Hobbyists and companions please read.....

Mistress Pocahontas's Avatar
I get requests from "new" sites every week it seems. They all want reputable ladies to join. Not sure why everyone thinks they are so much more special than any of the others that contact me, but they all make claims of growing faster than they can keep up with and that they can improve my biz. LOL Silly folks. Only person that can improve my biz...is me. ijs Originally Posted by M A X

Maybe you are comfortable with staying within a certain income bracket but I'm constantly brainstorming on different ways to progress. When I get those emails from new sites trying to get me to sign up I always check out their traffic stats on http://www.alexa.com and if an escort site is ranked 5,000 or less in the world as far as traffic you best believe that I'm advertising there.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Maybe you are comfortable with staying within a certain income bracket but I'm constantly brainstorming on different ways to progress. When I get those emails from new sites trying to get me to sign up I always check out their traffic stats on http://www.alexa.com and if an escort site is ranked 5,000 or less in the world as far as traffic you best believe that I'm advertising there.

Originally Posted by Mistress Pocahontas
You're comment came across as a tad "catty", but I'm certain since we don't know one another. it's early as I respond, and I'm still working on my first cup of coffee, I must be reading it wrong. Never assume I do not know how to market myself to the type of gent I prefer to see, or that I have yet to discover what works for me, hon. This ain't rocket science and there's only so much time I'm gonna waste on piddly sites that will never go anywhere. If it works for you.....please carry on. IMO, there are plenty of sites snatching our info and posting it for us that we really don't have to work at exposure too awful hard once we're out there.....ijs Best of luck in progressing and jumping up outta your income bracket.
Great site with low profile that allows you to post any photos of yourself that you like is WWW.1thru99.com has never charged a dime to any consumer...
Mistress Pocahontas's Avatar
You're comment came across as a tad "catty", but I'm certain since we don't know one another. it's early as I respond, and I'm still working on my first cup of coffee, I must be reading it wrong. Never assume I do not know how to market myself to the type of gent I prefer to see, or that I have yet to discover what works for me, hon. This ain't rocket science and there's only so much time I'm gonna waste on piddly sites that will never go anywhere. If it works for you.....please carry on. IMO, there are plenty of sites snatching our info and posting it for us that we really don't have to work at exposure too awful hard once we're out there.....ijs Best of luck in progressing and jumping up outta your income bracket. Originally Posted by M A X

Why would I start a cat fight on an open forum with someone whom I don't even know? I'm sure that we are from entirely two different walks of life with different perspectives on how to conduct our businesses. It's evident that we don't share the same types of similarities when comparing our : cultures, ages, clientele, services, rates, etc. Are you okay? Like I stated before, maybe you are comfortable with where you are now as a companion and you see no need to advertise any further but that doesn't have anything to do with me. I'm always looking to expand which is the reason why I started this thread. I can't complain because over the years my marketing strategies have helped me, financially, get to the point where I need to be thus far and counting. (Google, yellow pages, CL, Eros.....) My point is that it doesn't hurt to place an ad wherever you see fit because as long as the internet exists people are gonna call to inquire and a percentage will come to actually spend. Quality matters more to me than quantity therefore I could get one call from a not so high traffic site that would yield $600-$1000 per client and I'm good for the moment. The name of the game is working smart and not hard. Honestly, who actually wants to keep taking calls at 40 or even their late 30's? Why not maximize your potential now and move on to bigger and better things during the ladder part of your youth, unless you just like having sex and you're not in it for a payout? Best luck to you doll.....

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... move on to bigger and better things during the ladder part of your youth .... Originally Posted by Mistress Pocahontas
However, it is said to be unlucky to walk under a ladder.

(And I got the >40)
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Why would I start a cat fight on an open forum with someone whom I don't even know?

Good Question. The answer does not elude me, however, and I'm certain others are speculating on such.

I'm sure that we are from entirely two different walks of life with different perspectives on how to conduct our businesses. It's evident that we don't share the same types of similarities when comparing our : cultures, ages, clientele, services, rates, etc.

Yes, I'm certain that we are.

Are you okay?

I appreciate your concern for my well being, so please know, that I have never been better than I am at this moment.

Like I stated before, maybe you are comfortable with where you are now as a companion and you see no need to advertise any further but that doesn't have anything to do with me.

True, it has nothing to do with you, but when one starts a conversation in an open forum, occasionally I like to add my two cents about things I have a little knowledge of and what my experiences concerning certain topics might be. I wasn't aiming any comment in the beginning "at" you, and hate if you felt as though I put you on the defense in some manner.

I'm always looking to expand which is the reason why I started this thread. I can't complain because over the years my marketing stratgies have helped me, financially, get to the point where I need to be thus far and counting. (Google, yellow pages, CL, Eros.....) My point is that it doesn't hurt to place an ad wherever you see fit because as long as the internet exists people are gonna call to inquire and a percentage will come to actually spend. Quality matters more to me than quantity therefore I could get one call from a not so high traffic site that would yield $600-$1000 per client and I'm good for the moment.

Kuddos! Just wonder why if everything is going so well and you have exactly what you need, why worry about the many and varied sites that pop up weekly and are run by folks trying to make money off the sweat of your back and reputation. Are you tired of the biz and looking for a quicker way to get out?......

The name of the game is working smart and not hard.

I appreciate the words of wisdom!

Honestly, who actually wants to keep taking calls at 40 or even their late 30's? Why not maximize your potential now and move on to bigger and better things during the ladder part of your youth, unless you just like having sex and you're not in it for a payout? Best luck to you doll.....

Not that it's any of anyone's business, doll, but WALDT and since you inquired. I didn't burn myself out screwing every fella that came along with a dime in his pocket when I was younger or your age even. I was raising children, attending ball games and school events, teaching Sunday school, working full time, and putting myself through college, cooking every day, and last but not least my house and yard work. I was like 'Super woman"! LOL Now that the harder and more responsible parts of my life are complete and less demanding, you bet your sweet patootie I'm slowing down and having some fun and actually enjoying this slower pace. ijs I hope you're able to do the same when you become a mature woman as I have.

And yes.....what's not to like about sex? I love it!

Originally Posted by Mistress Pocahontas
@JY - you do in deed.....
Mistress Pocahontas's Avatar
@JY - you do in deed..... Originally Posted by M A X

Your testimony here will give women your age and in your situation hope that anything is possible doll. Literally, all it seems to take these days are a couple of camera phone photos, a working number, some ambition, and a little spunk and you're in business! I commend you and will always respect my elders. You go girl!

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Your testimony here will give women your age and in your situation hope that anything is possible doll. Literally, all it seems to take these days are a couple of camera phone photos, a working number, some ambition, and a little spunk and you're in business! I commend you and will always respect my elders. You go girl!

Originally Posted by Mistress Pocahontas

Can't imagine why I ever thought you might be "catty". Now, hand me my cane, you young respectful whipper snapper you! Wanna help this lil' ole lady go shoppin' for some sexy new geriatric shoes? Why, I can hardly see even with these brand spankin' new coke bottle glasses the doc done prescribed for me.
Mistress Pocahontas's Avatar
Can't imagine why I ever thought you might be "catty". Now, hand me my cane, you young respectful whipper snapper you! Wanna help this lil' ole lady go shoppin' for some sexy new geriatric shoes? Why, I can hardly see even with these brand spankin' new coke bottle glasses the doc done prescribed for me. Originally Posted by M A X

You should consider polyurethane lenses when filling your prescription next time. It might be a tad bit more expensive than what you are used to but the clarity is excellent. Whenever I shop for new designer frames I'm never frugal about purchasing the lenses.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
My old broke ass could NEVER afford that, but you seem so charitable and respectful, maybe you could run out and purchase granny a pair.

I found this song and thought it might give you a little understanding of how someone in "my situation" (whatever that meant), can be as successful or even more so than the younger ones. Men have known this for, goodness, even longer than you've been alive...... Older Women
Mistress Pocahontas's Avatar
My old broke ass could NEVER afford that, but you seem so charitable and respectful, maybe you could run out and purchase granny a pair.

I found this song and thought it might give you a little understanding of how someone in "my situation" (whatever that meant), can be as successful or even more so than the younger ones. Men have know this for, goodness, even longer than you've been alive...... Older Women Originally Posted by M A X
Actually I am quite charitable so take notes please : A picture is worth a thousand words, no proof is needed for relevancy. I know that some men have a fetish for older women, I'm not disputing that. In fact, one of my best companion/friends here in Atlanta, Marie Laveaux, is about your age but guess what she don't look it. http://www.MademoiselleMarieLaveaux.com/ As the old saying goes, black don't crack; just words to live by.

For someone to imply that they are a successful companion, don't you think that they would at least hire a professional photographer? From head to toe, even down to the appearance of their skin, every little detail would be polished to the utmost of their capabilities. Yet some of these women need more than just the basics that I described above; more like a trip to the nearest plastic surgeon because EVERYTHING about them is sooooo outdated. If you say that you're more successful then most of us 80's babies then again you go girl!

Damn.....where is the popcorn? I'm putting my money on Max
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I'm putting my money on Max Originally Posted by tbone2u
She is a fiery one! And very capable of dishing.

Let's see what the young 'un who likes ladders has got.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Actually I am quite charitable so take notes please : A picture is worth a thousand words, no proof is needed for relevancy. I know that some men have a fetish for older women, I'm not disputing that. In fact, one of my best companion/friends here in Atlanta, Marie Laveaux, is about your age but guess what she don't look it. http://www.MademoiselleMarieLaveaux.com/ As the old saying goes, black don't crack; just words to live by.

For someone to imply that they are a successful companion, don't you think that they would at least hire a professional photographer? From head to toe, even down to the appearance of their skin, every little detail would be polished to the utmost of their capabilities. Yet some of these women need more than just the basics that I described above; more like a trip to the nearest plastic surgeon because EVERYTHING about them is sooooo outdated. If you say that you're more successful then most of us 80's babies then again you go girl!

Originally Posted by Mistress Pocahontas
It's adorable how you read and interpret what I write. Makes this ole gal just wanna pinch those plump young cheeks!

Saying men who prefer mature women, have a fetish, is like calling anal sex a fetish. Gives me a clear understanding of what you actually understand. I appreciate that.

My pics are fine, but I appreciate your input, doll. I believe I'm the more "let's call it frugal" one, as the money I earn lines my pockets and not every tom, dick, and professional individual who alleges they can build my biz better than I can. They are not doctored, with special lighting and makeup to hide flaws and whatnot, so it's all good. A mature woman knows she can not please all of the gents all of the time, so for those who prefer professionally photo shopped ladies, you should visit the wigwam. They, apparently, shoot professionally there. With me....what you see is what you get, as always.... (Thanks for the ThreAd op, P)

We should probably get back on subject or "The Mods" will slap our wrists, so tell us how all these sites I prefer not to waste time on, are working for you. We all wish you oodles of success with them.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
She is a fiery one! And very capable of dishing.

Let's see what the young 'un who likes ladders has got. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
JY....you know my geriatric getup totally retards my fiery nature.

However, I want in on the action! Who's holding?