Wanna Play TRIVIA Tonight? Looking for TEAM members to join us!

Last night was a blast! We only had the Three Amigos there...but, I recruited two young bucks sitting at the bar...BIG MISTAKE!! Young hotties...but, dumber than a box of rocks!

The one hottie had been waiting 4hrs for his date...we thought...surely, it had to be a provider! (jk...lol) When she finally showed up...they were going at it...hot and heavy...a side show all of their own!

Btw...the hostess for this trivia contest is a YOUNG HOTTIE and very sweet! Next Wednesday, meet by 9p or earlier. Contact us (AljanSATX or me) so we know how many people will be on our team. Have a good weekend everyone!
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Got off of work too late to make the trivia contest, but I did take two lovely ladies to a country / western dance club! Wow I am dragging my ass today at work! Need some five hour energy drinks!
grunt816's Avatar
Always up for a game of Trivia with some friends or new friends. I can hold my own in Trivia situations.
We got news that last night was the end of qualifications for the finals. If our team qualifies...we are looking for three more trivia experts. Here are some of the categories...if you think you can help us, please contact either me or AljanSATX:

1. Science
2. History
3. Geography
4. Military
5. Literature
6. Movies
7. Sports
8. US Cities
9. Medicine
9. Vocabulary
10. US Presidents
Yup I don't know any of that but the food was good last night! LOL!
Haha...was great to see you!!
blasian1246's Avatar
We got news that last night was the end of qualifications for the finals. If our team qualifies...we are looking for three more trivia experts. Here are some of the categories...if you think you can help us, please contact either me or AljanSATX:

1. Science
2. History
3. Geography
4. Military
5. Literature
6. Movies
7. Sports
8. US Cities
9. Medicine
9. Vocabulary
10. US Presidents Originally Posted by Likinikki
I would actually be good at all but literature and movies! I don't know how tough the questions are, but I have confidence in myself. (P.S. I got my degree in history).
Bad News:
Sorry friends...just got an update and we didn't qualify for the semi-finals. We got started a month too late and didn't have enough total points.

Good News:
We are invited to join the winter league which starts in November. So, if anyone is interested in joining our team...contact me or AljanSATX.

Please remember...only vouched members please. And, we need team members who are able to attend ALL of the challenges.

Winter Trivia has already started! Anyone who's good at TRIVIA and interested in joining our Trivia Team...please contact me by PM! Trivia starts at 9p sharp...every Wednesday evening. Hope to see you
Marcus78's Avatar
The brain trust put up a valiant fight last night, but didn't make it into the top spots. :/ I had a blast last night, and I hope we can expand our ranks a bit. Not to mention, the Happy Hour specials were pretty damn good too.
I hope that there is another such event in November. I can hold my own.
  • GTO
  • 10-18-2012, 11:11 AM
just so happens that I'll be in SA next Wed on business.
Any chance a ringer from Houston can take part ?
Hey GTO...absolutely! You have my number...call me! Well, last night was TOUGH!! We need more HELP!

We're shooting to qualify for the $10,000 contest! ANYONE who's an expert with trivia information...we could use the help!!

Good to meet you last night Marcus!
Marcus78's Avatar
Hey GTO...absolutely! You have my number...call me! Well, last night was TOUGH!! We need more HELP!

We're shooting to qualify for the $10,000 contest! ANYONE who's an expert with trivia information...we could use the help!!

Good to meet you last night Marcus!
It was great to meet you too, Nikki. I hope they have a better audio system next time. I couldn't hear shit last night!! LOL Still, it was a blast and I hope to make it every Wednesday if possible.
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Warm up question for the Spurs fans out there?

Here in the Alamo city, most spurs fans will mention a few moments in spurs history that will last a lifetime and will never be forgotten: The memorial day miracle, 0.4 seconds etc. For me, my most notorious was opening day 1995 when the water cannon went off inside the alamodome delaying the start of the game/season for 50 mins. I was at this game and luckily not sitting in one of those sections.

Question is..."Who did the spurs play that faithful evening in the water drenched alamodome?"
Try to guess w/o researching it.