Biden Exhibits Syptome of Dementia at Fund Raiser

The fucker doesn't even know where he is at ANY given moment...but he's STILL around...
No, it isn't Trump vs Biden. For Democrats the dilemma is Biden Vs Harris. Which one scares you the most?

But to move on . . .the topic of the thread is President Biden's health and cognitive decline.

I will be surprised if President Biden can continue to sustain the physical and/or mental ability to perform even ceremonial functions of the Presidency let alone function as an effective executive in the coming months.

It is my judgment that he will not be able to finish out the remainder of this term for medical reasons. I put the odds of that at 50%.

For the same reasons of medical health, I make the odds of him not being the Democrat's presidential nominee at ~85%

Furthermore, elected or not, I place the odds of President Biden not living past 2024 at 100%. . . .for medical reasons of health. Originally Posted by ICU 812
We always ask……”who the fuck votes for these people?”
From reading the comments in this thread, we know.