Covid and the hobbyist

It was the hospitals that restricted elective surgeries to make more beds and staff available during the coronavirus surge.
berryberry's Avatar
It was the hospitals that restricted elective surgeries to make more beds and staff available during the coronavirus surge. Originally Posted by IMGTH58
Correct - Hospitals AT THE DIRECTION OF Gov Wolf. Had ZERO to do with insurance companies
Mark56's Avatar
berryberry is right on the money. I was working for AHN last year when the pandemic hit. Gov Wolf and Dr. Rachel Levine issued directives that there would be no elective surgeries done by any hospitals in PA.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Correct - Hospitals AT THE DIRECTION OF Gov Wolf. Had ZERO to do with insurance companies Originally Posted by berryberry
The original post that I quoted and commented with a reply about insurance companies was about cancer treatments being considered “elective” .

berryberry's Avatar
The original post that I quoted and commented with a reply about insurance companies was about cancer treatments being considered “elective” .

Different. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
No - this is the post you replied to

Remember when they closed the hospitals down for everything "elective" like cancer treatments? That is why. Originally Posted by Depurefymii
He was talking about hospitals being forced to shut down by the state for all elective surgeries. He only referenced cancer as one example

You were wrong.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
No - this is the post you replied to

He was talking about hospitals being forced to shut down by the state for all elective surgeries. He only referenced cancer as one example

You were wrong. Originally Posted by berryberry
Ok Berry if you say so. I was commenting on that portion of the post.

You seem like so much fun to have a conversation with, I can’t imagine why you have to do it all on the internet behind an alias

Oh well. My loss I’m sure
berryberry's Avatar
I can’t imagine why you have to do it all on the internet behind an alias
Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
So is Gurrl your real first or last name.
Everyone on this site uses an alias, that is the way it was designed

#5 - Membership here is entirely anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
So is Gurrl your real first or last name.
Everyone on this site uses an alias, that is the way it was designed

#5 - Membership here is entirely anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. Originally Posted by berryberry
I show my face and I’d love to use my real name but you know stigma, discrimination, stalkers, and violence prevent me from doing so.

Also #5 is kinda my point. You could be arguing all of this stuff on a political or social media platform under your real identity but you choose to do it on an escort information exchange board under an alias.
To an audience that is widely not even reading these forums and if they do won’t bother to comment.

Laughable at best
you know,

we all should be ashamed of ourselves. Our relatives, forefathers all fought the fight so that we could protect the rights we have today. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, OURSELVES. Our biggest enemy our undoing has been ourselves and we really all should be embarrassed. But the sad part is that it's going to get worse. Biden wants to be sworn in as normal even though there is a high chance of rioters, more death, and yes a superspreader. Don't get me wrong, I think there will be riots regardless but at what pont does logic ever prefail? We are supposed to be a superpower yet our Capitol was breached?

Corona could have been something to unite us as a country but it didn't work. This isn't about Trump vs Biden, Republican, Vs Democrat, no, it's about being decent people.

Before social media people could discuss their differences professionally or they wouldn't do it at all. Now every single one of us (myself included) can hide behind a keyboard and slam the opposing party at will, but what good does it do? What do we gain from it?

We should stop the bullshit and remember why we are all on this site. Be kind to each other. Life is too short to spend it fighting on things we cannot control.
  • El-mo
  • 01-13-2021, 05:47 PM
berryberry is right on the money. I was working for AHN last year when the pandemic hit. Gov Wolf and Dr. Rachel Levine issued directives that there would be no elective surgeries done by any hospitals in PA. Originally Posted by Mark56
One month. Those restrictions lasted one month.
berryberry's Avatar
I show my face and I’d love to use my real name but you know stigma, discrimination, stalkers, and violence prevent me from doing so.

Also #5 is kinda my point. You could be arguing all of this stuff on a political or social media platform under your real identity but you choose to do it on an escort information exchange board under an alias.
To an audience that is widely not even reading these forums and if they do won’t bother to comment.

Laughable at best Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
LOL. So you use an alias then

And thank you dear but I will post where and what I please. Last I looked, at least for now until the Democrats and Big Tech try and take that right away from us, there is no law that prevents one from participating in more than one social media site. So don't tell me or anyone else what to talk about and what not to talk about
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
LOL. So you use an alias then

And thank you dear but I will post where and what I please. Last I looked, at least for now until the Democrats and Big Tech try and take that right away from us, there is no law that prevents one from participating in more than one social media site. So don't tell me or anyone else what to talk about and what not to talk about Originally Posted by berryberry
Well yes, I have to because of violence and stigma and discrimination and misogyny like I mentioned. But I’m not here on an escort client information exchange starting multiple political posts in a row baiting and telling people they are wrong or stupid or ignorant for believing what they believe.. if I wanted to have a constructive political conversation I’d do it on a political platform where there is a larger audience of differing opinions. That’s how adults have discussions.
It is you telling people what they can or cannot talk about dear, not I. I simply suggested that your doing it here on a non political platform shows that you just want to talk AT strangers on the internet. It’s pretty obvious, dear.
berryberry's Avatar
Well yes, I have to because of violence and stigma and discrimination and misogyny like I mentioned. But I’m not here on an escort client information exchange starting multiple political posts in a row baiting and telling people they are wrong or stupid or ignorant for believing what they believe.. if I wanted to have a constructive political conversation I’d do it on a political platform where there is a larger audience of differing opinions. That’s how adults have discussions.
It is you telling people what they can or cannot talk about dear, not I. I simply suggested that your doing it here on a non political platform shows that you just want to talk AT strangers on the internet. It’s pretty obvious, dear. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
You are way off topic on this thread so I will keep it brief. What you post is laughable as I am the one who posted about the need for free speech and why Big Tech and the Democrats assault on the first amendment is so dangerous.

I posted topics of current interest. Are you implying that some of the people on this board who responded are not educated enough to discuss them?

Now the topic of this thread is Covid and the hobbyist, so time to bring it back to that. I believe it is currently a bad time to be hobbying given the prevalence of the virus
Dr-epg's Avatar
Please stay on topic and quit the personal jabs
NY is now opening up, must me because of Biden. Covid not quite as dangerous now.

I've been going out to WV bars at least twice a week. Yes you can sit at the bar in WV.

Point being Covid basically hasn't changed my lifestyle. The liberal states are saying it's ok now that Trump won't be in office.