how did you get into the hobby?

Chatted up a woman while taking night classes... asked her for a date... she said sure but her dates were "different"

Turned out she was working for an agency while prepping for nursing school

I had the cash and had been considering seeing working girls anyway, but this was a pretty gentle intro into the hobby
onyx7100's Avatar
I get asked alot how did i get into now I am turning the question around and did you get started?I mean I never really knew this whole world really exisited and learn of new sites everyday Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
I had been in an intensely emotional and sexual affair with a friend and co-worker for about eight years where we worked together, traveled together and sexed each other up every day..when the affair mutually ended we remained friends but i needed the sexual out let to help me come down emotionally. I went from heroin to methadone. An then discovered the hobby was far less mentally taxing then affairs with cheating housewives. I then left the hobby and I am back again for the same reasons
ANONONE's Avatar
Back when I was in high school while the other guys were trying to score drugs or booze, I saved my money and paid pretty girls for blowjobs--many of which were their girlfriends.
I was in Reno nevada many years ago with some friends and we bumped into a guy from texas who was sitting with two beautiful women and he asked us to join him at his table. I was thinking to my self man he is lucky to have these two beautiful girlfriends and next thing i knew one had her hand on my leg and whispered to me ..I know how you can have more fun with your money than losing it in the casino.
She was right and my hobby career begain.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
Wife disabled these last 6 years. A friend suggested a provider. I do not seek committment - NSA is the term?
macksback's Avatar
My penis made me do it.
rooster09's Avatar
My SO and I had a pretty good relationship until we had a kid...13 years ago. I can count on the fingers of two hands the number of times we've had sex since then. Her rejection of me was so severe at one point, I swore we'd never have sex again no matter how much she might want it, and I've stuck to that vow.

It's what drove me into the hobby...approximately 2 years ago.

[BTW, our personal relationship is better, but we still don't have sex.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Almost identical to the above. Never to the point that I swore off sex with the SO though, which still rarely ever happens.
... You'd walk in, select one, and head to a back room. ... Originally Posted by tedtex
I remember those places. At the time, I couldn't imagine anything more degrading for the girls. Still can't.
WarmNCordial's Avatar
I remember those places. At the time, I couldn't imagine anything more degrading for the girls. Still can't. Originally Posted by FLWrite
I agree as well. I moved on from that to calling agencies in the Yellow pages. After a while I ended up seeing a lady from an agency who gave me her own phone # and she became my ATF - far better that getting a mystery each time from the agency.
rachet3375's Avatar
SO has been ill with cancer for the past 18 months or so. Prior to her illness we had a wonderful sex life and then it came to a crashing halt. I was able to hold off for almost a year and finally realized that she may never get better. Talk about feeling guilty when I decided to step outside our marriage of 28 yrs. However my sanity required that I do something, wish I could have been stronger, but.... I missed the contact, physically and mentally.
I was around 18-19 away for college. After being tired of waking up from nightly wet dreams, I naturally noticed little things like driving by massage parlors or flipping thru yellow page escort sections. These were the days before internet. I had a few places in mind already when my so-called girlfriend at the time wanted to wait. I said okay and off to the MP I went. I had a white lady in her 40s give me a HJ. It wasn't a particularly great session, but I don't think I cummed so much and so thick since then. Afterwards, I went to see my gf and she said she was ready, but I told her to wait. True story.
SO has been ill with cancer for the past 18 months or so. Prior to her illness we had a wonderful sex life and then it came to a crashing halt. I was able to hold off for almost a year and finally realized that she may never get better. Talk about feeling guilty when I decided to step outside our marriage of 28 yrs. However my sanity required that I do something, wish I could have been stronger, but.... I missed the contact, physically and mentally. Originally Posted by rachet3375
I can sympathize, but you would be excoriated just like John Edwards was.
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
A guitarist in one of the bands I was in (in the early 80s) introduced me to the hobby. He liked to find streetwalkers, but that whole situation freaked me out. I could not imagine how I would explain it to Mom and Dad if I ever got arrested (as a matter of fact, I had an older cousin who was arrested for pandering in the 80s - and that sealed the deal for me, no more streetwalkers).

It wasn't long after that I discovered the escort services in Yellow Pages. I met some interesting women, one was Australian and attending KU Medical School. She was gorgeous and I saw her many times! I just kind of liked the simplicity of it as opposed to dating (although I continue to date). I like having a girlfriend to hang out with, but sometimes you just want sex.

And the hobby provides variety with fewer chances of emotional entanglement (but not completely free of them!).
pyramider's Avatar
I was abducted by aliens. That's my story and I am sticking with it.
Black Sedan's Avatar
My SO and I had a pretty good relationship until we had a kid...13 years ago. I can count on the fingers of two hands the number of times we've had sex since then. Her rejection of me was so severe at one point, I swore we'd never have sex again no matter how much she might want it, and I've stuck to that vow.

It's what drove me into the hobby...approximately 2 years ago.

[BTW, our personal relationship is better, but we still don't have sex.] Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That's sad. It reminds me of grudges I have that I hope I can get past.

I stopped having sex with my wife of many years as she was having an affair, the details are so unique , revealing any would totally out me; I was celibate while she denied her cheating, busted her unequivocally, eventually we divorced. I tried to recover with regular relationships but I don't want to break any more civvie hearts on the rebound, so here we go.