Wal-Mart Wins 9-0 [and so does America!]

Sure Wal-mart is patriotic....they are a capitalist success story that provides the goods at low prices to the people, even the low-income people.......the Founding Fathers believed capitalism was essential to liberty...... Originally Posted by Marshall

The founding fathers believed capitalism? They didn’t even believe one should vote if one wasn’t a landowner. No, I seriously doubt they were in favor of run-away Capitalism that would threaten their way of life.

everytime a Super-Wal-Mart store enters a community, the typical family of 4 in that community sees their grocery bill drop by $1000 per year....seems that Wal-Mart stops the other merchants from gouging the poor......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by Marshall
Wonderful. Their grocery bill goes down. Of course mine doesn’t. I wouldn’t walk into a Wal-Mart on a bet. But what is that same family of four going to do when THEIR jobs get shipped over seas. Sooner or later, what are the mega-capitalists going to do when there is no one with jobs left to buy their shit? Remember, it's a recession when you neighbor doesn't have a job; it's a depression when you don't have a job.

anti-American? Isn't what you meant anti-progressive? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by Marshall
You may be, but odds are, you are not a multi-millionaire. It just cracks me up when non-upper 6%’ers are die hard, capitalist Republicans. Don’t you know that being a hanging-oner doesn’t mean that you will be given the scraps from the wealthiest 6% tables? Wishing you were rich and being rich are two different things. Unless you are one of the wealthiest in the country, you, and people that think like you, are wishing their lives away.
@ CT:

I didn't blow by anything; I agree the merits were based on wheter or not the class could be certified...and Wal-Marts claims were victorious, no matter how you try to spin it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Your definition of "merits" is sadly lacking. "Merits" has nothing to do with class certification. It has to do with trying the substantive claims, and neither the Ps or the Ds tried those issues.
Typical blow-hard lawyer talk; you criticize me for not having having the proper definition of merits; but you don't offer up your own definition.......

a. Law A party's strict legal rights, excluding jurisdictional, personal, or technical aspects.
b. The factual content of a matter, apart from emotional, contextual, or formal considerations.

Walmart prevailed in its claims...
Sa_artman's Avatar
It's "you're", not "your"............

Sure Wal-mart is patriotic....they are a capitalist success story that provides the goods at low prices to the people, even the low-income people.......the Founding Fathers believed capitalism was essential to liberty......everytime a Super-Wal-Mart store enters a community, the typical family of 4 in that community sees their grocery bill drop by $1000 per year....seems that Wal-Mart stops the other merchants from gouging the poor......HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

anti-American? Isn't what you meant anti-progressive? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

I should be lined up on a wall? Are you saying I should be killed? We don't talk that way in this forum....I expect a moderator to be communicating with you shortly........ Originally Posted by Marshall
Getting your panties in an uproar are we. I like how your best retorts are an endless stream of HA! Considering you've pulled quite a post count in such a short time, with no reviews, I would assume it's safe to assume you probably don't even have a job and sit at home all day trolling forums. I bet you do shop at Wally Mart. Just a wild guess. Can I quote you? "HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!"
You need to re-think your whole approach to this board......threats of physical violence are not cool........
If you think Wal-Mart is patriotic, you should be lined up on a wall. Your a closet anti-American Marshall. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
everytime a Super-Wal-Mart store enters a community, the typical family of 4 in that community sees their grocery bill drop by $1000 per year.... Originally Posted by Marshall
Then, a year later when WM has run all the competition out of business, WM makes up the difference by spiking it's prices as the only game in town.

For the locals: short-term gain; long-term loss.
Sa_artman's Avatar
You need to re-think your whole approach to this board......threats of physical violence are not cool........ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
There's nothing physical about it, your just reading into it which is typical. Could have meant this.

What's not cool is putting spin on things. <Insert ridiculous stream of HA!'s here>
The research report I got that from said the savings were long term [partly because the competition had to lower its prices to survive].....

Sorry Charlie......remember before when I said that the US was the world's energy superpower and you said it wasn't even in the top 5.....I showed you the GOVERNMENT report I got it from and you never said a word about it again

you are wrong AGAIN.......you believe the things you WANT to believe, not facts........... Originally Posted by Marshall
Yeah, you're talking about a "report" which you don't cite. I'm talking about MY experience where WM moves into small towns (lots of them all over the world) and crushes the competition into going out of business. Bet your "report" doesn't show that part of the picture.

As for your alleged Gov't report, I find it odd that you promote anything from the Gov't, your nemesis. I didn't read it. I assume it probably said what you said it said, but I also presume, with any "report" statistics can be manipulated. And anyone can find something on the net to support any position. You can even find support for white power and American Nazis.
Yeah, you're talking about a "report" which you don't cite.

As for your alleged Gov't report,

I didn't read it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Why should I waste my time posting reports or link to reports that will go unread?

The reason you don't know things is because you don't read things.....your feelings dictate what you believe, not facts......
TexTushHog's Avatar
If you think prevailing on procedural issues alone is prevailing on the merits, so be it. That's not the merits in my book.

And how on earth is the Obama health care law, that provides coverage to 39 million individuals who otherwise wouldn't have health insurance anti-individual? Sounds like Orwellian double speak to me.

That being said, I won't be the least bit surprised that five members of the Supreme Court will find a way to ignore what Justice Scalia said about the Commerce Clause in Gonzales v. Raich and overturn the law.They are judicial revolutionaries in the truest sense of the word. Precedent means nothing to those guys. Anything for the corporate elite and they're for it.
IfAnd how on earth is the Obama health care law, that provides coverage to 39 million individuals who otherwise wouldn't have health insurance anti-individual? Sounds like Orwellian double speak to me.

That being said, I won't be the least bit surprised that five members of the Supreme Court will find a way to ignore what Justice Scalia said about the Commerce Clause in Gonzales v. Raich and overturn the law.They are judicial revolutionaries in the truest sense of the word. Precedent means nothing to those guys. Anything for the corporate elite and they're for it. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Orwellian double speak? Obamacare is socialism....socialism is force.....force is anti-individual.....

read the 1989 University of Chicago Law Review article titled "The Rule of Law as a Law of Rules".......that should explain Scalia's view on the Commerce Clause for you....though Scalia may lean too far to reach certitude at the expense of liberty, don't hold your breath he'll find Obamacare constitutional
It's called cohersion.....Obama care is providing healthcare to millions through forced redistribution; it is totally top down policy and anti-individual.....you might consider it compassionate; but it isn't a law that is cemented in individual rights and liberties.

Your statement really exposes just how dishonest the left tries to be......

And how on earth is the Obama health care law, that provides coverage to 39 million individuals who otherwise wouldn't have health insurance anti-individual? Sounds like Orwellian double speak to me.
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TexTushHog's Avatar
Requiring a person who is going to incur health care expenses to have insurance is no more socialism than requiring those who may have an auto accident to have liability insurance is socialism. Nor is it any more coercion than the previous example.
Oh, good grief! Cohersion? In addition to that, there is a guy who puts FOUR periods at the end of practically every phrase and doesn't capitalize anything calling someone else out for using "your" rather than "you're"? And somebody screaming "lawyer talk" in an attempt to demean dialog offered about a legal decision. Where am I? Seinfeld's Bizarro World? LMAO!

Personal experience: There was a milk price war and one grocery chain was selling milk at a far lower price than Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart lowered their price and the other chain did, too, again, just to stay below Wal-Mart! Eventually Wal-Mart got tired of selling milk below their cost because they were selling lots more milk to lots more customers than the other chain. It didn't take long for Wal-Mart to raise the price back to regular levels and then to offer to match the other store's prices.

However, they were sly about it and did not advertise their policy. You only learned they would match the price if you saw someone else mentioning the difference and saw the cashier making an adjustment in the price. You had to ask them specifically about the price difference and you had to tell them the correct price of the competitor's milk on that day.

My point is to say that just as soon as Wal-Mart drives out competition in an area, you will see that store's prices adjusted upward accordingly.

Unlike when Sam Walton was alive and "bought American", the current corporate staff at Wal-Mart buys very little in America and will even help pay Central Americans a bonus to clear forests if they can negotiate a long-term beef contract with them for a nickel a pound less than they pay U.S. ranchers in return.

Wal-Mart is far from a shining example of corporate integrity and they pay 1/2 less or even more than that off what any of you pay for electricity while hordes of shoppers keep their automatic door spewing A/C into the parking lot 24/7.

An average of more than 90 assaults per month occurs in the parking lot of the typical Wal-Mart and yet they drive hard bargains with your city fathers to receive a tax abeyance even while they demand extra city-provided police for investigating and responding to the Parking Lot crime and directing the extra shopping traffic. Then there is the street and road wear they accelerate.

Before you yell "jobs" at the top of your lungs to protest my scribbling, know that they 'invented' the 28-hour 'full-time' work week just to get around paying benefits required for workers who work more than 30 hours! Then there is this little tidbit:

In one southern state, more than 42% of all Wal-Mart employees qualify for government assistance tied to their poverty-level wages and you and I pay the taxes that subsidize the workforce Wal-Mart has cleverly chosen to exploit!

I tend to agree with Olivia who has a better command of English than 80% of the "know-it-alls" here with certain obvious exceptions. I do not shop at Wal-Mart unless they have something I cannot find elsewhere.

Friends and enemies, I give you Wal-Mart because they are the antithesis of what made America great. I disagree that America won anything when a corporation like Wal-Mart can effect chopping down part of a Central American Rain Forest so that a heretofore happy native can grow grass to graze cattle just so Wal-Mart can keep from paying American ranchers the going rate for beef.

They should have a literacy test for some people before they are allowed to start fights over spelling, grammar, politics or judicial decisions. Then I could skip over the ones who don't make sense and/or the ones that refuse to document their data before I read them.

Now, please feel free to resume your regularly-scheduled, uninformed and inaccurate pissing and moaning.

Here is just one source and I have dozens more for all you people who are rejoicing at the decision made by Pubic Thomas, Antonin "Misogynist" Scabface and the rest of the paid-for thieves that are restricted from accepting payola from outside influences even less than Federal District Judges.

http://wwwDOTwalmartmovieDOTcom/facts.php - don't really want to hotlink this site to a SHMB so when your browser doesn't take you to the source put a period where the "DOTS" are if you care to see the source.

Requiring a person who is going to incur health care expenses to have insurance is no more socialism than requiring those who may have an auto accident to have liability insurance is socialism. Nor is it any more coercion than the previous example. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

You trotting out this old broken down horse? Not socialism? Then why do they call it socialized medicine? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Pay attention, I plan to dispose of this quickly..........

Auto insurance is state mandated, not federal government mandated....see enumerated powers, Federalist #41 and 10th Amendment.....

Only auto liability insurance is required to protect other people....you don't have to insure for your own potential losses.....

auto insurance is not mandatory!....you don't have to drive......many people who live in NYC get around with private drivers, taxis and buses and don't drive............

Nobody is forced to pay for your auto insurance, you have to pay for it yourself!

Driving entails driving over public roads thus creating some legitimacy to government action

Obamacare is mandatory with the threat of fines and imprisonment for failure to purchase....force is used to get compliance.......

I'm sure if I dedicate a little more time to this, I could add a couple more....guess what?....I'm not going to.......