How much does quality writing matter?

TexTushHog's Avatar
I matters a great deal. And the longer the session, or the higher the price, the more it matters. But I don't want a session with a gal that dumber than a sack of hammers under any circumstances.
I think it says A LOT about a gentleman when he looks for an educated mate. To me, when a man seeks an intelligent female, he is seeking an equal. When a gentleman looks for a companion under the criteria of physical characteristics only, to me, it suggests an element of shallowness. Who cares how smart the dog is as long as he's cute, right?

Just like men, women are multi-faceted beings. Physical attraction is vital, but so are intelligence and a vibrant personality. HUMAN AFFECTION is the point of the hobby, is it not? Men can use blow up dolls solely for the purpose of sexual gratification. Hell, I’m sure that someone has the technology for a sexual robot woman. So, why does the hobby still persist if there are cheaper, easier, and less risky methods of sexual satisfaction? I think it is because people need affection, touch, intelligent conversation, humor, sensuality, and mental stimulation, in other words, we need the human element.

Sex can get old pretty fast. There are only so many positions, oral tricks, or “new” techniques that a person can try. Regardless if someone changes the partner that s/he is having sex with; the acts are pretty much the same. I found out really quickly that for sex to be good, I need that mental stimulus. I realize that the hobby isn’t necessarily about me, but when a man says to me, “What can I do to make you feel good?” It speaks volumes about who he is as a person. I think that the desire for mutual satisfaction is a trait that goes hand in hand with finding an intelligent mate.

Wouldn’t that be an interesting study: Finding out the number of men who want intelligent, vibrant women, and determine the percentage of them who desire for mutual satisfaction in the bedroom…
gamma's Avatar
  • gamma
  • 07-11-2010, 12:05 AM
It matters a great deal. And the longer the session, or the higher the price, the more it matters. But I don't want a session with a gal that dumber than a sack of hammers under any circumstances. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Also, interesting posts and replies tend to make the person more in-the-money.
SlowHand49's Avatar
For me, the mind is one of the most important of the erogenous zones . . .
atlcomedy's Avatar
Men can use blow up dolls solely for the purpose of sexual gratification. … Originally Posted by brittanylennox
WTF has been relying on this for years.... Did the manufacturer ever make good on the lifetime warranty you paid for on your ATF?

Also, interesting posts and replies tend to make the person more in-the-money. Originally Posted by gamma
I tend to agree. Smart is sexy and a turn-on (even if I disagree with you)
Sa_artman's Avatar
I prefer big brains over large bosoms any day. My fantasy girlfriend enjoys a well made latte and good conversation over breakfast (post carnal activities of course). Well placed meaning and emotion in writing is more important I think than perfect grammar. A lot of good writers were far from English majors.
Presentation matters quite a bit. And actually, I've had gentlemen tell me they usually see blonde spinners, but that they were interested in seeing me because I could put a sentence together.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-11-2010, 02:05 PM
Well it sounds like the difference is that some date/marry smart and sexy. So I have an abundance of that on the homefront.

I want the ''hot and in heat when we meet'' type. I don't give a rats ass how they type. Everyone has a intresting story if ya dig deep enough and the orginial question was pertaining to a hour or so date. On those, I dig no deeper than their panties! If I want to take a date on vacation and dig deeper, I'll take my GF, if I want a roll in the hay for some strange, I opt for a hottie....feels less like cheating. Plus I can get away to the gym for a couple of hours, no questions asked, not so much so for a week in Paris, without getting my balls chopped off!

...........and there is always the blow-up dolly that atlcomedy and I share!
...........and there is always the blow-up dolly that atlcomedy and I share! Originally Posted by WTF
And I assume it is PJ's responsibility to clean up between uses.
discreetgent's Avatar
And I assume it is PJ's responsibility to clean up between uses. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Sa_artman's Avatar
And I assume it is PJ's responsibility to clean up between uses. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Gryphon's Avatar
I found out really quickly that for sex to be good, I need that mental stimulus. I realize that the hobby isn’t necessarily about me, but when a man says to me, “What can I do to make you feel good?” It speaks volumes about who he is as a person. I think that the desire for mutual satisfaction is a trait that goes hand in hand with finding an intelligent mate.

Wouldn’t that be an interesting study: Finding out the number of men who want intelligent, vibrant women, and determine the percentage of them who desire for mutual satisfaction in the bedroom… Originally Posted by brittanylennox
That would make for an interesting matched set of polls, if there were some way to cross index the results. Probably not in this forum, though; the results would probably be skewed.
And I assume it is PJ's responsibility to clean up between uses. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
That'll be the day.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-11-2010, 05:57 PM
That'll be the day. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Don't worry PJ, I use a condom.
atlcomedy's Avatar
...would applaud our environmental responsibility...sharing instead of us all buying our own.

Hell, even Al Gore was part of our timeshare arrangement. Apparently now that he left Tipper, he no longer has a need for "Sally"