REJECTED: Judge rejects the sweetheart Plea Deal from the corrupt DOJ for Hunter

Corruption and Biden’s.

What the Democrats are accusing Trump of, they are actually do8mg themselves!
Very simple.
matchingmole's Avatar
Corruption and Biden’s.

What the Democrats are accusing Trump of, they are actually do8mg themselves!
Very simple. Originally Posted by Chase7
Not really
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not really Originally Posted by matchingmole
You are correct. There’s actual crime and actual evidence on the Biden clan, not just feigned outrage.
matchingmole's Avatar
You are correct. There’s actual crime and actual evidence on the Biden clan, not just feigned outrage. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Not of anyone who ran for election
berryberry's Avatar
Corruption and Biden’s.

What the Democrats are accusing Trump of, they are actually do8mg themselves!
Very simple. Originally Posted by Chase7
Indeed - but with actual crimes and evidence against the Senile Biden Crime Family as Jacuzzme noted

Remember when corporate media and other leftist activists tried to sell this Hunter Biden plea deal as evidence that our Department of Justice isn’t corrupt? LOL

The sweetheart plea deal was an effort to coverup and kill any investigation into Senile Biden. The corrupt DOJ got caught red handed. Now in a just system they need to be held to account. The corrupt DOJ and FBI are destroying the country. The deal never made sense to anyone.

The sweetheart deal called for no jail time for tax evasion and on unrelated perjury on a gun application form. Plus, immunity from all other outstanding criminal conduct.

The Corrupt DOJ also let the statute of limitations run on tax fraud committed by Hunter in 2014 and 2015. The Corrupt DOJ has continually attempted to prevent any effort by Congress to look into any aspect of the investigation and the deal.

The judge asked what was still being investigated? The prosecutors reluctantly said FARA when the judge herself brought it up. But the sweetheart deal was intended to immunize Hunter from FARA charges or any other charges on any other crime he committed.

The level and extent of corruption here is incredible - both in the Senile Biden Crime Family, at the corrupt DOJ and FBI and at Hunter's corrupt lawyers. And let's not leave out the DNC media

They all hate America
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not of anyone who ran for election Originally Posted by matchingmole
This guy sums it up well.

Cody69's Avatar
Hunter needs to go to jail just like any other criminal. If President Biden did wrong he should also be in Jail. Just like Bone Spurs Trump needs to go to jail for all the wrong doing he has done. Trump with all of his crimes should be sentenced for at least 500 years.

Life in person for getting those five killed when he got destroyed in his reelection, threatening witnesses, bribing witnesses. the list goes on and on. Oh and the biggest one, taking, selling, and keeping secret documents from our intelligence agencies. Our country could be taken over because of it and at least cause us to be a weaker country. Firing squad for that one.


So in short Hunter Biden and Bone Spurs Trump should spend there lives in Jail.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Retarded rant not withstanding, not knowing the difference between traitor and trader is pretty funny.
Cody69's Avatar
ANYONE Being someone's bitch or puppet is one of the worsts thing anyone could be. Thinking for one's self is what life is all about.
berryberry's Avatar
I know those on the left can't resist trying to satisfy their TDS and making everything about Trump but this thread is about Hunter Biden and Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ being exposed by the courts

Here is a great article by a former Federal Prosecutor:

The fix was in for Hunter Biden — until a hero judge stepped up

If you are trying to pull off a corrupt deal — one that is actually political theater, but that you are trying to masquerade as law — you’d better make sure the judge is in on it.

When it came to that little detail, the Biden administration dropped the ball.

Judge Maryellen Noreika instead did her job.

That is why Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea bargain blew up in Delaware federal court Wednesday.

Understand what was happening here.

In every normal criminal case, in every legitimate investigation, you have adversarial parties — the defense looking out for the accused’s interest and, critically, the Justice Department looking out for the public interest.

That means government attorneys are appropriately aggressive in prosecuting lawbreakers.

In fact, Justice Department plea-bargain standards generally call for requiring the defendant to plead guilty to, at a minimum, the most serious, readily provable charge.

The Biden investigation is continuing — even expanding — but we already know the Justice Department could have readily proved serious tax felonies (involving more than $10 million in income) and a gun offense carrying a potential 10-year sentence.

Alas, there’s nothing standard about the Hunter Biden case.

That’s because the parties are not adversaries.

They are in cahoots.

Thus did the president’s son and the president’s Justice Department conspire to orchestrate a plea deal that would (a) allow Hunter Biden to escape prison and be given immunity from future prosecution over the Biden family business of cashing in on President Biden’s political influence, and (b) allow the Biden administration to pretend that, with independence and integrity, the president had allowed his Justice Department to prosecute his own son.

On the egregious facts already known about Hunter’s conduct and the Biden family business, there would have been no way to consummate such a deal unless the judge was in on the scheme.
Noreika was not in on it.

She is the one who acted with independence and integrity, declining to let the Biden family and the Biden Justice Department turn her into a rubber stamp for their corruption.

Part of what can make a plea bargain a sweetheart plea bargain is how it’s framed.

That’s especially true in political cases.

The point of plea agreements, by which the vast majority of criminal cases are settled, is to spell out in exacting detail the complete understanding of the parties.

It’s a contract.

If something goes wrong down the road, if one of the parties breaches the terms, the clarity of the agreement puts everyone on notice of the consequences.

Here, though, because the defendant and the prosecution were not adversaries as in normal criminal cases, they could not spell out their one-sided agreement.

Doing so would have been too politically damaging — and this was all about politics.

Both Hunter Biden and the Biden Justice Department wanted an arrangement that would give Hunter the maximum amount of immunity from prosecution for the minimum amount of criminal admissions they thought they could get away with.

But there would have been scandal if prosecutors had written an agreement that said: Hunter pleads guilty to two trivial misdemeanor counts for years 2018 and 2019 with the expectation of no jail time, and the government further makes a firearms felony disappear; in exchange, the Justice Department will not prosecute him for any other tax crimes, money laundering, felony failure to register as a foreign agent, bribery conspiracy, or any other criminal offenses arising out of his business dealings from 2014 to 2019.

So instead, with a nod and a wink, the Justice Department wrote a plea agreement saying merely that Hunter would plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges in satisfaction of the conduct covering all tax years from 2014 through 2019.

This would allow Hunter to walk away saying the case was over and claiming immunity for not only tax crimes but for any criminal offense arising out of his years of lucrative business dealings.

For its part, the Justice Department would say, “The agreement settling the tax offenses speaks for itself. Beyond that, we, of course, cannot comment because that could compromise an ongoing investigation.”

Get it?

Hunter quietly walks away with a complete pass, the Justice Department clams up, the “ongoing investigation” slips into the great black hole that it has been all along, never again to be heard of, and Joe Biden goes on the campaign trail bragging about how he fearlessly let his Justice Department prosecute his own son with — all together now — independence and integrity.

It didn’t happen that way because, thankfully, one federal judge did her duty.

Noreika didn’t have to do much: just ask Hunter Biden’s defense lawyers and the Biden Justice Department prosecutors what, exactly, they had agreed to.

The Biden Justice Department didn’t dare say that publicly, so the sweetheart deal went up in smoke.
winn dixie's Avatar
Judge is playing politics from the bench. She got greedy and made a huge mistake.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Looks to me like the first judge in a while who actually isn’t playing politics.

Regardless, the prosecution is obviously biased. Biden’s doj wants Trump hung for spitting on the street, yet makes secret sweetheart deals to people selling the country to the highest bidder. The name ~Justice~ Department clearly doesn’t apply, the Protect Democrats Department is much more fitting.
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ put limited facts in the plea agreement, but tried to hide their non-prosecution agreement in the PRETRIAL DIVERSION AGREEMENT, effectively hiding the full scope of what the corrupt DOJ was offering Hunter.

And they tried to hide it from the judge as well until right before the hearing started.

The infamous "paragraph 15" -- which contained a stunning non-prosecution agreement for Hunter -- wasn't provided to the judge until just before the hearing.

JUDGE: "I didn't get a copy of paragraph 15"

winn dixie's Avatar
Any proof judge didn't get that info.
It was a bluff. The judge is dirty and got greedy. Now hunter may get off with barely slaps on the wrists.
White privilege in action
berryberry's Avatar
Any proof judge didn't get that info. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Ummm, the judge's own words in the post above direct from the court transcript

Senile Biden's DOC tried to pull a fast one on the court and the American public. Thankfully the judge sniffed it out and stopped it

Hell, the corrupt DOJ still has not released a copy of the plea agreement. We only have seen it because some news org got a copy