposite Sex

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Women are really complex creatures.

Personally, I believe that women are much more dishonest than men.

Does anyone take issue with me on that point?

. . . However, maybe that is just how the weaker sex protects itself.

Being totally honest is sometimes a 2 edged sword.

Edge 1 is that can require courage to be homest when it cuts against the grain of society.

Edge 2 is that it can be inapproptiate when descretion is required.

In dealing with my SO, and understanding women, is they want us to know want they want without asking for it. I think is common in a civie relationship, where emoitional jousting is an attempt at control.

The honesty discussion has tremendous depth. Originally Posted by lostforkate

. . . Honesty used to be the American way?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Haha! You're joking right?

I'll be honest. This thread bores me. I always wonder what motivates people to post these grand thematic rants about the failures of American society. I suspect it's because some one of the opposite sex has done them wrong. So rather than talk about that personal slight, it is transformed into an issue of national if not global importance to avoid the inevitable "get over it" responses. Nope, you can't dodge that bullet: Get Over It.

And they are often based on idyllic notions of American history and character. Where can I learn about this golden age of American honesty because I never heard about it until I read this thread? You know, they didn't call Abe "honest" because he was the norm.

Eventually Diogenes put down his lamp and realized that his rant was futile. Let's do the same and go back to discussing how the Mayans got it all wrong. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Fast Gunn's Avatar
No, that is not a joke, but it was before your time.

I will grant you that dishonesty has always been around, but people used to be generally more honest many years ago.

It is difficult to quantify, but it seems to me that dishonesty became more prevalent after Richard Nixon and the Watergate era.

. . . There is something very wrong with a country when its President feels compelled to tell the people that "he is not a crook"

Haha! You're joking right? Originally Posted by Valerie
Guest113018-1's Avatar
I think that all of us in dealing with life have had to confront the issue of dealing with the opposite sex and of course, be successful at it since successful relations are not exactly abundant in American life.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Back to the original question, Dealing with the opposite sex, may there is and always will be a certain level of dishonesty. But I beleive a bigger aspect of successful dealings with the opposite sex is Respect and Appreciation.
B.Wayne's Avatar
I used to think in terms of you can never be too honest. I got into a conversation with a co worker about it. The question was brought up, " If you knew your best friend's wife was sleeping with another guy would you tell him?" At first I said yes. But someone else said no and explained his reason why. He said that it could backfire on you and your friend could view that information not as you being his friend and trying to look out for him by telling him, but it might seem like you are telling him that so you can try to sleep with his wife. Especially if he confronts her and in the emotional state that he is in she tells him a lie that you have been coming on to her.

Who is he really going to believe? In the end it could actually wind up costing you a friendship.
I thought about that for a while. I think I probably stopped trying to figure women out. It's probably better that way. Or do like Jack Nicholson did in that movie that I can't remember. You think of a man, then take away two things....Truer words have probably never been spoken, but like I said, I don't give it much thought anymore and I have stopped trying to figure them out. Pretty cut and dry now. I will either try to get along with you, or I won't.
Women may be the weaker sex, but they make men pay for it... ;-)

Women are really complex creatures.

Personally, I believe that women are much more dishonest than men.

Does anyone take issue with me on that point?

. . . However, maybe that is just how the weaker sex protects itself.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I find it very interesting that the new TV season is bringing out a new show appropriately titled "Deception"

After reading more I just think your jaded FG. Ya need to just get over whatever it is and live life for the day. Move on. Stop thinking so much. Just let it all go.

By the way, its not the weaker sex that lies, its the weaker sex that is so naive' that he believes the lie. And many providers are Thanking God you are the weakest, otherwise they would be outta bidness.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, the beast is awake!

Yes, I'm sorry, but women are the weaker sex.

. . . What? You didn't know or just acting dumb?

awl4knot's Avatar
Is there a mod in the house, please?

This thread should be cited for fraud, ineptitude and extreme vacuousness and then terminated with prejudice.

First we are mislead by a rant about the decline of American honest. Then it goes to gross generalizations about female mendacity yet it never focuses on a particular incident or issue that would be a point of real discussion.

My conclusion is the OP just wants to bloviate cuz we are dumb enough to let him toy with out time and curiosity. So, I'm outta here before I waste any more of those diminishing assets.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Why are there so many pests on this board?

I was hoping for strategies in dealing with the opposite sex and I get a bloviating cow complaining about bloviating! How ironic is that?

Let's put up something beneficial in keeping with the holiday spirit.

I have found that calibrating your desire for any woman is vital. You have to want them enough to attract them, but then you must not want too much because it scares them off.

. . . I think success with women is like walking a tight rope!
Getting with opposite sex, read book "men are from mars, women from venus" the read barbara deangeles, who divorced the guy who wrote "men are from mars...". Both are relationship experts but obviously could not get along. Originally Posted by lostforkate

My mother gave me an old book written by her, copywrite 1990. Never got around to reading it, but skimmed it and it looked interesting.

On topic, one of the best ways to have a successful relationship (in my case men)?

oh what do they say? Be a lady on the street and a freak in the bed. Another one I've heard is, be a cook in the kitchen, a maid in the house, and a whore in the bedroom. Sorry for my primitive response, just trying to keep things light hearted.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Light hearted is the correct way to be.

. . . Women are fascinating creatures, but it's not always easy to understand them!

Light hearted is the correct way to be.

. . . Women are fascinating creatures, but it's not always easy to understand them!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

I agree! A sense of humor keeps things going in a relationship too....gotta keep it light hearted.