Trumpf gets booed

  • Tiny
  • 05-27-2024, 02:58 PM
News flash - voting against Trump is not stupid. It’s a patriotic duty. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You could make a strong argument for that, given he tried to steal the 2020 election. Trump tried to prevent a democratically elected president from taking power. Through some combination of incompetence, failure to follow through, and inability to gain support, he failed. That was the closest we've come to a coup.

And that's part of the reason he was booed.
winn dixie's Avatar
He literally got booed off stage.
  • Tiny
  • 05-27-2024, 03:13 PM
You have to take the good with the bad.

The Libertarians are simply showing their stupidity in how Presidential Electorial Politics work.
A non vote for Trump is a vote for Biden. So in reality, they are willing to allow Biden to have four more years.

Just like the OP. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Biden fucked me over much worse than any other president, and is still looking to ream my ass some more. I won't vote for Trump though. Part of the reason is because I live in Texas. Trump's going to win Texas, regardless of how I vote. And, more importantly, he tried to steal an election, and he doesn't have the character to be President of the United States.

Many other Libertarians undoubtedly think similarly. Historically, Libertarians have stood for social liberty and economic freedom. Trump has been boxed in by the Republican Party on social issues. He's probably pro choice and doesn't give a rat's ass about which bathroom people use. But he has to adhere to the party line to retain the support of the party. If social issues are a Libertarian's priority, he's probably going to prefer that Biden win the election.

There is a complication however. The Mises Caucus has engineered a takeover of the Libertarian Party from the social liberals, like Gary Johnson. The Mises Caucus has removed abortion from the party platform (it was formerly pro choice), and adopted Trump-like positions on immigration. It also has some ideas about monetary policy that are far out of the mainstream.

The Mises Caucus is the reason that Trump spoke at the convention. Many supporters of the Caucus will end up voting for Trump, especially if the Libertarian candidate comes from the Gary Johnson wing.

As to the the social liberals, you should hope that they'll vote for the Libertarian, because most of those who don't will be voting for Biden. A very good Libertarian friend of mine will do just that. In fact, she's so pissed off at the overturn of Roe vs Wade and Trump that she'll probably vote a straight Democratic ticket, like she did in 2022.

As to me, I'll probably vote for the Libertarian, although if they nominate a loony tunes candidate, like John McAfee (runner up to Gary Johnson at Libertarian convention in 2016), I'll write in "Amy the Wonder Dog."
txdot-guy's Avatar
Trump is an asshole. He’s been an asshole for most of his life. He’s screwed over his wives, business partners, employees and now the voters who are donating to his campaign. They’ve written books about how much of an asshole he is.

The only thing that is surprising about any of this is that someone thought appearing before the libertarian party was a good idea for him.
Precious_b's Avatar
I'd only be interested in the if he debated LaRousch
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The only thing that is surprising about any of this is that someone thought appearing before the libertarian party was a good idea for him. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Trump is an extreme narcissist to the nth degree. I am sure he was told that it was not going to be a productive attempt to garner votes. He is such a narcissistic idiot though that he just dismissed the possibility that everyone is not at a MAGA gullible intellectually challenged level who he can easily convert to his cult for more votes.
Trump is an extreme narcissist to the nth degree. I am sure he was told that it was not going to be a productive attempt to garner votes. He is such a narcissistic idiot though that he just dismissed the possibility that everyone is not at a MAGA gullible intellectually challenged level who he can easily convert to his cult for more votes. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
... But WE still love Trump anyway, don't we mate!

... No problem with Trump speaking to the Libertarians.
Just like it was no problem going and speaking in the Bronx.

... You all saw WHO the Libertarians chose as their candidate.
And as I mentioned - if they are happy getting (two or) three
percent of the National Vote, who am I to criticize?

Surely reckon the Nudist Party might also draw 2%...

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
... But WE still love Trump anyway, don't we mate!

... No problem with Trump speaking to the Libertarians.
Just like it was no problem going and speaking in the Bronx.

... You all saw WHO the Libertarians chose as their candidate.
And as I mentioned - if they are happy getting (two or) three
percent of the National Vote, who am I to criticize?

Surely reckon the Nudist Party might also draw 2%...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
And… that’s the problem. You admit that Trump is an Asshole but you still support him. In fact I think that is the topic of the book I referenced.

I find it shocking how people can either ignore the blatant mental problems that Trump exhibits or they see it and think that it’s a good idea for the chief executive to exhibit such narcissistic behavior.
ICU 812's Avatar
When will President Biden address that group, live on stage?

JUST how significant is that group anyway? My recollection is that the Libertarian Party has never offered a candidate that any non-libertarian wanted, Democrat or Republican.

More to the point: When will President Biden address any other group publicly, and live, on-stage?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why would Biden go to speak before a rival party?

Why did Trump?

You seem to believe this is a political obligation. You saw what happened to Trump. He was literally booed off the stage.

Some times I wonder what planet the MAGAs are really from. And when they’re going back to it.
  • Tiny
  • 05-28-2024, 06:12 PM
The Libertarians have selected their candidate, Chase Oliver, who ran in the 2022 Georgia Senate race. He is NOT a member of the Mises Caucus. There's a lot to like about him if you lean left on social issues. I'll probably vote for him. His positions on police reform should appeal to eccieuser and Ripmany. He's gay, pro gun rights, and a strong Christian.

Quote: Armed gays are harder to oppress, and they're harder to bash.

I think he'll take more votes from Biden than Trump.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You've just described a walking political paradox.

But ... I wonder how many Librarians are gonna vote for Twitler now?

Shirley not the ones who booed his baggy old convict ass off the stage?

He shouldn't have gone there. What a fucking clown!

winn dixie's Avatar
Other than Tiny. No other self proclaimed libertarian on eccie has made a comment yet. Very interested in their opinions seeing they state they're trump supporters.
Being booed off stage is a big deal for trump
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The Libertarians have selected their candidate, Chase Oliver, who ran in the 2022 Georgia Senate race. He is NOT a member of the Mises Caucus. There's a lot to like about him if you lean left on social issues. I'll probably vote for him. Originally Posted by Tiny
Have fun wasting your time. You might as well vote for Daffy Duck. They both have about the same likelihood of becoming our next president. LOL

Anyway, I don't care who those fuckers boo. I don't even understand that dipshit nobody party. It's not like anyone will win who represents them.
Trump offered the Libertarians an olive branch in saying he would have a true libertarian in a high office.

They booed anyway.

So Trump did what Trump does best. He told them to fuck off and be satisfied with their 3% of the vote……..and nothing.