Obama Finally Says "He Is Sorry" For Obamacare

Yssup Rider's Avatar
To quote Blaze Saddles:

Will somebody help that poor man?

Of course, NBC is there.

Yeah, he's going to do "everything in his power" to help those people just like he was going to work "tirelessly" to bring the Benghazi terrorists to justice, raise the employment rate or any number of things he's put off.

The President will do everything in his power except negotiate or miss a round of golf. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Shut up, or Gary gets it!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Porch monkey? Pretty much makes me wonder if you realize how fucking stupid you look when you post racial epithets like that....fucking moron.

I've got a question for the mods. How come idiots like The Waco Kid get to call our President a nigger here on the forums without any apparent consequence? And why do idiots like this clown get to call our President a porch monkey? I got a warning last year for mentioning that the libertarian candidate was a confirmed pot smoker. But, this shit gets a pass? Chica? WTF? Originally Posted by timpage
No one had any problem when everyone was calling Bush a "chimp" or with the pics that were posted at the time. Not being partisan here, whats OK on one side is also OK on the other. Its a pretty fine line here and it would probably be best for all to back away from it little bit. Tim, you are always going to get points for drug references, anywhere on the site. You all know that one.
LexusLover's Avatar
...you racist motherfucker.

... carry on... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Don't you think it's about time for a fresh deck of cards?

#1: Incompetence has nothing to do with one's race.
#2. "He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword."

IMO one of the primary reasons that Jackie Robinson was good for baseball, and other facets of life, was, and is, because he was a Good baseball player. Not the GREATEST, but competent with the legitimate statistics to support the decision to "allow" him and other Black men in the future to play in the majors.

The same with the "Tuskegee Airmen" in WWII.

Irrespective of one's "status" in society, if they are going to pave the way for others in the future, who were previously prohibited, they must excel above and beyond those who are already present in that status in order to demonstrate their competency and qualification to function in that "new" capacity. And that requirement is not limited to one's skin color....it applies to any classification of minority in any identified community or organization.

And if you think that is "racist," .....

...................then you need to wash that "card" off your sleeve and grow up.

Mr. Obama lacked the experience and qualifications for the job of the President. It shows.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2013, 05:48 AM

And if you think that is "racist," .....

...................then you need to wash that "card" off your sleeve and grow up.

Mr. Obama lacked the experience and qualifications for the job of the President. It shows. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you think it ok to call Obama a lazy nigger?

And Yssup is pulling the race card when points out that people calling the President a lazy nigger might be a tad racist...

So let me get this straight in my mind...a person calling the President a lazy nigger(gary5912) isn't racist , just the person (Yssup) calling out the person who called the President a lazy nigger is pulling out the race card because he comments on the persons post who called the President of the United States a lazy nigger? Did I get that correct?

makes you wonder if that porch monkey realizes how fucking stupid he looks when he opens his mouth Originally Posted by gary5912
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2013, 06:07 AM
Me thinks you Tea Turkeys protest to damn much...

So you think it ok to call Obama a lazy n*****?
Originally Posted by WTF
Your tactic of justifying the "n-word" by using it in a question is totally unacceptable you moronic buffoon.

Me thinks you Tea Turkeys protest to damn much... Originally Posted by WTF
Thinking was never your strong suit - especially on the interwebs.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2013, 06:22 AM
Your tactic of justifying the "n-word" by using it in a question is totally unacceptable you moronic buffoon.

Thinking was never your strong suit - especially on the interwebs. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Tell us the difference between using the words ''lazy nigger'' or ''porch monkey'' ole wise racist one?

Racist use code words amongist themselves. Porch monkey is the new word for lazy nigger that you seem to want to defend. Are you unconfy about me exposing the truth? Do you not have to courage of your conviction? Porch monkey is ok but lazy nigger crosses the line? Do you know the history of the 'P****M***** word? Is that how you want me to type Porch Monkey so not to offend?


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-08-2013, 06:39 AM
Oh and btw Obama did not say he was sorry for Obamacare as the title of this thread suggests, suggest hell, it flat out lies and says!

Tell us the difference between using the words ''lazy nigger'' or ''porch monkey'' ole wise racist one?

Racist use code words amongist themselves. Porch monkey is the new word for lazy nigger that you seem to want to defend. Are you unconfy about me exposing the truth? Do you not have to courage of your conviction? Porch monkey is ok but lazy nigger crosses the line? Do you know the history of the 'P****M***** word? Is that how you want me to type Porch Monkey so not to offend?


Originally Posted by WTF
Just priceless, you moronic buffoon.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama is not only the worst President we have ever had, he is also the worst half white President we have ever had.
The government is the racist when it comes to defining race. Obama is neither black nor white but is bi-racial. It is only the government that dictates that because he has black African blood that he is classified as a Negro. In a nation that claims equality for all they seem to have an unusually high interest in the racial make-up of its citizens. Until the government stops looking a a person's race there will never be equality for all. to quote that great "Statesman" Hillary Clinton, "What does it matter"

I do understand that the Democrats must constantly race bait in order to keep their Constituents down. One of these days they will wake up and see how they have been fucked by their party.
This is why CC is the best mod on ECCIE...............

TrannyTim knew the reason why he got points, but WacoKid didn't; one was a violation of forum rules, the other wasn't...simple ! TrannyTim just wanted a reason to whine.

BTW, I thought TrannyTim bid us all "adeiu"......I didn't see his thread announcing his return:
I bid you all "je reviens"

No one had any problem when everyone was calling Bush a "chimp" or with the pics that were posted at the time. Not being partisan here, whats OK on one side is also OK on the other. Its a pretty fine line here and it would probably be best for all to back away from it little bit. Tim, you are always going to get points for drug references, anywhere on the site. You all know that one. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Is he apologizing for lying? Hmmm . . . But I understand your respect. What is the proper way to address the most dishonest, most corrupt, most incompetent and arrogant without reason, elected official in modern history?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I would like to see Obama have a beer (and apologize) to this guy who will likely die (from cancer) because he lost his insurance coverage due to Obamacare.........btw, he voted for Obama.


This thread pretty much shows that even when Obama steps up and take responsibility, He is still dogged out for it. Pretty small of you guys.
By the way the reason those people's insurance got cancelled is because of the pork the Republicans put in the bill.
My proof is that I said it first and as we all know around here that is all you have to say and it is true until proven otherwise.
Not that I don't feel for the bad for the folks that are losing their insurance, but now they/you know how all the people shut out before feel.
I would like to know the reasons for being cancelled. I have a feeling some of them are cancelled for something completely unrelated to Obama care.
What is "small" is a president who intentionally lies and misleads the American public.

Obama's "apology" was bullshit; he needs to detail to the American pubic what his lies are, and acknowledge that the lies are intended to mislead and mis direct voters and consumers.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-08-2013, 08:04 AM
Is he apologizing for lying? Hmmm . . . But I understand your respect. What is the proper way to address the most dishonest, most corrupt, most incompetent and arrogant without reason, elected official in modern history?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I would address him as President Bush if I ever saw him.