Halloween Party 3.0

I am always willing to look silly........it is a SHMB.......is that a "no" for missi hart because she is a he? How unkind of you, and backward thincking.......you could add a question to your poll asking if anyone wants a TS to be there.

Blame Whispers for my visit........ijs

It is still a threAD Originally Posted by dearhunter
Oh dear, you know so little :-( I know missi personally and won't even touch on that subject because he is a dear friend of mine. I don't need to add a question to the poll about how people feel about a TS being there, just like I don't need to be sure people are "ok" with other races being there, or republicans or democrats.... This is a party!!! Not a orgy or speed dating. MATURE ADULTS hanging out. No need to blame whispers for anything, I have no issue with him. Have always gotten along with him. It tis' you who chose to come into my thread and be a drag. It is still a threAD? Sure. It's an ad for a free party! Not an ad for appointments. Since u choose to be a "party pooper" I won't be replying to anymore of your posts, this is a party thread. Not a drama thread. If u feel the need to be ugly, there are plenty of threads in which u can behave that way. Even some in which u will get more of a reaction... Not here, not with me At least :-) have no interest in Internet arguing with someone I don't know. Too busy in my real life for that. *yawn*

Thanks for the messages everyone! Logging off now, will reply with party details ASAP. Ciao
knotty man's Avatar
holy shit! you need to wear that wife beater in your showcase.
i think thats the sexiest pic ive ever seen in a showcase!!
dearhunter's Avatar
And here I thought you meant it when you said "anything goes".......I am offended for missi hart that you continue to call him a he..........when he clearly identifies as a she......and by extension ( being such a "dear friend") should not be subject this blatant discrimination.

As a penitence, you should invite all of the Austin TS/TVs to the party.......I'm thincking that you need some gender diversity......ijs
TS means male that dresses as female right? Maybe she knows the MALE side of him. Maybe she knows the NON hobby side of him/her? Therfore refers to him/her as the side she knows. Not all TS refer to their self as a woman at all times. At least thats how it is with those i have met or know. They have dual personalities.

Drama drama drama, hope no one comes to the party with any of this!
missi hart's Avatar
marley is a wonderful person and a good friend.

she will throw a great party, and as i said previously, i have no doubt her guests will have a great time.
marley is a wonderful person and a good friend.

she will throw a great party, and as i said previously, i have no doubt her guests will have a great time. Originally Posted by missi hart

Well there ya go.... Since Marley is a good friend, she must be right in her speech when calling Missi "him" i also see in your Sig line that you like both men and women. So that also proves the point that just because one is TS that does not mean they only see men and only refer to their self as a "HER". Just stating the obvious facts here. Not one to let a friend be attacked for no reason and over nonsense.... it seems i am not alone. You seem sweet, if you are at the party, come introduce your self!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Oh dear, it's so so little.. Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
Thanck you. May I request an invitation, please?

Deerhunter, stop being an ashole!



dearhunter's Avatar
If she lets you in I might consider telling deerhunter to fuck off..........I thinck I am starting to understand why missi hart is not invited to the party.......even Alden is confused as to whether he is a she or a he dressing up as a she part time......but, I thinck I have a solution.

Invite missi hart as a he.........and just don't tell anyone he is really a he and not a she.
Haven't you all figured it out yet????

dearhunter is asking Missi Hart for a date to Marley's party. Perhaps dearhunter needs some assistance with his....er.....ah...costume.... ........

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh dear, you know so little :-( I know missi personally and won't even touch on that subject because he is a dear friend of mine. I don't need to add a question to the poll about how people feel about a TS being there, just like I don't need to be sure people are "ok" with other races being there, or republicans or democrats.... This is a party!!! Not a orgy or speed dating. MATURE ADULTS hanging out. No need to blame whispers for anything, I have no issue with him. Have always gotten along with him. It tis' you who chose to come into my thread and be a drag. It is still a threAD? Sure. It's an ad for a free party! Not an ad for appointments. Since u choose to be a "party pooper" I won't be replying to anymore of your posts, this is a party thread. Not a drama thread. If u feel the need to be ugly, there are plenty of threads in which u can behave that way. Even some in which u will get more of a reaction... Not here, not with me At least :-) have no interest in Internet arguing with someone I don't know. Too busy in my real life for that. *yawn*

Thanks for the messages everyone! Logging off now, will reply with party details ASAP. Ciao Originally Posted by MarleyMonroe
Very well said!! I can't believe anyone is looking at this thread as a personal ad for yourself. Just someone trying to do something nice for the ECCIE community.
dearhunter's Avatar
Am I invited?
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 09-30-2013, 09:43 PM
Just seems to be a sponsored "community" event by Marley. Like any other M&G you get there by being vouched. Since I haven't seen any of the "sponsors" I won't be there but it IS a community event, regardless of who makes up that community. Equal opportunity parting!

Have fun, but not too much. If you need to borrow a fog machine let me know. Might make for a great photo op. LOL
NipLover's Avatar
Dearhunter, start using your dick and stop being one.

Marley, I'd love to attend.I'll let the majority set the date and I will attend if I can. Provided I meet the criteria.
dearhunter's Avatar
Nip, are you a TV?

TVs are not invited.........Space did hold out hope that I will get an invite.......if you are a TV, maybe I can get you in......but, you will have to dress like a guy........are you ok with that?
Still Looking's Avatar
LOL this threAD reminds me of something....