compare Trump and George Washington

Lapdog's Avatar
L to R: Ivanka, Eric, Trump, Barron, Donald Jr.
Under Washington, black unemployment was lower, bordering on zero. Pay was shit though. Working conditions were less than optimal.

Irrespective of that, Trump is a worthless piece of shit. Without Washington there’d likely be no USA. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah and the Democrats are trying to destroy everything Washington and the founding fathers stood for. They bullshit and bully Blacks and other minorities to vote for them. They even go as far as rigging elections to maintain that power and control over the people. Welcome to the new America.
Gotyour6's Avatar

spent 7 years fighting for the independence of our country

after 8 years, declined to continue to serve as president

earned money as a surveyor to invest in land


avoided military service with a suspicious deferment

after 4 years, hired a team of lawyers to try and keep the presidency

inherited a million dollars from his father to invest in real estate

had someone else to take his college entrance exams Originally Posted by VitaMan
You forgot that he is married to a super model and is a billionaire
  • Tiny
  • 11-22-2020, 05:12 PM
Washington was a good man.

In todays metrics though:

Washington owned slaves!


Under Trump black unemployment was at the lowest its ever been!

Spin that one! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Maybe this is why the Republicans did better than expected this year, given the Covid crisis and Trump's flaws. At the end of 2019, black, hispanic and white unemployment were the lowest they'd been as far back as I could find records, to 1973. Real median household income at the start of 2017 was about $63,300 per year, only up a tad from $62,641 eighteen years earlier in 1999. By 2019, it had jumped up to $68,700.

You have to give Ryan, Trump and other Republicans some credit. Like Reagan, Clinton, and the Congressmen, Treasury Secretaries, and others they worked with, they showed the economy's not a zero sum game. Everyone can end up better off with good policies.
Lapdog's Avatar
She's a squinty eyed eastern bloc mail order hooker and it's debatable whether he's a billionaire or not. But he is a soon to be ex president.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Originally Posted by JCM800
Its fake,

This isnt

Joe Biden gave the eulogy at Robert Byrd’s funeral.

He was a klansman recruiter who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights act for 14 hours.

Biden call him a “mentor” and a “friend.”
winn dixie's Avatar
She's a squinty eyed eastern bloc mail order hooker and it's debatable whether he's a billionaire or not. But he is a soon to be ex president. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I'll agree on melania. She is nothing but a gold digger! Will prolly divorce Trump within the next 2 years. You can just look at her and tell she is cold hearted! She did nothing as a first lady!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
One Scholar On Similarities, Substantial Differences Between Trump And Hitler1

Even before the election, critics had been drawing comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler.

They've pointed to Trump's promise to ban Muslims, deport millions of immigrants, crack down on the press and "make America great again."

On the emergence of right-wing populism

"I would emphasize two main points, I guess. One that in both instances ... I think the rise of this kind of right-wing populism emerges as conservative parties fall apart. So there's sometimes a kind of fantasy of maybe social democrats and liberals, that as conservatives party fall apart, this will mean triumph for social democracy and liberal parties.

So there's a kind of long-term slow decay often people point to in the American political system, congressional dysfunction, the rise of the executive orders, and there's this perception that a single individual needs to step in to kind of solve problems. So I think institutional dysfunction ... gives rise to kind of this temptation to have a single leader solve all of our problems for us."

On the "dilemma of conservatism"

"The form that the right-wing populism takes varies, certainly, and in some instances it can kind of veer out of control into a kind of fascism and that's much more dangerous. In the contemporary setting of the United States and Western Europe, we're not facing that kind of challenge. But we are seeing the same dynamic in the sense that we're seeing conservative parties degenerating — declining appeal, declining organization — and this kind of populism pops up in its wake."
goodman0422's Avatar
Washington was a good man.

In todays metrics though:

Washington owned slaves!


Under Trump black unemployment was at the lowest its ever been!

Spin that one! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Also Hispanic-America unemployment at an all time low.
Asian-American unempoyment at an all time low.
Female unemployment at it lowest in 65 years
Unemployment for those w/out hs diplomas at an all time low
Cutting prescription drug costs (really pissed big pharma off work that one)
Bringing the Chinese Communist Party to the brink of collapse (for those of you who don't see the CCP as a problem, I remind you that they use slave/prison labor and actually have concentration camps for religious and political prisoners. The CCP is like the Nazi Party only w a trade deal w Walmart, Amazon, and Apple)
The closest we have ever been to world peace (except Hong Kong, Seattle & Portland)
War profiteering at an all time low (probably the biggest reason the left and the media hate him. How can it lead if it doesn't bleed? If it doesn't lead, how are we going to get America behind some bs deficit spending totalling trillions?)
And now he wants free and fair elections? Then everyone in the world will want them

I know I'm missing a few things
winn dixie's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
Washington was a good man.

In todays metrics though:

Washington owned slaves!


Under Trump black unemployment was at the lowest its ever been!

Spin that one! Originally Posted by winn dixie

Slavery was all over the world. All kinds of people were slaves. The whole hindu religion is based on making people believe they are slaves in a caste system. The whole buddha religion makes it okay to be lower class and be a slave.....if you do good, you can come back reincarnated in a better position. Why did slavery begin to end ? Because machines got invented that made it possible to be more productive without having to use slaves. If no machines got invented, slavery would still exist today.
winn dixie's Avatar
Also Hispanic-America unemployment at an all time low.
Asian-American unempoyment at an all time low.
Female unemployment at it lowest in 65 years
Unemployment for those w/out hs diplomas at an all time low
Cutting prescription drug costs (really pissed big pharma off work that one)
Bringing the Chinese Communist Party to the brink of collapse (for those of you who don't see the CCP as a problem, I remind you that they use slave/prison labor and actually have concentration camps for religious and political prisoners. The CCP is like the Nazi Party only w a trade deal w Walmart, Amazon, and Apple)
The closest we have ever been to world peace (except Hong Kong, Seattle & Portland)
War profiteering at an all time low (probably the biggest reason the left and the media hate him. How can it lead if it doesn't bleed? If it doesn't lead, how are we going to get America behind some bs deficit spending totalling trillions?)
And now he wants free and fair elections? Then everyone in the world will want them

I know I'm missing a few things Originally Posted by goodman0422
+1 Good Post
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Slavery was all over the world. All kinds of people were slaves. The whole hindu religion is based on making people believe they are slaves in a caste system. The whole buddha religion makes it okay to be lower class and be a slave.....if you do good, you can come back reincarnated in a better position. Why did slavery begin to end ? Because machines got invented that made it possible to be more productive without having to use slaves. If no machines got invented, slavery would still exist today. Originally Posted by VitaMan

inspite of these inventions, slavery still exits. its mostly found in africa.
goodman0422's Avatar
Libyan Slave Trade: Is Obama to Blame?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Both hate people of color.
Both hate immigration.
Both tried illegal power grab while in office (one succeeded and one didn't).

Now tell me specifically what trump did for blacks.
Start naming them. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn